Читать книгу Notes and Queries, Number 66, February 1, 1851 - Various - Страница 5
ОглавлениеDuring my perusal of Mr. Jesse's pleasant volumes, I marked two or three slips of the pen, which it may not be amiss to make a note of.
In vol. i. pp. 403, 404, 405., there is a curious treble error regarding Thomas Sutton, the munificent founder of the Charter House. He is successively styled Sir Thomas, Sir Richard, and Sir Robert. Sutton's Christian name was Thomas. He was never knighted. Of the quaint leaden case which incloses his remains, and of its simple inscription, an accurate drawing, with accompanying particulars, by your able correspondent Mr. E. B. Price, was inserted in the Gent. Mag. for January, 1843, p. 43. The inscription runs thus: "1611. Thomas Sutton, Esquiar."
Vol. ii. pp. 34, 35, 36. Mr. Jesse's ingenious suggestions relative to the tradition of the burial of Oliver Cromwell in Red Lion Square, merit the careful attention of all London antiquaries.
Ib. p. 316.:
"There is no evidence of Clement's Inn having been a Court of Law previous to 1486."
For "a court of law," read "an inn of court."
Ib. p. 339. Erratum, line 9, in reference to Mrs. Garrick's reopening of her house, for the first time after her husband's decease—for "1701" read "1781," obviously a printer's error.
Ib. p. 423.:
"Cranmer's successor in the see of Canterbury was Archbishop Whitgift."
Whitgift was Grindal's successor, and Grindal was preceded by Parker, who must be deemed Cranmer's successor. Cranmer perished in 1556. Parker was made archbishop in 1559.
Mr. Jesse will not be angry, I am sure, with the above notes, or need any apology for an attempt to add to the value of his book.
Henry Campkin.
Reform Club, Jan. 10. 1851.