Читать книгу The Humorous Poetry of the English Language; from Chaucer to Saxe - Various - Страница 10



Epigrams of Ben Jonson.

To Fine Grand

" Brainhardy

" Doctor Empiric

" Sir Samuel Fuller

On Banks, the Usurer

" Chevril the Lawyer

Epigrammatic Verses by Samuel Butler





The Godly






The Law

" "

" "



Bad Writers

The Opinionative

Language of the Learned

Good Writing




Laborious Writers

On a Club of Sots



Epigrams of Edmund Waller

On a Painted Lady

On the Marriage of the Dwarfs

Epigrams of Matthew Prior

A Simile

The Flies

Phillis's Age

To the Duke de Noailles

On Bishop Atterbury

Forma Bonum Fragile

Earning a Dinner

Bibo and Charon

The Pedant

Epigrams of Joseph Addison

The Countess of Manchester

To an Ill-favored Lady

To a Capricious Friend

To a Rogue

Epigrams of Alexander Pope

On Mrs. Tofts

To a Blockhead

The Fool and the Poet

Epigrams of Dean Swift

On Burning a Dull Poem

To a Lady

The Cudgeled Husband

On seeing Verses written upon Windows at Inns

On seeing the Busts of Newton, Looke, etc.

On the Church's Danger

On one Delacourt, etc.

On a Usurer

To Mrs. Biddy Floyd

The Reverse

The Place of the Damned

The Day of Judgment

Paulus the Lawyer Lindsay

Epigrams by Thomas Sheridan.

On a Caricature

On Dean Swift's Proposed Hospital, etc.,

To a Dublin Publisher

Which is Which Byron

On some Lines of Lopez de Vega Dr. Johnson

On a Full-length Portrait of Beau Nash, etc., Chesterfield

On Scotland Cleveland

Epigrams of Peter Pindar

Edmund Burke's Attack on Warren Hastings

On an Artist

On the Conclusion of his Odes

The Lex Talionis upon Benjamin West

Barry's Attack upon Sir Joshua Reynolds

On the Death of Mr. Hone

On George the Third's Patronage of Benjamin West

Another on the Same

Epitaph on Peter Staggs

Tray's Epitaph

On a Stone thrown at a very great Man, etc.

A Consolatory StanzaEpigrams by Robert Burns.

The Poet's Choice

On a celebrated Ruling Elder

On John Dove

On Andrew Turner

On a Scotch Coxcomb

On Grizzel Grim

On a Wag in Mauchline

Epitaph on W—

On a Suicide

Epigrams from the German of Lessing.


A Nice Point

True Nobility

To a Liar Mendax

The Bad Wife

The Dead Miser

The Bad Orator

The Wise Child

Specimen of the Laconic

Cupid and Mercury


On Dorilis

To a Slow Walker, etc.

On Two Beautiful One-eyed Sisters

The Per Contra, or Matrimonial Balance

Epigrams of S. T. Coleridge.

An Expectoration

Expectoration the Second

To a Lady


Beelzebub and Job


An Eternal Poem

Bad Poets

To Mr. Alexandre, the Ventriloquist Scott

The Swallows R. B. Sheridan

French and English Erskine

Epigrams by Thomas Moore.

To Sir Hudson Lowe


To Miss—


On being Obliged to Leave a Pleasant Party, etc.

What my Thought's like?

From the French

A Joke Versified

The Surprise


On a Squinting Poetess

On a Tuft-hunter

The Kiss

Epitaph on Southey

Written in a Young Lady's Common-place Book

The Rabbinical Origin of Women


On Butler's Monument Wesley

On the Disappointment of the Whig Associates

of the Prince Regent, etc Lamb

To Professor Airey Sydney Smith

On Lord Dudley and Ward Rogers

Epigrams of Lord Byron.

To the Author of a Sonnet, etc.

Windsor Poetics

On a Carrier, etc.

Epigrams of R. H. Barham.

On the Windows of King's College, etc.

New-made Honor

Eheu Fugaces

Anonymous Epigrams.

On a Pale Lady, etc.

Upon Pope's Translation of Homer

Recipe for a Modern Bonnet

My Wife and I

On Two Gentlemen, etc.

Wellington's Nose

The Smoker

An Essay on the Understanding

To a Living Author

Epigrams by Thomas Hood.

On the Art Unions

The Superiority of Machinery

Epigrams by W. Savage Landor.

On Observing a Vulgar Name on the Plinth of a Statue

Lying in State

Epigrams from Punch.

The Cause

Irish Particular

One Good Turn deserves Another


The Poet Foiled

Black and White

Inquest—not Extraordinary

Domestic Economy

On Seeing an Execution

A Voice, and Nothing Else

The Amende Honorable

The Czar


To a Rich Young Widow

The Railway of Life

A Conjugal Conundrum

Numbers Altered

Grammar for the Court of Berlin

The Empty Bottle


The Death of Doctor Morrison

Bentley's Miscellany

Epigrams by John G. Saxe.

On a Recent Classic Controversy


On an ill-read Lawyer

On an Ugly Person Sitting for a Daguerreotype

Woman's Will

Family Quarrels

A Revolutionary Hero Lowell

Epigrams of Halpin.

The Last Resort

Feminine Arithmetic

The Mushroom Hunt

Jupiter Amans London Leader

The Orator's Epitaph Lord Brougham

The Humorous Poetry of the English Language; from Chaucer to Saxe

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