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8. If there is more than one terminal, is the size of the conductor increased?
ОглавлениеThis question has been partially considered. (See No. 3.)
Some firms do not consider any increase necessary: others think that when two or more terminals are used, the main rope should be somewhat enlarged; while others run one cable from each terminal, or make the conductor of sufficient capacity to carry off the double charge.
The writer considers that every conductor should be complete in itself: or, if this is inconvenient, then the size of the main conductor should be enlarged in proportion. It does not at all follow, as one firm implies, that if two or more terminals receive the charge simultaneously, it is necessarily sub-divided. Each charge may be full and complete in itself, and be sufficient to fill the wire; and, therefore, if the main conductor be not increased, accident may result.
There is no doubt whatever that great consideration should always be given to the lessons of experience, and the opinions of those who have made the erection of lightning conductors for 35 years their especial practical study, are much entitled to weight; but such practice may have originally been based on error, and the teachings may not have been guided by science. Where such variety of practice abounds, there must be fallacy somewhere, and, therefore, danger; and not the least of the beneficial labours of the Conference will be to point out to these different practical men, where their faults and their departures from truth exist.
August 8th, 1879.