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Table of Contents

'In the Borghese gardens practised that royal game of golf' Frontispiece
Just as his arm was poised I fired To face p. 10
Joan in church " 24
Joan rides to Chinon " 38
Joan tells the King his secret " 42
The English Archers betrayed by the Stag " 64
The Coronation of Charles VII " 68
'Instantly a gust of wind blew her off the rock into the sea' " 92
'One man … stalked about the deck and flourished a cutlass … shouting that he was "king of the country"' " 196
The Indian threatens Peter Williamson " 214
'Another party of Indians arrived, bringing twenty scalps and three prisoners' " 218
The savages attack the boat " 230
'The madman dwelt alone' " 242
King Olaf leaps overboard " 256
'In the Borghese gardens practised that royal game of golf " 266
'I will, though not another man in the Highlands should draw a sword' " 272
'He galloped up the streets of Edinburgh shouting, "Victory! Victory!"' " 294
Manco Capac and Mama Ocllo Huaco, the Children of the Sun, come from Lake Titicaca to govern and civilise the tribes of Peru " 374
In one cave the soldiers found vases of pure gold, etc. " 412
The Red True Story Book

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