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Table of Contents

One of them lifted his assegai 17
'The Fairy Tree' 20
Joan hears the Voice 28
Robert thinks Joan crazed 34
'Sir, this is ill done of you' 37
'In a better language than yours,' said Joan 46
'Lead him to the Cross!' cried she 50
'Then spurred she her horse … and put out the flame' 53
Joan is wounded by the arrow 57
'Now arose a dispute among the captains' 61
One Englishman at least died well 63
Joan challenges the English to sally forth 73
'Go she would not till she had taken that town' 79
Joan Captured 83
Joan at Beaurevoir 85
'The burned Joan the Maid' 89
The Bass attacked by the frigates 97
Ines pleads for her life 101
'I will send you a champion whom you will fear more than you fear me' 107
Orthon's last appearance 112
Gustavus leaves school for good! 115
'Lazy loon! Have you no work to do?' 119
'Surrender, Don Alonzo, or you are a dead man!' 123
'In the following night Gudbrand dreamed a dream' 127
The destruction of the idol 130
'Still he cried to his men, "Fight on, fight on!"' 134
Molly takes her husband's place 139
'As we approached we saw the pirate sinking' 143
Falconer knocks down a bird 145
Falconer returns to his companions 148
'Then, drawing their swords, they dashed at the rest' 152
Marbot's fight with the Carabineers in the alley 157
Lisette catches the thief in the stable 164
'I regarded myself as a horseman who is trying to win a steeplechase' 166
Lisette carries off the Russian officer 169
'Guided by the transport man he reached me and found me living' 172
'"I will go, sir," I cried' 177
'We had to saw the rope' 182
'The Count leaped up, a knife in his hand' 188
Gaston in prison 189
'But now here sits in the high seat a thin stake' 192
'He fleeth not the flame Who leapeth o'er the same' 193
The Captain shoots Mr. Cozens 202
Mr. Hamilton's fight with the sea-lion 205
The Cacique fires off the gun 208
Byron rides past the turnpikes 211
The captain guarded by the mutineers 228
The Pitcairn islanders on board the English frigate 239
Old John Adams teaches the children 245
Death of the supercargo 248
'None will now deny that "Long Snake" sails by' 255
Hacon casts his shield away 263
'Go, sir, to your general; tell him what you have seen … ' 276
Escape of the Duke of Perth 281
'In many a panelled parlour' 284
'Och no! she be relieved' 287
Mrs. Murray of Broughton distributes cockades to the crowd 289
James More wounded at Prestonpans 293
Crossing Shap Fell 301
'Many had their broadswords and dirks sharpened' 304
'The Prince caught him by the hair' 307
The poor boy fell, mortally wounded 311
The 'Rout of Moy' 315
The end of Culloden 322
'The advance party of eight started on October 29' 327
Golah is abandoned 332
'King, they are gone!' 337
Death of Burke 342
Bessé introduced to the Man in White 355
'Saw reflected in the mirror the white figure' 356
'Sometimes he would find a party searching for him quite close at hand' 360
Alexander Gordon wood-chopping in the disguise of a labourer 362
Grisell brings the sheep's head to her father in the vault 367
A Peruvian postman 381
Almagro wounded in the eye 387
Many of the Spaniards were killed by the snakes and alligators 389
Amazement of the Indians at seeing a cavalier fall from his horse 391
Pizarro sees llamas for the first time 393
The cavalier displays his horsemanship before Atahuallpa 401
The friar urges Pizarro to attack the Peruvians 404
The Spaniards destroy the idol at Pachacamac 407
The Red True Story Book

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