Читать книгу The Yellow Fairy Book - Various - Страница 4


The Swineherd takes the Ten Kisses Frontispiece
The Six Brothers changed into Swans by their Stepmother To face page 8
The Witch-maiden sees the Young Man under a Tree " 12
'Here you shall remain chained up until you die' " 20
The Prince throws the Apple to the Princess " 30
The Iron Stove " 32
'Standing in the doorway a charming maiden at whose sight his mind seemed to give way' " 58
The Seven-headed Serpent " 62
The Mirror of the Present " 84
Prince Gnome learns the Name of his Rival at the Golden Fountain " 88
The Black Girl stops the Witch with a Bit of the Rock " 144
Militza and her Maidens in the Garden " 168
Iwanich casts the Fish into the Water " 172
'In winter, when everything is dead, she must come and live with me in my palace underground' " 196
Simpleton's Army appears before the King " 204
The Snow Maiden " 206
'Gee up, my five horses' " 226
The Swineherd takes the Ten Kisses " 250
The Irishman arrives at the Blue Mountains " 262
The Witch comes on Board " 274
Sigurd hews the Chain asunder " 276
The King finds the Queen of Hetland " 302
The Yellow Fairy Book

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