Читать книгу The Yellow Fairy Book - Various - Страница 5


The Partnership 1
At Home in the Church 2
Protestation 3
The Way of the World 3
'And then her dress' 7
The Youth secures the Dragon 17
The Emperor comes to see his New Clothes 24
'Let down, let down thy petticoat that lets thy feet be seen' 27
The Fisherman brings the Crab on the Golden Cushion 28
'Then she reached the three cutting swords, and got on her plough-wheel and rolled over them' 35
The Dragon carries off the Three Soldiers 39
The Fiend defeated 41
The Maiden obtains the Bird-heart 44
The Hunter is transformed into a Donkey 46
The Young Man gives the Donkeys to the Miller 48
The Prince looks into the Magic Mirror 51
Prince Saphir Steals the Horse and Harness 55
Ferko healed by Magic Waters 67
Ferko before the King 68
Ferko leads the Wolves on 73
The Herd-boy binds up the Giant's Foot 75
Rosalie 82
In the Labyrinth of Despair 85
The Evil Spirits drag the Girl to the Cauldron 93
My Enemy is given into my Hands 97
The Princess and the Eagle in the Flowery Meadow 102
The Wizard King pays a Visit to the Princess 105
The Miller sees the Nixy of the Mill-pond 109
A Wave swept the Spinning-wheel from the Bank 112
The Boy attacked by the Eagle on the Glass Mountain 116
The King makes Friends with the Green Monkey 121
The Green Monkey in the Bath 123
Lagree gives the Two Bottles to Fairer-than-a-Fairy 127
Fairer-than-a-Fairy summons the Rainbow 130
'Then the youth swung his mighty sword in the air, and with one blow cut off the serpent's head' 136
'My brother, my brother, I am becoming a wolf!' 139
'But the waters seized her chariot and sunk it in the lowest depths' 147
The Indian finds his Wife sitting by the Fire 150
The Witch persuades the Queen to bathe 156
The King catches the White Duck 159
Iwanich holds fast the Swan 163
Militza leaves Iwanich in the Tree 164
The Prickly Man with his Attendants 168
Iwanich seizes the Magician by his Beard and dashes him to the Ground 176
Martin extinguishes the Flames 181
The Princess summons the twelve Young Men 186
Schurka upsets the Baker 187
The Mouse steals the Ring from the Princess 189
The Dragons dancing 195
The Simpleton awakes and sees the Flying Ship 199
The Comrades in the Flying Ship meet the Drinker 201
'Maiden, are you warm?' 211
The Sun-hero guards the Apples of the Sun 214
'Who's there?' 217
The Comb grows into a Forest 220
The Black King's Gift 224
The Farmer thinks he sees the Devil in the Chest 229
The Shoemakers and Tanners drive Big Klaus out of the Town 231
'Open the sack,' said Little Klaus 234
The Woman pushes Prince Ring into the Cask 238
Snati and Prince Ring fight with the Oxen 242
Prince Ring and Snati overthrow the Troll's Ghost 246
A True Princess 255
The Princess revives the Irishman 258
The Soldier fills his Knapsack with Money 267
The Dog brings in the Princess 269
'He was skipping along so merrily' 271
'"Croak, croak, croak!" was all he could say' 280
Thumbelina rides on the Water-lily Leaf 281
Thumbelina brings Thistle-down for the Swallow 285
Thumbelina has to spin 287
'We will call you May-blossom' 289
The Kitchenmaid listens to the Nightingale 293
The Present from the Emperor of Japan 295
The True Nightingale sings to the Emperor 299
Hadvor burns the Lion's Skin 306
'Don't look at things that aren't intended for the likes of you' 309
Down the Drain 310
And that was the End 312
'Then they oiled the corners of their mouths' 314
Hans fills his Pocket with the Mud 315
'The reporters giggled,' &c. 317

The Yellow Fairy Book

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