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Of Drinking Water


Table of Contents

[From the Papyrus of Nebseni (British Museum No. 9,900, sheet 4).]

The Chapter of drinking water in the underworld. The scribe Nebseni … saith:

“May be opened [to me] the mighty flood by Osiris, and may the abyss of water be opened [to me] by Tehuti-Hāpi, the lord of the horizon, in my name of ‘Opener.’ May there be granted [to me] mastery over the water-courses as over the members of Set. I go forth into heaven. I am the Lion-god Rā. I am the Bull. [I] have eaten the Thigh, and I have divided the carcass. I have gone round about among the islands (or lakes) of Sekhet-Aaru. Indefinite time, without beginning and without end, hath been given to me; I inherit eternity, and everlastingness hath been bestowed upon me.”

The last three chapters, with a single vignette, are grouped in one in the Papyrus of Nefer-uben-f (see Naville, op. cit., Bd. I. Bl. 72); but the order of them as there given is 61, 60, 62. In the Turin Papyrus (Lepsius, op. cit., Bl. 23) the vignette of each is the same, i.e., the deceased holding a sail in his left hand.

Egyptian Literature

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