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Victory Over Enemies


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[From Lepsius, “Todtenbuch,” Bl. 25.]

The Chapter of coming forth by day and of gaining the mastery over enemies.

“Hail, [thou] who shinest from the Moon and who sendest forth light therefrom, thou comest forth among thy multitudes, and thou goest round about, let me rise,” or (as others say), “let me be brought in among the Khus, and let the underworld be opened [unto me]. Behold, I have come forth on this day, and I have become a Khu (or a shining being); therefore shall the Khus let me live, and they shall cause my enemies to be brought to me in a state of misery in the presence of the divine sovereign princes. The divine ka (double) of my mother shall rest in peace because of this, and I shall stand upon my feet and have a staff of gold,” or (as others say), “a rod of gold in my hand, wherewith I shall inflict cuts on the limbs [of mine enemy] and shall live. The legs of Sothis are stablished, and I am born in their state of rest.”

Egyptian Literature

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