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Especially Adapted to Southern United States

Name and Variety Time to Plant Class How to Plant and Care for
Artichoke, Jerusalem. March 1, outside. Ready in 6 to 8 months. Hardy Perennial. Plant tubers 6 inches deep in rows 5 feet apart, 2 feet apart in row. Light soil and sun. 2 quarts of tubers to 100 feet. Fine for soup or boiled and creamed, or salad or pickles.
Asparagus. Palmetto. December, outside. Ready in February or March. B Hardy. Plant 2-year roots 8 inches deep in rows 2 feet apart, 1 foot apart in row. Rich and moist mulch with manure all summer, salt well.
Beans. Valentine or Refugee or Golden Wax. Cold-frames or green- house. September 1 and every two weeks there- after. Ready in 6 weeks. B-C Tender. Plant seeds 2 inches deep in rows 112 feet apart, 4 inches apart in row. Not too rich soil. 1 quart for 150 feet.
Beets. Eclipse or Crimson Globe. Sept. 1, outside. Oct. 1, outside. Ready in 9 weeks. A-D B-E Hardy. Plant 1 inch deep in rows 112 feet apart. Thin to 4 inches apart. Deep soil, no fresh manure. 1 ounce to 50 feet. Soak seed over night.
Chard. Lucullus. Sept. 15, cold-frame. Almost hardy. Grow like beets. Use outside leaves, leaving crown to grow. Use for greens, or leaf stalks like asparagus.
Brussels Sprouts. Seed-bed August 1. Transplant outside September 15. Ready in 4 months. A-E Hardy. Plant seeds 12 inch deep in rows 2 feet apart, 112 feet apart in row. Cultivate like cabbage. 1 packet of seed enough.
Cabbage. Wakefield or Savoy or Winningstadt. Seed-bed August 15. Transplant outside September. Ready in 4 months. A-C-E Hardy. Plant seeds 12 inch deep. Plant rows 3 feet apart; 112 feet apart in rows. Moist, manure and cultivate well. 1 packet of seed enough. Set plants deep.
Carrots. Half Long or Long Orange. Aug. 15, outside. Oct. 1, outside. Ready 12 to 15 weeks. C-B Hardy. Plant 12 inch deep in rows 112 feet apart, 4 inches apart in row. 1 ounce for 200 feet. Seed slow to start.
Cauliflower. Early Snowball or Dwarf Erfurt. Seed-bed September 1. Transplant to cold- frames October 1. Ready in 4 months. A-C-E Almost hardy. Plant seed 12 inch deep in rows 2 feet apart, 112 feet apart in row. Moist, rich and manure. 1 packet of seed enough. Blanch heads by tying up.
Collards. Cultivate like cabbage. A non-heading cabbage not equal to it in quality.
Cucumber. English Telegraph. Sept. 15, greenhouse. Oct. 15, greenhouse. Nov. 15, greenhouse. Dec. 15, greenhouse. Day heat, 85°. Night heat, 65°. Ready in 6 to 8 weeks. A-B Tender. Plant 1 inch deep, 5 feet apart. 1 ounce for 50 hills. Moist, rich soil. Pinch out main stem when 2 feet long. Pinch outside branches at 6 or 8 feet. Leave only 3 side branches to a plant and only half the fruit. Do not fertilize blossoms.
Cress, Water. Outside in water. September 1. Ready in 3 months. Hardy. Sow in quiet pool near running water. Start seed on mud, then flood 3 inches deep. 1 packet of seed enough.
Endive. Green curled or Self-blanching. Sept. 1, outside. Nov. 1, outside or in cold-frames. Ready in 3 months. A-E Hardy. Plant 12 inch deep in rows 112 feet apart. Thin to 10 inches apart in row. Light, rich soil, deep. 1 ounce for 100 feet. Can transplant like lettuce. Tie up heads for blanching 2 weeks before use.
Eggplant.[135] Round Purple. Aug. 15, greenhouse. Dry heat, day, 90°. Dry heat, night, 65°. Ready in 4 or 5 months. A-B Very tender. Plant 12 inch deep, 2 feet apart. Rich and moist soil. 1 packet enough. Blossoms should be fertilized by hand.
Kale. Dwarf Scotch or Tall Scotch. Aug. 15, seed-bed. Sept. 15, set outside. Sept. 15, start some. October, set outside. Ready in 3 or 4 months. E Hardy. Plant 12 inch deep in rows 112 feet apart, 1 foot apart in row. Deep sand and mold. 1 ounce to 200 feet. When top is cut off for use, side shoots will start.
Kohlrabi. Early Vienna. October 1, outside. Ready in 2 to 3 months. C Hardy. Plant 12 inch deep in rows 112 feet apart, 6 inches apart in row. 1 ounce for 150 feet. Grow and use like turnip.
Lettuce. May King or California Butter or Boston Market. Seed-bed September 15 and every 2 weeks after. Transplant into cold- frames. C Almost hardy. 14 inch deep, 6 inches apart each way. Light, rich soil. 1 ounce for 2000 plants.
Muskmelon. English: Sutton’s Ar. Sutton’s Emerald Gem. August 15, greenhouse. Dry heat, day 90°. Dry heat, night, 70°. Ready in 4 to 5 months. Sets ready 2 months. A-B Tender. Plant 1 inch deep in hills 5 feet apart. Manure. Light soil. 1 ounce for 50 hills. Blossoms to be fertilized by hand. Pinch off tip of vine when first blossoms come.
Onions. Prizetaker or Multiplier or Globe. July 1, outside, seed. Sept. 1, outside, sets. Ready in 4 to 5 months. A-B Hardy. Plant seed 12 inch deep, sets 2 inches deep in rows 112 feet apart. Moist, rich soil and sun. 1 ounce of seed for 150 feet. 1 quart of sets for 100 feet.
Parsley. September 1, outside. Soak seeds over night. Ready in 2 months. B Hardy. Plant 14 inch deep in rows 112 feet apart. 1 packet seed enough. Seeds slow to start.
Parsnip. Hollow Crown. September 1, outside. B Hardy. Plant 12 inch deep in rows 112 feet apart, 3 inches apart in row. Seeds slow to start. Rich, deep soil. 1 ounce for 200 feet.
Peanuts. Virginia or Georgia. April 1, outside. Plant 3 inches deep in hills 2 feet apart. Light, deep soil. Shell before planting.
Peas. Nott’s Excelsior. Gradus or Tom Thumb. Extra Early (smooth varieties). Marrow Fat. In cold-frames. September 15 and every 2 weeks. Ready in 2 to 3 months. Outside same dates (always an uncertain crop). Outside, December 1 (more hardy, less quality). B-E Almost hardy. Plant 4 inches deep in rows 2 feet apart. Moist, not too rich. Soak over night. 1 pint to 100 feet.
Pepper. Sweet Spanish or Sweet Mountain. August 1, greenhouse. Moist heat, day, 90°. Moist heat, night, 70°. Ready in 4 months. B Tender. Plant seeds 12 inch deep, 2 feet apart. 1 packet of seed enough. Need not fertilize blossoms.
Potato. Irish Cobbler or other earlies. August 1, outside. For new potatoes all winter. Ready in 3 months. B Hardy. Plant whole in rows 3 feet apart, 1 foot apart in row. Moist, light, rich soil. 8 bushels per acre.
Potato, Sweet. Yellow Yam or Georgia Yam. Bed thickly in March. Transplant the sprouts outside May 1. Ready in 6 months. Very deep sand. Rows 3 feet apart, 2 feet apart in row. 3 pounds to 100-foot row. Dig as wanted through the winter.
Radish. French Breakfast or Scarlet Turnip. Oct. 1, outside. Oct. 15, outside. Nov. 1, outside. Cold-frames November 1 and every 10 days. Ready in 6 weeks. C Hardy. Plant 12 inch deep in rows 8 inches apart. 1 ounce to 100-foot row.
Salsify. Sandwich Island. Outside, August 1 and September. (A difficult crop in the South). Ready in 5 months. B Hardy. Plant 14 inch deep in rows 112 feet apart, 4 inches apart in row. Water freely.
Spinach. Viroflay. New Zealand. Sept. 1, outside. Oct. 1, outside. Nov. 1, outside. (doubtful crop). Sept. 1, cold-frame. (A sure abundant product all winter). A-B-E Almost hardy. Plant 1 inch deep in rows 112 feet apart, 3 inches apart in row. 1 ounce for 150 feet.
Strawberries.[136] Lady Thompson or Hefflin or Hoffman. Transplant every year in October. Ready in February or March. Hardy. Rows 2 feet apart, 1 foot apart in rows. Rich, sandy loam. Mulch in summer. No stable manure. Confine to single crowns.
Tomato. Beauty or Perfection. Aug. 15, greenhouse. Sept. 15, greenhouse. Oct. 15, greenhouse. Ready in 4 months. B-A Tender. Plant 12 inch deep, 112 feet apart. 1 packet of seed enough. Pinch out tips at desired height. Pinch out all side shoots. Fertilize blossoms by hand.
Turnip. Early Milan. October 1, outside. Ready in 2 to 3 months. C Hardy. Plant 12 inch deep in rows 112 feet apart, 3 inches apart in row. 1 ounce for 200 feet. Moist and rich soil.
The Circle of Knowledge: A Classified, Simplified, Visualized Book of Answers

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