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The human heart is cradle of deep love,

Which growing and expanding from its birth,

Ever finds space within that living cot;

Howe’er remotely o’er this beauteous earth

Its subtle influences may joy impart,

Whilst nestling in the human heart.

The human mind is cradle of high thought,

Ever aspiring to extend its sphere,

To penetrate those mysteries of life

Philosophy has fail’d to render clear.

Howe’er expansive, thought will ever find

Its cradle in the human mind.

The human soul is cradle of deep faith,

Of aspirations, and of purpose strong,

To kindle into life the seeds of truth —

Eradicate the germs of vice and wrong.

Howe’er these seeds develop and increase,

Within man’s soul they’ll find their place.

Three living cradles in one living form,

Expanding ever from their early birth;

High thought and sweet affection in ye dwell,

And Faith which hallows all things on this earth.

Each human being in himself may find

Three living cradles – soul, heart, mind.

Auld Lang Syne

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