Читать книгу Notes and Queries, Number 18, March 2, 1850 - Various - Страница 2
ОглавлениеAs a pendant to Mr. P. Cunningham's "New Facts about Lady Arabella Stuart" (No. 1. p. 10.). I send you a copy of Bishop James' Account and Quietus in respect of 300l., placed in his hands "for the expences of dyett and other chardges of the Ladye Arabella Seymour comytted to his safe kepinge." The original document is in my possession.
ROBT. COLE. Feb. 11, 1850.
"The Accompte of the Lorde Byshopp of Durham for cccli, receaved for the chardge of the Ladye Arbella Seymour.
"The Declaration of the Accompte of the Reverende Father in God Will'm James Lorde Bysshoppe of Duresme for the some of Three hundreth poundes imprested to him out of the Receipte of the Kinges ma^ts Exchequer at Westmynster for the expences of dyett and other chardges of the Ladye Arbella Seymour comytted to his safe kepinge w^th an inteneon to have caryed into the Bysshoprycke of Duresme there to have remayned under his chardge duringe the Kynges ma^ts pleasure, viz^t betweene the xiiij^th of Marche 1610 in the viij^th year of his highnes raigne and the last daye of the same moneth as followeth.
"Readye money receaved, viz. of
"The Threasorer and vnder threr. of Th'exchequer in Mychas terme in the viijth yeare of the Kinges ma'ts raigne by t'handes of Thomas Wattson Esquire one of the Tell'rs for the chardges of himselfe and his servaunts in his yorney w'th the saide Ladye Arbella Seymour by pvie Seale dated the xiij of March 1610 and Lves of the Lordes of the Councell …cccli. whereof
"Expences of dyett and other chardges of the Ladye Arabella Seymour & others attendinge upon her, viz.
"Expences of dyett
"At Highgate for sixe dayes begonne the xvth daye of Marche 1610 and ended the xxjst of the same moneth on w'ch daye her Ladyshippe remoued to Barnett. xviijli. vs. lijd.
"At Barnett for xj^en dayes begonne the xxjst of Marche 1610 at Supper and ended the firste of Aprill 1611 at breakefaste beinge that daye remoued to Eastbarnett. lxxjli. vs. viijd.
"Chardges of y^e Stable, viz.
"Chardges of the Stable for the xvij dayes aboue-menconed, viz. at Highgate for vj dayes ixli. xvijs. xd. and at Barnett for xj dayes with vs. for dressinge one of the lytter horses xxviijli. xijs. xjd., in all the some of xxxviijli. xs. ixd.
"Lodginge and other necessaries, viz.
"Lodginge of some of the retinewe of the Lady Arbella and the sayde Lorde Bysshoppe, viz. Highgate xxs. and at Barnett viijs., in all xxviijs.
"Fyer lightes and other nessces with the lodginge of the saide Lorde Bysshoppe and some of his servauntes at Highgate and Barnett during the xvij dayes aforesaide. xjli. xjs.
"Rydinge and postinge chardges, viz. for posthorses from Lambeth to Highgate xxxiiijs. iiijd. and from thence to Barnett xxxiiijs. ixd. Mr. Beeston and others for there chardges three several tymes to Barnett from London and from Highgate xljs. iiijd. the servauntes of the Lorde Bysshoppe of Durham sent at several tymes in the Lordes of the Councell and for other busynesses concerning this servyce xlvs. vjd. and to Sr. James Crofes Knight for the chardges of himselfe his men and horses from Monday to Wednesday night attendinge at London for this service xlijs. vijd., in all ixli. xviijs. vjd.
"Rewardes to sondrye psons, viz. to messengers sent from the Courte duringe the stay of the Lorde Bysshoppe at Highgate and Barnett xxxixs. vjd. Dyverse psons whoe tooke paynes at those twoe places vijli. xijs., vjd., given in the Yune for glasses broken and in rewardes to the meaner servauntes at Barnett xxxs., given to such an attended about the posthorses vijs. vjd. and in rewarde to one of the Tellors Clerkes whoe told and delivered the cccli. and came to Durham House for the acquittance xxs., in all xijli., ixs. vjd.
"Money payde by the saide Lorde Bysshoppe pte of the cccli. by him receaved to Nicholas Paye gen. whoe hath for the same yelded his accompte to the Kinges ma'tie. cli..—cclxiijli. viijs. viijd.
"Aud soe remayneth the some of xxxvjli. xjs. iiijd.
"Whiche some the saide Lorde Bysshoppe of Durham hath payde into the Kinges m'ts receipte of Th'excheq'r the vij'th daye of Februarie in the nynth yere of his highnes raigne as by the tallie thereof remayninge may appeare. And soe here Quyte.