Читать книгу Kanji Handbook - Vee David - Страница 19

VIII. Look Left
□ 532 Volcanic 圧ressure spews 灰shes to the bushes... 圧 0813 灰 0979
□ 533 庁ublic-office 床loor with shiny colour... 庁 0888 床 1081
□ 534 在xistence of 存nowledge leads to courage... 在 0649 存 0829
□ 535 功erits to the police 攻ttack ended a hijack... 功 0589 攻 1078
□ 536 Better 拝ray before 打triking day... 拝 0954 打 0423
□ 537 好iking through old age, good for 婚amiage... 好 0445 婚 1030
□ 538 姓urname of 婿on-in-law that of Zorro... 姓 1753 婿 1752
□ 539 狂razy cardinal in 獄rison with 犯riminals... 狂 1105 獄 1106 犯 0775
□ 540 Boat 幅idth in 帳egistry 帆ailing to victory... 幅 1427 帳 0430 帆 1237
□ 541 吹lowing of horns brings 唯olitary scorns... 吹 1338 唯 1323
□ 542 In the 砂ands abandon an old war 砲anon... 砂 0946 砲 1769
□ 543 Billowing 煙moke from 炉urnaces choke... 煙 1119 炉 1795
□ 544 Noisy 郊uburbs 効ffectively disturb... 郊 1077 効 0763
□ 545 Follow the 峠ountain-trail to the 岬ape of Whales... 峠 1402 岬 1413
□ 546 物bjects of 牧asture, old days to recapture... 物 0244 牧 0573
□ 547 Bullet 斜rajectory in 叙arration kept the sensation... 斜 1209 叙 1207
□ 548 施estow 族amily 旅ravel to the 族jibe of Abel... 施 1171 族 0279 旅 0280 族 0279
□ 549 Children at 遊lay on 旋evolving rides they stay... 遊 0422 旋 1172
□ 550 腕rms, 胸hest & 胎terus saved from virus by 腕alents of Dr. Malthus... 腕 1367 匈 0968 胎 1364 腕 1367
□ 551 暇ree-time, too precious 時ime... 暇 1205 時 0090
□ 552 暇osquito & 蛇nake frolic on the lake... 蚊 1881 蛇 1880
□ 553 耕ultivation to 耗essen when soil worsens... 耕 0805 耗 1296
□ 554 Rice 粒rains 粧dorn the wide plains... 粒 1711 粧 1710
□ 555 Beasts so 猛ierce, 猟unted by spears... 猛 1602 狐 1603
□ 556 期eriodic 欺raud stopped by Inspector Maude... 期 0351 欺 1529
□ 557 軸xte in 軟oft manuever, 軌ailroad 輸hipments 転oll-over... 軸 1161 軟 1793 軌 1792 輪 0692 転 0344
□ 558 乾ried 幹ree-trunks from 朝ynasty Ming arrived this 朝orning... 乾 1293 幹 0803 朝 0218
□ 559 趣urpose 超xceeds and 越vertakes in 越ietnam's wake... 趣 1170 越 1169 超 1168
□ 560 飾ecorating at random leads to 飽oredom... 飾 1152 飽 1768
□ 561 鎖hained to a food 鉢owl, prisoner cried foul... 鎖 1824 鉢 1825
□ 562 Most 勧ecommended 歓leasure, 観iewing one's treasure... 勧 1195 歓 1196 観 0543
□ 563 新resh, 新rand-new 薪irewood, 親ntimate 親arents approve... 新 0150 薪 1911 親 0151 親 0151
□ 564 酵ermentation 酬eward offered at 酪airy barnyard... 酵 1871 酬 1869 酪 1870
□ 565 践ctual 踊ance improves body balance... 践 1591 踊 1582
□ 566 踏tepping on 跡elics convinced the skeptics... 踏 1583 跡 1592
□ 567 験xamine a 騎orse-ride in the far & wide... 験 0531 騎 1885
□ 568 Heavy 駄orseloads put horses in 駆alloping mode... 駄 1884 駆 1886
□ 569 Feudal 縁elations govern 綿otton plantations... 縁 1251 綿 0804
□ 570 所ocation of special 房lusters for 啓nlightened masters... 所 0259 房 1324 啓 1442
□ 571 扇olding-fan left by the 扉oor, my 肩houlders hot no more... 扇 1579 扉 1580 肩 1344
□ 572 鮮ivid 鯨hales seen in 鮮resh Wales... 鮮 1049 鯨 1048 鮮 1049
□ 573 疫pidemic of 疾peedy 痢iarrhoea—not a 痴oolish 疾isease, Mama Mia... 疫 1380 痢 1816 痴 1818 疾 1817
IX. Look Right
□ 574 私rivate 払ayment to a 仏uddhist 仏rench, very urgent... 私 0826 払 1032 仏 0701 仏 0701
□ 575 A ringing silver 鈴ell in the 冷hilly 冷old spell... 鈴 1827 冷 0592 冷 0592
□ 576 孔onfucius kept 札oney-bills in the South Pole 札abeled in a 孔ote... 孔 1130 札 0619 札 0619 孔 1130
□ 577 礼ituals without 礼espect, 乱haos to expect... 礼 0390 礼 0390 乱 0872
□ 578 利rofits of hair 刈utting stylist to be 刊ublished... 利 0485 刈 1354 刊 0702
□ 579 他noher 地and, 他noher 池ond... 他 0252 地 0124 他 0252 池 0125
□ 580 Protein 泡ubble dwells in stem 胞ells... 泡 1770 胞 1355
□ 581 村illagers 対gainst investigating 討ttack on Peking ducks... 村 0066 対 0324 討 0924 討 0924
□ 582 Wrong 針eedle 計easure led to a tailor's closure... 針 0835 計 0193
□ 583 糾wist & 叫hout in a dance bout... 糾 1713 叫 1336
□ 584 A 都etropolitan 邦apanese loves the 邦ountry of Nice... 都 0270 邦 1072 邦 1072
□ 585 仲olleagues 沖ffshore e-mail me no more... 仲 0630 沖 1399
□ 586 的tyle of not 酌erving-wine 約romised until 釣ishing is finished... 的 0457 酌 1868 約 0458 釣 1867
□ 587 培ultivators' annuity settled an 賠ndemnity... 培 1833 賠 1834
□ 588 Sound 決ecision based on 快leasant conditions... 決 0319 快 0815
□ 589 抵esistance to snow, a 低inimum 低ow... 抵 1027 低 0535 低 0535
□ 590 呼alling for 評ommentary on Bill & Hillary... 呼 0959 評 0794
□ 591 状onditions for 伏ielding hideout in a building... 状 0712 伏 1407
□ 592 社ompany boss of 社ociety wine 吐omitting at a 社hrine... 社 0188 社 0188 社 0188 吐 1337
□ 593 枝ree-branch on 岐orked-road fell on my abode... 枝 0773 岐 1097
□ 594 Crime 抑uppressed, 迎elcomed with 仰espect... 抑 1201 迎 1199 仰 1200
□ 595 赴roceeding-to-work, a 朴imple clerk... 赴 1500 朴 1501
□ 596 咲looming flowers 送ent with 朕mperial-consent... 咲 1123 送 0348 朕 1922
□ 597 妊regnancy 任ntrusts, parental 任uties a must... 妊 1139 任 0655 任 0655
□ 598 Summer 軒ouses by the river, dwellers 汗weat to their 肝ivers,,. 軒 1291 汗 1292 肝 1347
□ 599 侮espise or 悔egret but never forget... 侮 1743 悔 1741
□ 600 神od to 伸tretch, gentlemen to fetch... 神 0305 伸 1240 紳 1241
□ 601 On bargain 購urchase, buy 構osture in a haste... 購 1176 構 0790
□ 602 Wars 破estroy, 被bufferings annoy... 破 0722 被 1149
□ 603 Happy 況ituation calls for 祝elebration... 況 1088 祝 0595
□ 604 肥ertilizers in bundles left to idle... 肥 0822 練 1733
□ 605 錬rill & 練rill, soldiers without meal... 錬 1821 練 0405
□ 606 就mployment 沈inks when job stinks... 就 0914 沈1127
□ 607 珍are 診iagnosis shocked a pharmacist... 珍 1308 診 1307
□ 608 彫hiseled on a 杉edar-tree, crest of Robert Lee... 彫 1265 杉 1877
□ 609 Grapes 昨reviously 搾queezed made wine to please... 昨 0491 搾 1527
□ 610 詐raudulent 酢inegar 作roduced by a beggar... 詐 1528 酢 1872 作 0197
□ 611 枚heets of 政olitical 改eform created a firestorm... 枚 0947 政 0680 改 0522
□ 612 抄ummary so 妙uperb took 秒econds to be heard... 抄 1267 妙 1268 秒 0432
□ 613 Imperial 紀poch on 記ecord by the 妃rincess's word... 紀 0493 記 0198 妃 1762
□ 614 詠oetry about 泳wimming in Wyoming... 詠 1304 泳 0435
□ 615 秩ublic-order 迭lternates with people's faith... 秩 1538 迭 1537
□ 616 律egulation inside 津arbours, no wild boars... 律 0868 津 1043
□ 617 仮emporary bill 板oard on the 坂lopes had 報eports of smuggled 服lothes... 仮 0798 板 0427 坂 0350 報 0728 服 0400
□ 618 妨indrance to machine 紡pinning now thinning... 妨 1287 紡 1864
□ 619 肪bese 坊uddhist-monks 防rotect 訪isitors with valour... 肪 1862 坊 1863 防 0688 訪 0952
□ 620 汚irty 巧kills 朽ecay fair play... 汚 1047 巧 1643 朽 1644
□ 621 但rovided, patient's father 担ears a strong 胆all-bladder... 但 1928 担 0965 胆 1348
□ 622 垣ences around the maze confuse 恒ways... 垣 1350 恒 1349
□ 623 伯ount's 伯lder-uncle in a 舶hip 泊leeping-over to the 拍empo of a Harlem rapper... 伯 1282 舶 1231 泊 1283 拍 1284
□ 624 設et-up for 殺urder, 没unken cadaver... 設 0700 殺 0539 没 1126
□ 625 殴unch 投hrown by 役fficial facing dismissal... 殴 1940 投 0424 役 0328
□ 626 飢tarving in distress, 肌kinny writer at his 机esk... 飢 1371 肌 1372 机 0973
□ 627 航avigation maps in a 坑haft placed by 住esistance in Gdansk... 航 0590 坑 1630 抗 1080
□ 628 往oming-&-going, clients 注ouring into the 住esidence with huge 柱illars & 駐arking fence... 往 0781 注 0320 住 0261 柱 0386 駐 1036
□ 629 訳ranslation 釈xplains why the 沢wamp was 択hosen by Keynes... 訳 0860 釈 1034 沢 1164 択 1163
□ 630 起wake to 配istribute The Times 配elivery route... 起 0327 配 0367
□ 631 High 租evies so 粗ough 阻mpede our crops... 租 1221 粗 1222 阻 1223
□ 632 沿long a 船hip decrepit, toxic 鉛ead creeps... 沿 0996 船 0199 鉛 1625
□ 633 Material 裕ffluence can 溶issolve prudence... 裕 1436 溶 1437
□ 634 劇rama script of "Crime & 罰iunishment,“ 刷rinted for comments... 劇 0892 罰 1107 刷 0615
□ 635 酔runkards 砕mashed a photo 枠rame, 粋urely as a game... 酔 1719 砕 1720 枠 1908 粋 1718
□ 636 挟orked-road 狭arrows to the 峡avine of sparrows... 挟 1405 狭 1404 峡 1403
□ 637 Rare 酸cid to 唆ntice 俊enius mice... 酸 0689 唆 1851 俊 1850
□ 638 派actions of 衆eoples' 脈eins to 派ispatch Citizen Kane... 派 0912 衆 0891 脈 0604
□ 639 Beneath the 桟lank-bridge, 銭oins of Nemo 残emain in a 浅hallow... 銭 0717 残 0553 浅 0552 桟 1907
□ 640 寝leeping 侵nvader, 浸mmersed in cider... 寝 1217 侵 1215 浸 1216
□ 641 退ithdrawal of age 限imits brightened the 眼yes of hermits... 退 0769 限 0770 眼 0771
□ 642 根oots of 恨rudges: 銀ilver coins for judges... 根 0308 恨 1761 銀 0307
□ 643 校roofreading of “校chool 較omparison" to end, deadline 絞ightened 校 0056 校 0056 較 1489 絞 1488
□ 644 雄ourage of 離eparated 雄asculine 稚hildren praised so often... 雄 1432 離 1353 雄 1432 離 1353
□ 645 雑arious friends 推ecommend the 准unior trend... 雑 0699 推 0957 准 1322
□ 646 紛ixture of curry 粉owder, 紛istracted my clam chowder... 紛 1712 粉 0639 紛 1712
□ 647 縫ewing kit left at the 峰ummit... 縫 1400 峰 1401
□ 648 語alks that 悟nlighten, never forgotten... 語 0100 悟 1477
□ 649 硫ulphur we don't know, poison to 流low... 硫 1861 流 0285
□ 650 禅en-Buddhists 弾laying-music, as 弾ullets 弾ounce in the attic... 禅 1567 弾 1566 弾 1566 弾 1566
□ 651 Napoleon's 植lants 値rice & 値alue 殖ncreased in Waterloo... 植 0343 値 0840 値 0840 殖 1536
□ 652 帰eturning house 婦ife with a 掃weeping device... 帰 0189 婦 0653 掃 1218
□ 653 論heory on 倫thics 論iscussed in the 輪ircles of the Olympics... 輪 0620 論 0831 倫 1274
□ 654 探earching 深eep & 深ntense with Sherlock's lens... 探 0848 深 0371 深 0371
□ 655 症ickness needs 証vidence for school absence... 症 1379 証 0681
□ 656 With 酒lcohol, reflexes 猶elay whatever you say... 酒 0368 猶 1606
□ 657 Boxers 軽ightweight 経anage to 経ass-thru unknown fate... 軽 0375 経 0693
□ 658 請equest for 晴lear sky-wide, pilots' 精gourous 情eelings 清unified… 請 1041 晴 0231 精 0721 情 0646 清 0557
□ 659 諸arious seatbelt 緒traps buckle astronauts' lap... 諸 0904 緖 1091
□ 660 諸ctors dare not 排eject a Spielberg project.... 俳 0927 排 1188
□ 661 違ifferent 衛roops on 緯orizontal cadence 衛uarding His 偉mminence... 違 1076 衛 0762 緯 1198 偉 1197
□ 662 Whirlpool of 過xcessive 禍alamity bred a tsunami... 渦 1815 過 0667 禍 1814
□ 663 Rubber 滴xtracts to be 摘lucked from tree cracks... 滴 1482 摘 1483
□ 664 No 潮urrent in the 湖ake, 朗ladness to a boating date... 朗 1003 潮 0841 湖 0358
□ 665 Tales of 裁ustices lavish 裁lothes, 載ublished in 載oads... 裁 0940 裁 0940 載 1247 載 1247
□ 666 Pineapple 栽aplings, lots of 藤bre strings… 栽 1248 繊 1594
□ 667 権uthority's might to 確nsure civil 権ights... 権 0834 確 0704 権 0834
□ 668 嫌espise being 謙umble, get into trouble... 嫌 1700 謙 1699
□ 669 Donor of 髄one-marrow to 賄urnish tomorrow... 髄 1747 賄 1746
□ 670 To ruin he went, 随ollowing his Dad's 堕escent... 随 1748 堕 1749
□ 671 喝colding without mercy got my boss so 渇hirsty… 喝 1920 渇 1638
□ 672 謁udience with the Crown after 掲oisting-a-flag that's 褐rown… 謁 1921 褐 1639 掲 1640
□ 673 謡oh-chantings kept 陶orcelains 揺haking... 謡 1661 陶 1664 揺 1662
□ 674 捕eizure of store 補upplements, owner vehement... 捕 1109 補 0906
□ 675 A 舗tore by the 浦eashore sells only liquor... 舗 1481 浦 1480
□ 676 現resent teaching 規tandards, 視bserved at Harvard... 現 0652 規 0705 視 0862
□ 677 Furious 偶pouse 偶ccasionally at the 隅orner of my house... 偶 1654 隅 1655
□ 678 紹ntroduced by King Fedenick, fair 詔mperial-edicts... 紹 1016 詔 1889
□ 679 焼oasted steak, served at 暁aybreak... 焼 0605 暁 1670
□ 680 旗anner of 棋hess hung in Budapest... 旗 0613 棋 1840
□ 681 換eplacing salmon got him police 喚ummons... 換 1609 喚 1610
□ 682 援upport once 暖arm, when 緩oosened may harm... 援 1226 暖 0867 緩 1227
□ 683 績chievement of 積umulative 債ebt, left only 漬ickles in my wallet... 績 0801 積 0555 債 1244 漬 1798
□ 684 嫁aughter-in-law found 稼aking-a-living by the 塚ound... 嫁 1756 稼 1757 塚 1758
□ 685 略ummary of patients' 落ollapse, heart 絡onnexions perhaps... 略 0768 落 0412 絡 1085
□ 686 膜embranes X-ray 模atterns look too 漠bscure to configure... 膜 1468 模 0984 漠 1469
□ 687 護rotect thy 穫arvest & 獲cquired interest... 護 0811 穫 1376 獲 1375
□ 688 Size of 腹tomach 複ultiplies with large fries... 腹 0964 複 0779
□ 689 鎮alm & 慎iscreet, residents in Crete... 鎮 1791 慎 1790
□ 690 頭ead 煩nxiety for those fiesty... 頭 0180 煩 1854
□ 691 Smiling 顔ace 傾nclines to gaze... 顔 0181 傾 1479
□ 692 A 頑tubborn 題opic: 頒istribution of narcotics... 頑 1853 題 0317 頒 1855
□ 693 Sheep 飼reeding to soar for King's 嗣uccessor... 飼 0823 嗣 1918
□ 694 A 僧uddhist-monk once said: 増ncrease of 憎atred consumes the hater instead... 僧 1416 増 0733 憎 1415
□ 695 層ayers of 贈ifts to send by airlift... 層 0981 贈 1414
□ 696 Magic 鏡irror at the 境oundary in East Timor... 鏡 0598 境 0772
□ 697 隠idden 穏ranquillity in the islands of Tahiti... 隠 1095 穩 1096
□ 698 緑reen Peace laments 録ecord on 緑nvironment... 緑 0372 録 0532 緑 0372
□ 699 鳴owling 鶏hickens, when dawn thickens... 鳴 0238 鶏 1122
□ 700 Their defences 徹erced, troops 撤ithdraw in tears... 徹 1465 撤 1466
□ 701 Be of good 徳irtue, listen to your curfew... 徳 0796 聴 1190
□ 702 慢rrogant & 慢luggish officialdom at 漫andom... 慢 1453 漫 1454
□ 703 獣east so 黙ilent, turned out violent... 獣 1605 黙 1601
□ 704 壊estroyed encyclopaedia left only 懐ostalgia... 壊 1451懐 1452
□ 705 墳ncient tombs 憤nraged, 噴pew-out plague... 墳 1674 憤 1673 嘖 1672
□ 706 曜eekday of happy 躍umping, after dish 濯ashing… 曜 0083 躍 1584 濯 1585
□ 707 繰pinning to 操perate, need to concentrate... 繰 1667 操 1000
□ 708 藻ater-plants, 燥rying-up so fragrant... 藻 1669 燥 1668
□ 709 Farmer to 譲oncede, his 壤ertile cows breed... 譲 1178 壌 1913
□ 710 醸rewer's 嬢aughter prefers tonic water... 醸 1842 嬢 1841
□ 711 Career in 織nitting cottage, a skilled 識nowledge... 職 0660 織 0725 識 0726
□ 712 濫xcessive 鑑attern of 艦arships needs 鑑ppraisal for reversal... 濫 1944 艦 1677 鑑 1676 鑑 1676
X. Uncommon Commons
□ 713 三hree blind men in 一ne town climbing 上p & 下own... 三 0004 一 0002 上 0028 下 0027
□ 714 邸esidence 底ottom cool in autumn... 邸 1028 底 0536
□ 715 Fabulous 冠rown of 冗edundant clowns... 冠 1632 冗 1631
□ 716 A warden's 恩indness to all, 因ause of 囚risoner 困rouble... 恩 0696 因 0695 囚 1295 困 0853
□ 717 会eeting in 陰hadows, 陰idden John Does... 会 0141 陰 1094 陰 1094
□ 718 諮nquire how rice should be 炊ooked from a Chinese book... 諮 1774 炊 1796
□ 719 別pecial 号igns & 号umbers for 別eparated members... 別 0469 号 0293 別 0469
□ 720 Pot-bellied 胴orso of an 興ntertaining virtuoso... 胴 1368 興 0659
□ 721 尋nquiry so 急rgent on 当his detergent..! 尋 1220 急 0301 当 0108
□ 722 印tamps of Ulysses Grant in the 潟agoon of 虐yrants… 印 0614 潟 1642 虐 1597
□ 723 来ome & 味aste wasabi paste... 来 0102 味 0303
□ 724 理ogic in 裏everse, 理eason perversed... 理 0134 裏 0830 理 0134
□ 725 Contour of 野ields & 野lains by 序rder of rains... 野 0170 野 0170 序 0751
□ 726 In any 領erritory, no guts 零ero glory... 領 0766 零 1828
□ 727 Sound 策olicies 刺ierce for many years... 策 0905 刺1104
□ 728 窮xtreme 謝pologies for being rude with no 謝ratitude… 窮 1111 謝 0777 謝 0777
□ 729 荷reight on the 河iver, 歌inging boatmen to deliver... 荷 0332 河 0664 歌 0201
□ 730 示hown in all 宗eligions, 崇espect & devotion... 示 0708 宗 0863 崇 1467
□ 731 Arrested for hidden wealth, 隷ervants in good 康ealth... 逮 1110 隷 1935 康 0602
□ 732 徐lowly going, 塗ainting 途ngoing... 徐 1206 塗 1212 途 1211
□ 733 In 産hildbirth, life is 産roduced the 牲ictim of pain cannot refuse... 産 0470 産 0470 牲 1055
□ 734 充upply of 銃irearms won't 統ontrol 育pbringing in trouble... 充 1082 銃 1083 統 0765 育 0284
□ 735 瓶ottles 併ombined near the 塀ence behind... 瓶 1272 併 1273 塀 1810
□ 736 茎tems 径iameter of a cactus, quite 怪uspicious... 茎 1508 径 0634 怪 1509
□ 737 虞hreat of one's 誤istake will never make... 虞 1941 誤 0910
□ 738 No 涯uter-limits of 佳eauty in the 封eudal scenery... 封 1498 涯 1496 佳 1497
□ 739 浴hower of 俗orldly 欲esire often inspire... 浴 0617 俗 1249 欲 0941
□ 740 稲ice-plants may 陥all when no rain at all... 稲 1311 陥 1309
□ 741 強trong 風inds in tornado 風tyle seen from a mile... 強 0164 風 0084 風 0084
□ 742 Flower 香ragrance, 誘empts a romance... 香 1694 誘 1696
□ 743 逆pposite 塑atterns used for Christmas lanterns... 逆 0674 塑 1843
□ 744 Look 後fter your 後ack for 幽loom may hack... 後 0093 後 0093 幽 1319
□ 745 修ultivate a balance of 悠eisure from a 悠istance... 修 0785 悠 1619 悠 1619
□ 746 宣nnouncement at the 埴odium after the symposium... 宣 0864 壇 1844
□ 747 契ledge of chastity to 喫njoy one's 潔urity... 契 1029 喫 1327 潔 0809
□ 748 Quality 品roducts & 器evices, 臨ttend to clients the highest... 品 0282 器 0527 臨 0897
□ 749 奥nsiders' 迷onfusion at 菊hrysanthemum's evolution... 奥 1019 菊 1018 迷 0787
□ 750 害njury to the 憲onstitution, not the solution... 害 0523 憲 0845
□ 751 粛ilent officers to 粛urge 庸ediocres... 粛 1707 庸 1708
□ 752 恐cared 築rchitect hiding in Czech... 恐 1624 築 0818
□ 753 琴ither music 班quad playing a ballad... 琴 1335 班 0983
□ 754 弱eak waves at the 湾ay near Bombay... 弱 0165 湾 1044
□ 755 豪ustralian 家amily 家xpert built a 家ouse for 豚gs that's 豪plendid..! 豪 1683 家 0145 家 0145 豚 1069 豪 1683
□ 756 寂onely 督-ommander married a Hollander... 寂 1681 督 1682
□ 757 Cheap 棚abinets soon 崩ollapse like scraps... 棚 1909 崩 1246
□ 758 遣ispatch of 貴recious minds, meaving nations in a bind... 遣 1280 貴 0950 遺 0951
□ 759 彩olourful 菜egetables, 採dopted in variables... 彩 1125 菜 0608 採 0783
□ 760 遠istant 園arden, in fact a 猿onkey's den... 遠 0212 園 0213 猿 1607
□ 761 Cremation 管ipes 管ontrol 棺offins in a 館ublic-hall... 管 0484 管 0484 棺 1830 館 0311
□ 762 準emi ghostly belief, 焦ocus on the 礁oral reef... 焦 1167 準 0752 礁 1773
□ 763 隣eighbours 瞬link at Sara's 傑xcellent mink... 隣 1073 瞬 1740 傑 1739
□ 764 諭dmonished for drinking 愉leasures, 癒ecuperating from heart seizure... 諭 1621 愉 1620 癒 1622
□ 765 触ouch a tortoise, hear a 濁urky 騒oise... 触 1098 濁 1641 騒 1099
□ 766 膨ulging corpus, like a 鼓rum in the 樹ush... 膨 1261 鼓 1263 樹 0945
□ 767 With 漢anjiHybrid no more 難ifficulties or grief, what a 嘆igh of relief... 漢 0376 難 0852 嘆 1331
□ 768 In a 暫hile, arriving 漸radual at the Nile... 暫 1443 漸 1444
□ 769 Light 紫urple, a 雌emale colour... 紫 1434 雌 1433
□ 770 Glamour 欄ulletin 潤mbellished for teens... 欄 1300 潤 1301
□ 771 湿oisture 顕pparent in summer tents... 湿 1278 顕 1279
□ 772 湯ot-water under the 陽un 易imply causes 傷njury to some... 湯 0393 陽 0392 易 0747 傷 0866
□ 773 薫agrant 勲xploits don't 衝ollide in Detroit... 薰 1779 勲 1778 衝 1777
□ 774 鬼evils 卑espise 魂pirits that are nice... 鬼 1552 卑 1550 魂 1554
□ 775 Forgotten 碑ombstones, 塊umps of the Unknown... 碑 1551 塊 1553
□ 776 険teep 倹rugality to the core, a 剣word 検nspector... 険 0691 儉 1102 剣 1103 検 0690
□ 777 得dvantage to 待ait, fish to bait... 得 0494 待 0353
□ 778 Some 脱emove revenue before a 税ax 閲eview... 脱 1419 税 0666 閲 1418
□ 779 Too 悦leasant 説xplanations carry 鋭harp implications... 悦 1417 説 0499 銳 1420
□ 780 様anner of 911 遅elay, 詳etails must convey.... 様 0336 遅 1050 詳 1600
□ 781 閣abinet 閥liques in 闘ombat for power in Rabat... 閣 0898 閥 1540 闘 1541
□ 782 極xtreme 誇oast creates woes... 極 0488 誇 1645
XI. Zigzag
□ 783 郵ostal workers 睡sleep, when parcels missed the ship... 郵 0846 睡 1210
□ 784 Not to 伴ccompany 判udgements with money... 伴 1185 判 0793
□ 785 Either 倍ultiply or 剖ivide, stock markets ride... 倍 0248 剖 1835
□ 786 形hapes neatly 研olished look varnished... 形 0202 研 0416
□ 787 欧uropean tarots, Old World's 枢ivot... 欧 1182 枢 1183
□ 788 助ssistance from 祖ncestors made us victors... 助 0391 祖 0710
□ 789 辞uit 括undling forensics with 辞hetoric... 辞 0563 括 1341 辞 0563
□ 790 勅mperial-edics illuminate, not 疎lienate... 勅 1890 疎 1544 疎 1544
□ 791 招nvited after a nap, a child 拐idnapped... 招 0676 拐 1917
□ 792 部art of the 陪ury believed another theory... 部 0247 陪 1943
□ 793 Friends' 継ontinuing 断efusal, highly unusual... 継 1184 断 0792
□ 794 訓nstructions on word 順equence led to coherence... 訓 0581 順 0580
□ 795 Unburied 故eceased 枯ithering with disease... 故 0643 枯 1148
□ 796 Narcotic 剤rugs, 済ettled by thugs... 斉 1026 済 0851
□ 797 謹espectful 勤mployees fired the least... 謹 1332 勤 0854
□ 798 Distance 隔ntervals 融issolve with click & portal... 隔 1612 融 1611
□ 799 厚hick writing of 願equests to the King... 厚 0714 願 0541
□ 800 豊bundant harvest, farmers' 喜appiness... 豊 0786 喜 0618
□ 801 Direct 嫡eirs of my 敵nemy, now after me..! 嫡 1933 敵 0669
□ 802 貯tore-up savings net 寧ather-than be 寧ourteous & 寧uiet... 貯 0577 寧 1455 寧 1455
□ 803 割amaged steel 轄edge, 轄ivided the bridge edge... 割 0844 轄 1290 割 0844
□ 804 醜gly 魅harm does no harm... 醜 1556 魅 1555
□ 805 乳ilk bottle that 浮loats thrown from a boat... 乳 0915 浮 1129
□ 806 Golden 卵ggs for-free by the 柳illow-tree... 卵 0929 柳 1876
□ 807 劾mpeached at a 刻oint-in-time, dictator turned 刻culptor... 劾 1939 刻 0955
□ 808 The 該[said] nations possess 核uclear weapons... 該 1306 核 1305
□ 809 端xtreme 耐ndurance tests mind tolerance... 端 1461 耐 1458
□ 810 鋼teel gong must be solid 剛trong... 鋼 0997 剛 1627
□ 811 璽mperial-seal coming soon, for the movie, “繭ocoon..." 璽 1891 繭 1912
Kanji Handbook

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