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No 人erson will 入nter a house on 火ire...

人⇔イ (person)

FLIP: 1.0.b. Whole (stem)



hito, JIN, NIN 1 人

human, person, people, individual, somebody, someone

人嫌い unsociable, extremely shy hitogirai

人殺し murder, manslaughter hitogoroshi

美人 pretty woman bijin

婦人 lady, young woman fujin

夫人 wife, married woman, Mrs. fujin

人々 people, crowd hitobito

人柄 character, personality hitogara

人質 hostage, kidnap victim hitojichi

一人 one individual hitori, ichinin

法人 legal entity, incorporated hōjin

人事 personnel; human affairs jinji

人権 human rights jinken

人工 artificial, man-made jinkō

人口 population jinkō

人民 citizens, people jinmin

人類 mankind, humanity jinrui

人生 human life jinsei

恋人 boyfriend, girlfriend koibito

仲人 matchmaker, nakōdo

人間 human, person ningen

人魚 mermaid ningyo

人形 doll, mannequin ningyō

人気① popularity, public acclaim ninki

人気② sign of life hitoke

人数 number of people ninzū

大人 adult, grown-up otona

素人 amateur, novice, greenhorn shirōto

他人 stranger, another fellow tanin

人道的 humane, humanitarian jindōteki

見物人 spectator, audience kenbutsunin

日本人 Japanese person nihonjin, nipponjin

外国人 non-Japanese, foreigner gaikokujin

者erson, 278

子hildren, 456

家xpert, 909

士entleman, 8

紳entleman, 713

男asculine, 597

女emale, 350


No 人erson will 入nter a house on 火ire...

入 (enter)

FLIP: 2.0.b. Sort Of (stem)

Facing: 1.0. ☜ West (W)



hai(ru), i(ru), i(reru), NYŪ 52 入

enter, get inside, put-inside

編入 change course (university) hennyū

入口 opening, door iriguchi

介入 intervention, intercession kainyū

加入 enter, join kanyū

記入 write down, record kinyū

購入 buy, purchase kōnyū

密入 smuggling mitsunyū

入学 school admissions nyūgaku

入費 entrance-, admission fee nyūhi

入院 hospital confinement nyūin

入場 admission, entrance nyūjō

入金 payment, deposit nyūkin

入国 arrival in a foreign country nyūkoku

入門 introductory, primer nyūmon

入札 auction, bidding nyūsatsu

入社 joining a company nyūsha

入賞 winning an award nyūshō

侵入 invade, attack shinnyū

収入 income, salary shūnyū

挿入 insert sō'nyū

出入り coming & going, in & out deiri

入れ歯 false teeth, dentures ireba

入り用 need, necessary, necessity iriyō

札入れ wallet, purse satsuire

嫁入り marriage, taking a bride yomeiri

入り込む get in, steal into hairikomu

恥じ入る be ashamed of hajiiru

一括購入 bulk purchase ikkatsu kōnyū

入り浸る overstay one 's welcome iribitaru

刈り入れ crop harvest kariire

受け入れ acceptance, treatment ukeire

置eave-behind, 420

据et-in-place, 384

奥nside, 903

内nside, 297

出epart, 173

人uman, 2


No 人erson will 入nter a house on 火ire...

火⇔灬 (fire)

FLIP: 2.0.b. Sort Of (stem)



hi, ho, KA 20 火

fire, flame, torch, burning

防火 fire prevention bōka

小火 small fire, fire-prevented boya

中火 medium heat, moderate fire chūbi

発火 catching fire, igniting hakka

花火 fireworks hanabi

火花 sparks hibana

火色 flame colour hiiro

火元 fire source himoto

放火 arson, setting in flames hōka

火影 flickering light hokage

情火 fire of passion jōka

火炎 flame, blaze kaen

火片 sparks kahen

火事 fire outbreak kaji

⇒山火事 forest fire yamakaji

火気 fire, spark kaki

火の気 fire, spark hinoke

火口 crater kakō

火急 urgency, emergency kakyū

火熱 flame heat kanetsu

火災 fire disaster kasai

火星 Planet Mars kasei

火線 line of fire (battle) kasen

火葬 cremation kasō

火山 volcano kazan

口火 pilot light kuchibi

急火 sudden outbreak of fire kyūka

烈火 raging fire rekka

戦火 flames of war senka

消火 fire fighting, ~extinguishing shōka

出火 fire outbreak shukka

大火 conflagration taika

点火 igniting tenka

不審火 fire of unknown origin fushinbi

災isaster, 571

熱eat, 153

犬anine, 7


六ix golfers in the North Pole aim for the 八ighth 穴ole...

八 (eight, divisible)

FLIP: 1.0.b. Whole (stem)


mut(tsu), mu(tsu), mu, mui, ROKU 8 六


甚六 simpleton jinroku

六日 sixth day of the month muika

六書 Kanji six classics rikusho

六角 hexagon rokkaku

六角形 hexagon shape rokkakukei, rokkakkei

六感 the six senses rokkan

六月 June rokugatsu

六尺 palanquin bearer; 6 feet tall, ~long rokushaku

六法 six statutory legal codes roppō

六法全書 compendium of laws roppō zensho

双六 Japanese backgammon sugoroku

宿六 my old man; my husband yadoroku

第六感 hunch, sixth sense, intuition dairokkan

十六夜 the 16 th night of a lunar calendar izayoi

六文儀 sextant rokubungi

六大州 the six continents rokudaishū

六三三制 pre-university school years rokusansansei

二二六事件 26 February 1936 incident niniroku jiken

六十の手習い starting anew in one 's sixtyish rokujū no tenarai

一ne, 858

二econd, 457

三hree, 858

四our, 17

五ive, 86

七even, 72

八ight, 4

九ine, 73

十en, 344

数umber, 156

百undred, 14

千housand, 74

万en thousand, 465

億undred-million, 340

零ero, 874

八ight, 4

穴ole, 4


六ix golfers in the North Pole aim for the 八ighth 穴ole...

八 (eight, divisible)

10 八 2

FLIP: 1.0.b. Whole (stem)


yat(tsu), ya(tsu), ya, yō, HACHI 10 八


八丁 skillfullness hacchō

八月 August hachigatsu

尺八 bamboo flute shakuhachi

八幡 god of war hachiman

八面 all sides; eight faces hachimen

八戸市 Hachinohe City, Aomori Pref. hachinohe

間八 amberjack kanpachi

八方 far & wide, high & low happō

八日 eight day of the month yōka

八字髭 long-pointed moustache hachijihige

八角形 octagon hakkakukei, hakkakkei

八宝菜 chopsuey, mixed veggies dish happōsai

八頭身 well-shaped woman hattōshin

十八金 18 karat gold jūhachikin

口八丁 quick tongue, sweet talker kuchihacchō

村八分 ostracism, disowning murahachibu

十八番 favourite jūhachiban, ohako

嘘八百 nothing but lies, rubbish talk usohappyaku

八重歯 double tooth yaeba

八重桜 double cherry blossoms yaezakura

八百長 rigged contest, fixed game yaochō

八百屋 fruit & vegetable shop yaoya

八十路 eighty years old yasoji

八つ手 Japanese fatsia yatsude

八ヶ岳 Mt. Yatsugatake yatsugatake

八方美人 everybody's friend happō bijin

百八十度 about face hyakuhachijūdo

一か八か all-or-nothing ichika bachika

十中八九 in all likelihood, in 9-to-10 jicchūhakku

四苦八苦 struggle, strive shikuhakku

一ne, 858

二econd, 457

三hree, 858

四our, 17

五ive, 86

六ix, 3

七even, 72

九ine, 73

十en, 344

穴ole, 4


六ix golfers in the North Pole aim for the 八ighth 穴ole...

穴 (hole, cave)

899 穴 5

FLIP: 1.0.b. Whole (stem)



ana, KETSU 899 穴

hole, cavity, cranny, pore, puncture, opening

穴凹 pothole anaboko

穴熊 badger anaguma

穴蔵 cellar anagura

穴子 conger eel anago

欠隙 crevice, cleft, crack, cranny ketsugeki

穴馬 dark horse anauma

穴場 good find, little-known place anaba

墓穴 grave, tomb boketsu

洞穴 cave, cavern dōketsu, horaana

岩穴 cave, cavern iwaana

鍵穴 keyhole kagiana

風穴 air hole, air ventilation kazaana

毛穴 hair pore keana

経穴 acupuncture points keiketsu

節穴 knothole, loophole fushiana

大穴 large hole ooana

穴居 living in a cave kekkyo

縦穴 pit, shaft tateana

虎穴 tiger's lair, tigers den koketsu

横穴 tunnel, cave yokoana

穴開け punching, piercing, drilling anaake

穴塞ぎ stopgap anafusagi

穴掘り hole digging anahori

穴探し fault-finder, complainer anasagashi

穴埋め making up, covering anaume

穴釣り ice fishing anazuri

穴居人 caveman kekkyojin

抜け穴 loophole, secret path nukeana

焼け穴 burnt hole yakeana

落とし穴 pitfall, trap, catch otoshiana

孔ole, 684

口pening, 458

八ight, 4


Hit with a 乙econd group of thorns, 己elf-pride 忌ourns...

乙⇔乚 (fishhook)

Facing: 1.0. ☜ West (W)

乙art B

乙econd group

OTSU 983 乙

Part B, second group

甲乙 former & latter, A & B kōotsu

乙姫 younger princess otohime

乙女 virgin, maiden otome

乙女心 girlish thinking otomegokoro

乙女座 Virgo otomeza

乙種 second grade, grade B otsushu

二econd, 457

次ext, 460

副eputy, 332

己elf, 5


Hit with a 乙econd group of thorns, 己elf-pride 忌ourns...

己 (self)

370 己 3

Facing: 1.0. ☜ West (W)


己ne's own

onore, KO, KI 370 己

self, one's own, oneself

知己 acquaintance, casual friendship chiki

一己 oneself, one's person ikko

自己 oneself, one's person jiko

自己紹介 self-introduction jiko shōkai

自己主義 egoism, narcissism jiko shugi

克己 self-restraint, self-denial kokki

克己心 sense of self-denial kokkishin

利己 self-interest, selfishness riko

利己的 selfish, self-centred rikoteki

利己主義 egotism, narcissism riko shugi

己惚れ self-conceited, narcissistic unubore

我elf, 443

自elf, 462

身elf, 504

私rivate, 682

乙econd class, 5

忌bhor, 6


Hit with a 乙econd group of thorns, 己elf-pride 忌ourns...

心⇔忄⇔忝 (feelings)

Facing: 3.0. ☞☜ Across



i(mu), i(mawashii), KI 1797 忌

mourning, abhor, loathe, bereavement

忌明け end of mourning imiake

忌み日 abstinence day; unlucky day imibi

忌み嫌う hate, detest, abhor imikirau

忌み言葉 taboo words imikotoba

忌むべき detestable, abhorrible imubeki

忌忌しい disgusting, sickening imaimashii

回忌 death anniversary kaiki

嫌忌 dislike, aversion kenki

忌引き mourning leave days kibiki

忌中 mourning, grieving, wailing kichū

忌服 mourning attire, funeral clothes kifuku

忌避 evasion, skirting, ducking kihi

⇒徴兵忌避 draft dodging chōhei kihi

⇒徴兵忌避者 draft dodger chōhei kihisha

忌諱 displeasure of a person kii

忌日 death anniversary to the day kinichi

禁忌 taboo, contra-indication kinki

年忌 death anniversary nenki

猜忌 hate, avoid saiki

周忌 death anniversary shūki

一周忌 first death anniversary isshūki

物忌み purification by abstinence mono imi

三回忌 second death anniversary sankaiki

忌憚なく candidly, honestly kitannaku

弔ourning, 538

喪ourning, 119

愁orrows, 415

悲orrows, 289

死eath, 513

逝eath, 54

亡eath, 72

志ntention, 426

忘orget, 34


太bese 犬ogs with teeth 太hick & 大arge taking charge...

大 (grand)

629 太4

FLIP: 2.0.b. Sort Of (stem)



futo(i), futo(ru), TAI, TA 629 太

thick, fat, obese, plump, burly, corpulent

太字 bold-faced type futoji

太目 thick, fat futome

太股 thigh futomomo

骨太 thick-boned person honebuto

丸太 log maruta

肉太 thick strokes nikubuto

太陰 moon taiin

太陰暦 lunar calendar taiinreki

太古 ancient times, pre-history taiko

太鼓 drum taiko

太鼓判 large seal taikoban

太鼓腹 potbelly, beer belly taikobara

太虚 solar energy taikyo

太子 crown prince taishi

⇒聖徳太子 prince shohtoku shōtoku taishi

太初 Genesis taisho

太守 governor-general, viceroy taishu

太祖 dynasty founder taiso

太陽 the sun taiyō

太陽系 solar system taiyōkei

皇太后 empress dowager kōtaigō

皇太子 crown prince kōtaishi

皇太子妃 crown princess kōtaishihi

太書き thick writing strokes futogaki

太公望 angler taikōbō

与太者 hooligan, hoodlum, thug, bully yotamono

図太い audacious, impudent zubutoi

太刀打ち cross sword with tachiuchi

太平洋 Pacific Ocean taiheiyō

太平洋戦争 Pacific War taiheiyō sensō

肪bese, 735

厚hick, 964

濃hick, 446

大arge, 7

犬anine, 7


太bese 犬ogs with teeth 太hick & 大arge taking charge...

犬⇔犭 (dog; beast)

FLIP: 2.0.b. Sort Of (stem)



inu, KEN 280 犬

dog, canine

愛犬 favourite dog, pet dog aiken

愛犬家 dog lover, dog breeder aikenka

番犬 watchdog banken

畜犬 pet dog chikuken

忠犬 one's faithful dog chūken

軍犬 military dog gunken

犬釘 spikes inukugi

犬侍 disgraced-, coward samurai inuzamurai

犬猿 mortal enemies (dog & monkey) ken'en

犬儒 cynical, eccentric, obstinate kenju

犬歯 canine tooth kenshi

子犬 puppy, little dog koinu

狂犬 mad dog, hound dog kyōken

猛犬 fierce dog mōken

雄犬 male dog osuinu

猟犬 hunting dog, hound dog ryōken

柴犬 small dog, midget dog shibaken

闘犬 dogfight, rumble, free-for-all tōken

野犬 stray-, homeless dog yaken

山犬 wild dog, mad dog yamainu

犬狩り wild dog, mad dog inugari

犬小屋 kennel, dog house inugoya

犬食い eating like a dog inugui

犬死に senseless-, useless death inuji (ni)

犬掻き dog paddle inukaki

犬泳ぎ dog paddle inuoyogi

飼い犬 pet dog, house dog kaiinu

警察犬 police dog keisatsuken

負け犬 loser, defeated makeinu

盲導犬 eye-seeing dog mōdōken

愛ove, 593

親ntimate, 669

飼aising, 835

烈ierce, 585

激ierce, 170

猛ierce, 657

大arge, 7

太hick, 6


太bese 犬ogs with teeth 太hick & 大arge taking charge...

大 (grand)

26 大 3

FLIP: 1.0.b. Whole (stem)




ō(kii), ōi(ni), DAI, TAI 26 大

large, grand, big, abbreviative suffix for universities

大学 university daigaku

大臣 cabinet minister daijin

大名 feudal lord daimyō

拡大 expand, enlarge kakudai

寛大 magnanimous, generous kandai

誇大 exaggeration, boasting kodai

大雨 heavy rain, rainpour ōame

大型 large-scale ōgata

大手 large, major ōte

大家 landlord, owner ōya

大人 adult, grown up otona

盛大 splendour, grandeur seidai

大変 hard, difficult taihen

大会 large gathering, ~assembly taikai

大金 vast amount of money taikin, ōgon

大国 Great Powers, colonial powers taikoku

大乱 large-scale rioting tairan

大陸 continent tairiku

大使 ambassador, envoy, emissary taishi

大和 ancient name of Japan yamato

超大国 superpower chōtaikoku

大部分 majority, greater part daibubun

大丈夫 OK, fine, "no problem..." daijōbu

大音響 loud noise daionkyō

大統領 The President daitōryō

大いに very much, extremely ōi (ni)

大き目 large, big ōkime

大文字 capitalized letters, large caps ōmoji

大して "not very much..." taishite

大安売り bargain sale ōyasuuri

文化大革命 cultural revolution bunka daikakumei

東大 Tōkyō University tōdai

拡nlarge, 205

広arge, 205

巨iant, 206

丈obust, 463

太hick, 6


士entlemen on the 土round at your 仕ervice all year round...

士 (samurai, warrior)

FLIP: 1.0.a. Whole (flat)



samurai, SHI 572 士

gentleman, fighter, masculine, samurai

学士 university graduate gakushi

技士 technician, skilled expert gishi

博士 doctorate, doctoral hakase, hakushi

士女 male & female shijo

紳士 gentleman shinshi

紳士協定 gentlemen's agreement shinshi kyōtei

紳士録 "Who's Who..." shinshiroku

修士 master of arts, ~of science shūshi

弁護士 lawyer, barrister bengoshi

弁理士 patent lawyer benrishi

代議士 Diet member, lawmaker daigishi

栄養士 dietician, nutritionist eiyōshi

看護士 male nurse kangoshi

計理士 accountant keirishi

操縦士 airline pilot sōjūshi

闘牛士 bullfighter, matador, picador tōgyūshi

武士 samurai, warrior bushi

武士道 samurai spirit, warrior spirit bushidō

同士 fellow ~, colleague, comrade dōshi

兵士 soldier, private heishi

騎士 knight kishi

烈士 hero, patriot resshi

力士 sumo wrestler rikishi

戦士 soldier, fighter senshi

士族 samurai family shizoku

策士 tactician, strategist sakushi

士官 military officer shikan

士気 fighting spirit, espirit-de-corps shiki

闘士 fighter, activist, champion tōshi

勇士 brave man, hero yūshi

紳entleman, 713

壮asculine, 367

男asculine, 597

僕asculine, 157

雄asculine, 775

郎asculine, 404

土round, 8


士entlemen on the 土round at your 仕ervice all year round...

土 (ground, soil)

24 土 3

FLIP: 1.0.a. Whole (flat)



tsuchi, DO, TO 24 土

ground, soil, earth

土壌 earth, soil dojō

土管 earthen pipe dokan

土建 building, structure doken

土器 earthenware doki

土間 soil-, dirt floor doma

土日 weekend, Saturday & Sunday donichi

土星 planet Saturn dosei

土質 soil nature doshitsu

土手 embankment, riverbank dote

土俵 sumo wrestling arena; sandbag dohyō

⇒初土俵 sumo wrestler's debut hatsudohyō

土俵際 brink of, critical moment dohyōgiwa

土俵入り sumo opening rituals dohyōiri

風土 natural resources fūdo

本土 mainland hondo

浄土 Buddhist paradise jōdo

壁土 plaster kabetsuchi

国土 territory, country kokudo

郷土 hometown, birthplace kyōdo

郷土愛 love of hometown kyōdoai

粘土 clay, earthen nendo

黄土 ochre ōdo

領土 territory, domain ryōdo

焦土 burnt ground, scorched land shōdo

土地 land, property tochi

土煙 cloud of dust tsuchikemuri

土塊 lump of earth, clod tsuchikure

沖積土 alluvial soil chūsekido

泥土層 soil-, dirt bed deidosō

土壇場 place of execution, critical moment dotanba

土曜日 Saturday doyōbi

土足厳禁 "take off your shoes..." dosoku genkin

土産物店 souvenir shop miyagemonoten

地and, 688

陸and, 140

士entleman, 8


士entlemen on the 土round at your 仕ervice all year round...

人⇔仆 (person)

333 仕 5

FLIP:7.0.a. Right (flat)



tsuka(eru), SHI, JI 333 仕

service, action, serve, do

奉仕 service, serving hōshi

給仕 waiter, waitress, meal servant kyūji

仲仕 heaver, stevedore, longshoreman nakashi

仕儀 course of events shigi

仕事 work, job, task, labour shigoto

仕事場 workplace, worksite shigotoba

仕事量 work load shigotoryō

仕官 entering civil service shikan

仕方 way of doing things shikata

仕舞 Noh dance shimai

仕度 arrangements, preparation shitaku

仕業 act, deed shiwaza

仕様 ways & means; specifications shiyō

仕出し catering, meals delivery shidashi

仕出し屋 caterer, caterers shop shidashiya

荒仕事 hard work, hard labour arashigoto

泥仕合 mudslinging dorojiai

針仕事 needlework harishigoto

仕上げ finishing touches shiage

仕入れ putting in stock shiire

仕返し revenge, retaliation, get back at shikaeshi

仕切り dividing line, demarcation shikiri

仕込み education, training, preparation shikomi

仕組み clerver plan & execution shikumi

仕置き punishment, execution, sentence shioki

仕打ち treatment, disposition shiuchi

仕訳帳 journal, bulletin shiwakechō

仕掛ける set up, fixed shikakeru

仕向ける urge, force, agitate shimukeru

仕分ける sort out, segregate shiwakeru

勤ervice, 962

務ervice, 454

努fforts, 44

奉ffer, 275

呈ffer, 618

催ponsor, 416

付ttach, 382

代poch, 96


水ater 氷roze into 氷ce in the 永ong winter twice...

水⇔氵 (water)

21 水 4

FLIP: 2.0.b. Sort Of (stem)



mizu, SUI 21 水

water, aqua

減水 receding of water level gensui

排水 drainage, sewerage canal haisui

湖水 lake kosui

給水 water supply kyūsui

吸水 pumping out water kyūsui

水飴 malt syrup mizuame

水腹 survive on water mizubara, mizuppara

汚水 slops, sewage water osui

利水 irrigation water risui

節水 saving water, water conservation sessui

清水 fresh water shimizu

水圧 water pressure suiatsu

水圧計 hydraulic gauge suiatsukei

水防 flood control suibō

水泳 swimming suiei

水運 water transportation suiun

貯水池 water reservoir chosuichi

浄水場 water purification plant jōsuijō

給水管 water pipes kyūsuikan

水揚げ unloading from the sea; watering mizuage

水引き ceremonial paper strings mizuhiki

水溜り pool, puddle mizutamari

飲み水 potable-, drinking water nomimizu

水曜日 Wednesday suiyōbi

治水工事 embankment works chisui kōji

寒中水泳 mid-winter swimming kanchū suiei

警戒水位 dangerous level keikaisuii

水っぽい watery, washy, thin mizuppoi

水しぶき water spray mizushibuki

温水プール heated swimming pool onsui pūru

海cean, 241

洋cean, 247

河iver, 877

川iver, 76

液iquid, 508

泳wimming, 729

氷ce, 10

氷ce, 10

永ternal, 10


水ater 氷roze into 氷ce in the 永ong winter twice...

水⇔氵 (water)

1206 氷 5

FLIP: 2.0.b. Sort Of (stem)



kōri, hi, kō(ru), HYŌ 1206 氷

freeze, ice, glaciate

着氷 ice coating chakuhyō

浮氷 floating ice fuhyō

薄氷 thin ice hakuhyō, usugōri

初氷 the year's first freezing (river) hatsugōri

氷室 icehouse, cold room himuro

氷雨 cold autumn rain hisame

氷柱 icicle, ice pillar hyōchū

氷河 glacier hyōga

氷原 ice field hyōgen

氷壁 wall of ice hyōheki

氷解 melting away, thawing hyōkai

氷塊 block of ice hyōkai

氷海 frozen sea hyōkai

氷結 freezing, icebound hyōketsu

氷嚢 ice bag hyōnō

氷雪 ice & snow hyōsetsu

氷晶 ice crystals hyōshō

氷炭 irreconcilable differences hyōtan

氷点 freezing point hyōten

氷山 iceberg hyōzan

樹氷 ice-covered trees juhyō

解氷 thawing, de-icing kaihyō

氷枕 ice pillow (fever) kōrimakura

氷水 ice water kōrimizu

氷屋 iceman, ice shop kōriya

霧氷 frost, rime muhyō

流氷 floating-, drifting ice ryūhyō

製氷 ice-making seihyō

氷菓子 frozen sweets kōrigashi

氷砂糖 rock-, sugar candy kōrizatō

凍reeze, 221

冬inter, 397

寒hills, 121

冷hilly, 684

水ater, 9

永ternal, 10


水ater 氷roze into 氷ce in the 永ong winter twice...

水⇔氵 (water)

Facing: 1.0. ☜ West (W)



naga(i), EI 1207 永

long-lasting, endless, eternal, immortal

永別 long separation eibetsu

永遠 eternity, immortality eien

永劫 eternity, everlasting eigō

永住 permanent residence eijū

永住権 right of permanent stay eijūken

永訣 final farewell, death eiketsu

永久 permanent, eternal eikyū

永久歯 permanent tooth eikyūshi

永眠 eternal rest, death eimin

永年 many long years einen

永生 eternal life, immortality eisei

永世 permanence, eternity eisei

永代 perpetual, eternal eitai

永続 permanence, perpetuity eizoku

永続性 permanence, perpetuity eizokusei

半永久的 semi-permanent han'eikyūteki

長ong, 273

寿ongevity, 440

久ternal, 379

時ime, 653

水ater, 9

氷reeze, 10


My 主aster's 主rincipal 玉ewel, given by 王ing Emmanuel...

丶 (dot)

155 主 5

FLIP: 2.0.a. Sort Of (flat)



nushi, omo(ni), SHU 155 主

master, principal

地主 landlord, landed gentry jinushi

自主 autonomy, self-governing jishu

株主 stock-, shareholder kabunushi

君主 monarch, sovereign, ruler kunshu

荷主 shipper, consignor ninushi

領主 feudal lord ryōshu

船主 shipowner senshu

主調 keynote, main point shuchō

主張 principal object shuchō

主演 starring, leading role shuen

主婦 housewife, lady of the house shufu

主義 ideology, doctrine shugi

⇒独裁主義 dictatorship dokusai shugi

⇒社会主義 socialism shakai shugi

主語 sentence subject shugo

主筆 chief editor, head writer shuhitsu

主因 primary cause, leading factor shuin

主人 husband, owner shujin

主幹 head, chief shukan

主権 sovereignty, suzerainty shuken

主任 officer-in-charge shunin

主力 lord, master shuryoku

主流 main current shuryū

主催 sponsorship, auspices shusai

主要 main point, gist shuyō

亭主 proprietor; one's husband teishu

店主 shop-, storekeeper tenshu

家主 landlord, house owner yanushi

買い主 buyer, purchaser kainushi

主観性 subjectivity shukansei

頭hief, 832

導uidance, 312

本ain, 461

旨ain point, 242

筋uscle, 584

要ssential, 419

玉phere, 11

生ife, 474


My 主aster's 主rincipal 玉ewel, given by 王ing Emmanuel...

王⇔玉 (jewel)

295 玉 5

FLIP: 2.0.a. Sort Of (flat)



tama, GYOKU 295 玉

sphere; jewel, gem

悪玉 villain, bad guy akudama

飴玉 candy balls amedama

円玉 Japanese yen coins endama

火玉 fireball hidama

蟹玉 crabmeat omelette kanitama

剣球 cup & ball game kendama

薬玉 scented balls kusudama

目玉 eyeball medama

親玉 ringleader, chief, boss oyadama

玉子 mini balls tamago

玉虫 scarab beetle tamamushi

玉葱 onion tamanegi

年玉 New Year gift for children toshidama

矢玉 arrows & bullets yadama

槍玉 given example yaridama

湯玉 boiling water bubbles yudama

善玉 good thing, good deed zendama

替え玉 substitute, replacement kaedama

肝っ玉 guts, nerve, mettle, courage kimottama

算盤玉 abacus beads sorobandama

玉突き billiards, pool tamatsuki

玉杯 jade cup gyokuhai

玉砕 glorious-, honourable death gyokusai

玉石 gems & stone's gyokuseki

玉将 king, monarch, ruler gyokushō

玉座 throne, seat of power gyokuza

宝玉 precious stones, jewel hōgyoku

上玉 precious stones jōdama

珠玉 jewel, gem; the greatest shugyoku

玉手箱 Pandora's box; treasure chest tamatebako

石tone, 363

貴recious, 913

主aster, 11

生ife, 474


My 主aster's 主rincipal 玉ewel, given by 王ing Emmanuel...

王⇔玉 (jewel)

294 王 4

FLIP: 1.0.a. Whole (flat)



Ō 294 王

king, monarch, sovereign

藩王 rajah, sultan han'ō

女王 queen joō

勤王 loyalty to the monarch kinnō

国王 king, monarch, ruler kokuō

魔王 Satan, Lucifer maō

王朝 dynasty, dynastic rule ōchō

王位 throne, crown ōi

王者 king, champion ōja

王子 prince ōji

王事 monarchical cause ōji

王冠 crown, bottle cap ōkan

王権 royalty, sovereign power ōken

王侯 nobility & royalty ōkō

王国 kingdom ōkoku

王宮 royal palace ōkyū

王様 king, monarch, ruler ōsama

王政 royal government, monarchy ōsei

王室 royal family ōshitsu

王手 check, checkmate ōte

王党 royalist, loyalist ōtō

王座 throne, premier place ōza

王族 royalty, royal family ōzoku

竜王 dragon king ryūō

親王 imperial prince shinnō

尊王 reverence to the king sonnō

帝王 emperor, monarch teiō

帝王切開 Caesarean delivery, C-section teiō sekkai

海王星 Planet Neptune kaiōsei

天王星 Planet Uranus tennōsei

ローマ法王 Roman Catholic Pope, Pontiff rōma hōō

国ation, 92

皇mperor, 113

帝mpire, 432

生ife, 474


未ending 末atter-part, about to be 抹rossed-out...

木 (wooden)

306 未 5

FLIP: 1.0.b. Whole (stem)


未ot yet

MI, imada(ni) 306 未

pending, not yet

未着 yet to arrive michaku

未熟 unripe, immature mijuku

未開地 underdeveloped-, virgin land mikaichi

未開人 primitive man, savage mikaijin

未開社会 primitive society mikai shakai

未確認 unconfirmed, unverified mikakunin

未確定 pending, unsettled, unclear mikakutei

未刊 unpublished novel mikan

未完 unfinished, uncompleted mikan

未見 unseen, yet-to-be-seen miken

未婚 unmarried, single mikon

未満 under-, below miman

未納 unpaid, unsettled account minō

未来 future mirai

未了 unfinished, uncompleted miryō

未済 unpaid, unsettled account misai

未設 yet-to-install, uninstalled misetsu

未収 accrued, outstanding balance mishū

未定 undecided, "decision pending" mitei

未到 yet-to-reach, unachieved mitō

未然に "before something happens..." mizen (ni)

未曾有 unprecedented, unheard-of mizōu

未成年 minor, under-aged, below 18 miseinen

未決囚 unconvicted prisoner miketsushū

未亡人 widow mibōjin

未知語 unknown word michigo

未知数 unknown quantity, ~amount michisū

未払い unpaid account miharai, mibarai

未実施 undone, unexecuted mijisshi

未経験者 inexperienced, amateur mikeikensha

未遂 attempted action misui

自殺未遂 attempted suicide jisatsu misui

殺害未遂 attempted murder satsugai misui

不[negative], 300

非[negative], 288

無othing, 49

零ero, 874

夫usband, 83

扶amily-support, 97


未ending 末atter-part, about to be 抹rossed-out...

木 (wooden)

FLIP: 1.0.b. Whole (stem)



sue, MATSU, BATSU 305 末

latter-part, ending, closing

幕末 Shogunate last days bakumatsu

場末 poor suburbs, ~outskirts basue

粉末 powder funmatsu

月末 end of the month getsumatsu

巻末 near the books end kanmatsu

結末 conclusion, closing ketsumatsu

期末 end of term kimatsu

季末 season end kimatsu

末期 end, close, last stage makki

末筆 "with best regards..." mappitsu

末尾 end, close matsubi

末代 succeeding generations matsudai

末日 last day matsujitsu

末路 end, last days, fate matsuro

末端 end, closing, closure mattan

年末 year-end nenmatsu

歳末 year-end saimatsu

瑣末 frivolous, trivial, petty samatsu

始末 matter to take care shimatsu

週末 weekend, Saturdays & Sundays shūmatsu

終末 conclusion shūmatsu

粗末 miserable, careless somatsu

末娘 youngest daughter suemusume

端末 terminal, endpoint tanmatsu

①行末 the future yukusue

②行く末 end of line (text) ikusue

末っ子 youngest child suekko

世紀末 end of a century seikimatsu

末長く forever & ever suenagaku

末広がり fan, spread suehirogari

端ndpoint, 974

終inish, 397

了inish, 456

遂inally, 479

未ot yet,12

未ot yet, 12

示howing, 878


未ending 末atter-part, about to be 抹rossed-out...

手⇔扌 (hand, manual)

1914 抹 8

FLIP:7.0.b1. Right (stem)



MATSU 1914 抹

cross-out, wipe-out

一抹 somewhat, "a touch of …" ichimatsu

抹茶 green tea powder maccha

抹香 incense stick makkō

抹香鯨 sperm whale makkō kujira

抹香臭い smack of religion makkōkusai

抹殺 wiping out, denial, killing massatsu

抹消 erasure, crossing off masshō

塗抹 painting over tomatsu

絶radicate, 403

消elete, 265

廃bolish, 368

外emove, 188

脱emove, 941

止erminate, 192

停top, 393

末atter-part, 13

示howing, 878


One 日unny 日ay in 日apan, flew a 百undred 白hite swans...

曰 (sunlight, daytime)

5 日 4

FLIP: 1.0.a. Whole (flat)




hi, ka, JITSU, NICHI 5 日

day, sun, Japan

朝日 morning sun asahi

元日 New Year's day ganjitsu

半日 half day hannichi

期日 fixed date, fixed term kijitsu

昨日 yesterday, day before today kinō

毎日 every day mainichi

命日 death anniversary meinichi

日録 daily journal nichiroku

祭日 holiday saijitsu

週日 weekday shūjitsu

祝日 national holiday shukujitsu

短日 a few days tanjitsu

定日 appointed date teijitsu

曜日 day of the week yōbi

給料日 payday, salary day kūryōbi

面会日 visiting days (hospital) menkaibi

年月日 date, month & year (exact date) nengappi

参観日 parental visiting day (school) sankanbi

出勤日 regular workday shukkinbi

誕生日 birthday tanjōbi

日延べ postponement, deferment hinobe

入り日 setting sun irihi

日焼け sun-burned, sun-tanned hiyake

西日 setting sun, sunset nishibi

日食 solar eclipse nisshoku

日英 Japan & England nichiei

日本 Japan nihon, nippon

来日 visit to Japan rainichi

日の丸 Japanese flag, rising-sun flag hinomaru

駐日大使 ambassador to Japan chūnichi taishi

曜eekday, 849

暁aybreak, 818

昼aytime, 575

邦apan, 694

和apanese, 103

陽un, 932

旧ormerly, 464

担esponsible, 739


One 日unny 日ay in 日apan, flew a 百undred 白hite swans...

白 (white)

14 百 6

FLIP: 1.0.a. Whole (flat)


HYAKU, BYAKU, PYAKU, momo 14 百


凡百 all varieties, many kinds bonpyaku

百計 by all means, at all cost hyakkei

百倍 100% times, a hundred fold hyakubai

百害 nothing-but-harm, no good hyakugai

百芸 Jack-of-all-trades hyakugei

百獣 all animals, animal kingdom hyakujū

百万 one million hyakuman

百難 all sorts of difficulties hyakunan

百人 multitude, one hundred persons hyakunin

百雷 one hundred thunderclaps hyakurai

百錬 well-tempered, well-trained hyakuren

百姓 peasant, farmer hyakushō

百出 arising in great numbers hyakushutsu

百態 various situations hyakutai

百点 full marks, 100 score hyakuten

百薬 all kinds of medicines hyakuyaku

百般 all sort of things hyappan

百方 by all means, in every way hyappō

百舌 shrike mozu

百足 centipede mukade

百貨店 department store hyakkaten

百分率 percentage hyakubunritsu

百面相 comic faces hyakumensō

百年祭 centenary, centennial hyakunensai

百人力 tremendous strength hyakuninriki

百日紅 crape myrtle sarusuberi

白百合 white lily flower shirayuri

嘘八百 "nothing but lies..." usohappyaku

百科事典 encyclopaedia hyakka jiten

一罰百戒 punish-one-for-all ichibatsu hyakkai

一ne, 858

十en, 344

千housand, 74

万en thousand, 465

億undred-million, 340

零ero, 874

数umber, 156

白hite, 15

再epeat, 225


One 日unny 日ay in 日apan, flew a 百undred 白hite swans...

白 (white)

205 白 5

FLIP: 1.0.a. Whole (flat)


shiro(i), shira, HAKU, BYAKU 205 白


白バイ police motorcycle shirobai

独白 monologue, siloloquy dokuhaku

白金 platinum hakkin

白亜 chalky white hakua

白墨 blackboard chalk hakuboku

白鳥 white swan hakuchō

白衣 white uniform (medical worker) hakui, byakui

白人 Caucasian, white race hakujin

白魔 heavy snowfall hakuma

白米 polished rice hakumai

白面 fair complexion hakumen

白熱 incandescence, luminescence hakunetsu

白紙 blank sheet hakushi

白書 white paper, official policy hakusho

白票 spoiled ballot hakūyō

漂白 bleaching, whitening hyōhaku

自白 confession, guilt admission jihaku

建白 petition, appeal kenpaku

潔白 purity, innocence keppaku

紅白 red & white kōhaku

告白 confession, recantation kokuhaku

空白 blank, empty space kūhaku

明白 clear, apparent, unmistakable meihaku

精白 refined, smooth seihaku

白浜 white beach shirahama

白黒 black & white shirokuro, byakkoku

白眼視 indifference, callousness hakuganshi

鼻白む lose all interest hanajiromu

真っ白 snow-, pure white masshiro

腕白坊主 prankish-, naughty boy wanpaku bōzu

明lear, 22

朗lear, 800

黒lack, 320

百undred, 14

日un, 14


可ossible 拘rrest for libelous 句erses...

口 (mouth)

388 可 5

FLIP: 8.0.a. Inner (flat)



KA 388 可

possible, approval, concur, consent, ~able

可分 divisible, separable kabun

可聴 audible, can be heard kachō

可動 movable, mobility kadō

可読 readable, legible kadoku

可逆 reversible, changeable kagyaku

可否 right-or-wrong, pros & cons kahi

可決 approval, adoption, passage kaketsu

可成 "fairly, rather, pretty..." kanari

可燃 combustible, flammable kanen

可憐 cute, adorable karen

可惜 deep regrets kashaku

可視 visible, apparent, obvious kashi

可塑 plastic, vinyl kaso

可鍛 malleable katan

可算 countable, counting kazan, kasan

許可 permit, license, authorization kyoka

許可証 license certificate, permit kyokashō

認可 approval, permission, license ninka

裁可 sanction, approval, consent saika

不可知 unknown, x-factor fukachi

不可解 incomprehensible, mysterious fukakai

不可欠 indispensable, essential fukaketsu

不可能 impossible, improbable fukanō

不可侵 inviolable; non-aggression fukashin

可変性 variability, adjustability kahensei

可能性 possibility, likelihood, probability kanōsei

可愛い tiny, cute, charming, dainty kawaii

可哀想 pitiful, miserable kawaisō

可溶性 solubility, dissolvability kayōsei

可笑しい funny, "something's wrong..." okashii

承pproval, 117

賛pproval, 334

諾onsent, 277

許ermit, 180

免xempt, 413

句erse, 16

旬[10days], 494


可ossible 拘rrest for libelous 句erses...

手⇔扌 (hand, manual)

1800 拘 8

FLIP: 8.0.a. Inner (flat)



KŌ 1800 拘

arrest, apprehend, accost; adhere, abide

拘置 confinement, detention kōchi

拘置所 prison, jail, gaol kōchisho

拘引 arrest, detain, confine kōin

拘引状 arrest warrant, summons kōinjō

拘禁 detention, custody kōkin

拘留 custody, detention kōryū

拘留状 warrant of arrest kōryūjō

拘留所 detention cell, lockup kōryūsho

拘束 restraint, custody kōsoku

拘束力 binding force kōsokuryoku

拘束時間 entire time spent kōsoku jikan

拘泥 adherence, abiding kōdei

虜aptive, 70

逮apture, 880

捕eize, 812

獄rison, 639

囚rison, 863

守bide, 366

応omply, 469

従omply, 551

尊bedience, 544

旬[10 days], 494

殉artyr, 494


可ossible 拘rrest for libelous 句erses...

口 (mouth)

FLIP: 8.0.a. Inner (flat)



KU 337 句

phrase, verse, Haiku

題句 epigraph daiku

語句 words & phrases goku

俳句 17-syllabled Japanese poem haiku

字句 words & phrases jiku

冗句 redundant phrase jōku

警句 witty remark, wisecrack keiku

句法 phrasing, diction kuhō

禁句 taboo words kinku

句心 poetic instinct kugokoro

句意 phrase meaning, phrase context kui

句会 Haiku association kukai

句境 poetic state-of-mind kukyō

句作 Haiku composition kusaku

句点 period kuten

句読 punctuation kutō

句読点 punctuation marks kutōten

名句 famous phrase, noted verse meiku

文句 complaint; phrase monku

⇒殺し文句 death threat koroshi monku

⇒脅し文句 intimidating phrase odoshi monku

成句 idiomatic expression seiku

節句 season festival sekku

詩句 verse, stanza shiku

対句 anti-thesis, couplet tsuiku

絶句 dying words; "find no words..." zekku

副詞句 adverbial phrase fukushiku

慣用句 idiom, way-of-saying kanyōku

挿入句 parenthesis sōnyūku

一言半句 dumbfounded, "left speechless..." ichigon-, ichigen hanku

言ord, 251

語ord, 780

文iteracy, 558

弁peech, 570

詞hrase, 376

可ossible, 15

旬[10 days], 494

Kanji Handbook

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