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四our 匹nimals in the 西estern corall...

囗 (enclosure)

6 四 5

FLIP: 1.0.a. Whole (flat)


yot(tsu), yo(tsu), yo, yon, SHI 6 四

four, quarter

四月 April shigatsu

四囲 situation, circumstances shii

四海 all the worlds oceans shikai

四角 square, rectangle shikaku

四季 four seasons, all-year round shiki

四股 sumo leg posture shiko

四国 Shikoku Islands shikoku

四面 all four sides shimen

四隣 whole neighbourhood shirin

四散 scatter, scramble, disperse shisan

四声 four tone's in the Chinese language shisei

四聖 Buddha, Christ, Confucius & Socrates shisei

四肢 four limbs, extremities shishi

四書 four Chinese classics shisho

四則 basic math (+,-, x, ÷) shisoku

四日 fourth day of the month yokka

四桁 four-digit number yonketa

四隅 four corners, all sides yosumi

四半期 quarter of a year shihanki

四重唱 singing-, vocal quartet shijūshō

四次元 four dimensions yojigen

四人組 gang of four yoningumi

四十代 40~49 years old, one's fortyish yonjūdai

四つ足 four-legged animal yotsuashi

四十路 forty years of age yosoji

四つ子 quadruplets yotsugo

四つ角 crossroads yotsukado

真四角 rectangle masshikaku

四苦八苦 struggle, strive shiku hakku

四捨五入 rounding off numbers shisha gonyū

四つ切り quarter, one-fourth yotsugiri

一ne, 858

二econd, 457

三hree, 858

五ive, 86

六ix, 3

七even, 72

八ight, 4

九ine, 73

十en, 344

匹[animal], 17

西estern, 18


四our 匹nimals in the 西estern corall...

匚 (sidebox)

1500 匹 4

FLIP: 2.0.a. Sort Of (flat)


hiki, HITSU 1500 匹

[counter for animals]

馬匹 several horses bahitsu

匹夫 uncultivated-, ill-bred man hippu

匹婦 uncultivated-, ill-bred woman hippu

匹敵 good match, equal, tantamount hitteki

数匹 several animals sūhiki

一匹狼 lone wolf ippiki ōkami

猫一匹 one cat neko ippiki

男一匹 full-grown man otoko ippiki

飼reeding, 835

畜reeding, 528

養reeding, 253

牧reeding, 647

四our, 17

西estern, 18


四our 匹nimals in the 西estern corall...

西⇔襾 (western)

72 西 6

FLIP: 1.0.a. Whole (flat)



nishi, SEI, SAI 72 西

Western, European, Occident

西蔵 Tibet chibetto

以西 west of ~ isei

関西 Kansai region (Ōsaka-Kōbe) kansai

江西 Jianxi province, China kōsei

真西 directly facing west manishi

西日 setting sun, afternoon sun nishibi

西側 westside nishigawa

西風 Western winds nishikaze

西宮 Nishinomiya City, Hyōgo Pref. nishinomiya

西下 travel to Kansai from Tōkyō saika

最西 Westernmost part saisei

西土 Western lands seido

西方 westward seihō

西北 northwest seihoku

西人 Westerner seijin

西経 west longitude seikei

西南 southwest seinan

西欧 Western Europe seiō

西欧化 Westernisation, internationalisation seiōka

西暦 Anno Domini, A. D., Christian year seireki

西瓜 watermelon suika

泰西 West, Occident taisei

東西 East & West tōzai

西半球 Western hemisphere nishihankyū

西進中 advancing westward seishinchū

西洋風 European style seiyōfū

西洋人 Westerner, Caucasian seiytjin

大西洋 Atlantic ocean taiseiyō

西明かり Western twilight nishiakari

西洋文明 European civilization seiyō bunmei

西洋野菜 Western vegetables seiyō yasai

東astern, 220

北orthern, 372

南outhern, 414

両oth, 567

丙hird class, 212


Killed by 矢rrow puncture, not by 医edicine 失ailure...

矢 (archery arrow)

213 矢 5

FLIP: 2.0.b. Sort Of (stem)



ya, SHI 213 矢

arrow, dart, spike

毒矢 poisoned arrow dokuya

火矢 flaming arrow hiya

遠矢 long-distance archery tōya

矢羽 arrow feathers yabane

矢場 archery field yaba

矢文 letter attached to an arrow yabumi

矢玉 arrow & bullet yadama

矢種 remaining arrow yadane

矢柄 arrow shaft yagara

矢尻 arrowhead, arrowbarb yajiri

矢印 arrow yajirushi

矢面 target, "brunt of…"yaomote

矢来 palisade, stockade yarai

矢先 arrowhead yasaki

矢師 arrow craftman yashi

矢立 portable brush & ink case yatate

矢筒 quiver yazutsu

弓矢 bow & arrow yumiya

弓矢八幡 god of war yumiya hachiman

矢庭に immediately, suddenly yaniwani

吹き矢 blow pipe fukiya

石火矢 ancient canon ishibiya

流れ矢 stray arrow nagareya

竹矢来 bamboo palisade takeyarai

矢飛白 arrow-feather pattern yagasuri

矢車草 cornflower yagurumasō

矢の根 arrowhead yanone

矢鱈漬 mixed-vegetable pickles yatarazuke

無理矢理 by force, under compulsion muriyari

白羽の矢 ① one's lucky arrow shirahanoya

白羽の矢 ② "being singled out..." shirahanoya

弓rchery, 348

射hoot, 504

失ailure, 19

天eaven, 83

医edicine, 19


Killed by 矢rrow puncture, not by 医edicine 失ailure...

匚 (sidebox)

220 医 7

Facing: 3.0. ☞☜ Across



I 220 医

medicine, doctor, physician

軍医 military doctor gun'i

医学 medical science, medicine igaku

医学博士 doctor of medicine, igaku hakushi, hakase

医学実習生 medical intern igaku jisshūsei

医学界 medical profession igakukai

医学生 medical student igakusei

医院 medical clinic, doctor's office iin

医術 medicine, medical technology ijutsu

医官 government doctor ikan

医局 medical office ikyoku

医者 medical doctor, physician isha

医師 medical doctor, physician ishi

医薬 medical treatment, ~cure iyaku

女医 female physician, lady doctor joi

獣医 veterinarian, vet, animal doctor jūi

校医 school doctor kōi

名医 famous doctor, skilled physician meii

眼科医 eye doctor, opthamologist gankai

外科医 surgeon gekai

歯医者 dentist, dental doctor haisha

保健医 healthcare physician hoken'i

漢方医 Chinese herbal doctor kanpōi

産科医 obstetrician sankai

接骨医 bone doctor, bone-setter sekkotsui

藪医者 quack doctor, poor doctor yabuisha

婦人科医 gynaecologist fujinkai

皮膚科医 dermatologist, skin doctor hifukai

医科大学 college of medicine ika daigaku

脳外科医 brain surgeon nōgekai

精神医学 psychiatry seishin igaku

薬rugs, 447

剤rugs, 961

患ickness, 475

症ickness, 788

病ickness, 213

治ecuperate, 210

癒ecuperate, 923

療ecuperate, 67

失issing, 19

矢rrow, 18


Killed by 矢rrow puncture, not by 医edicine 失ailure...

大 (grand)

FLIP: 2.0.b. Sort Of (stem)



ushina(u), SHITSU 311 失

failure, missing, unsuccessful, blunder, slip

凡失 stupid error bonshitsu

紛失 lost-, missing-, unfound item funshitsu

遺失 lost, missing, misplaced, unfound ishitsu

過失 fault, mistake, error kashitsu

失地 lost domain shicchi

失火 accidental fire shikka

失格 disqualification, disenfranchisement shikkaku

失敬 apology, atonement shikkei

失権 forfeiture of rights, disenfranchisement shikken

失禁 incontinence, loss of control shikkin

失効 invalidation, non-validity, expiry shikkō

失脚 loss of position, downfall shikkyaku

失敗 failure, mistake, error shippai

失費 expenses, spendings shippi

失策 blunder, fiasco, boo-boo shissaku

失跡 disappearance shisseki

失笑 roaring laughter shisshō

失速 stalling, sudden stop shissoku

失望 disappointment, disheartening shitsubō

失言 slip of the tongue, blurting out shitsugen

失業 unemployment shitsugyō

失意 disappointment, despair shitsui

失念 forgotten idea shitsunen

失礼 ① impolite, discourteous shitsurei

失礼 ② "excuse me, pardon..." shitsurei

失点 points deducted shitten

失投 clumsy pitch (baseball) shittō

失当 improper, wrongful shittō

損失 loss, unfound, misplaced sonshitsu

喪失 loss, losing, forfeiture sōshitsu

得失 gains & losses tokushitsu

敗ailure, 137

欠bsence, 460

崩ollapse, 912

落ollapse, 826

陥ollapse, 893

先efore, 478

矢rrow, 18


冊ooks warned Pontius Pilate of a 血loody 皿late...

冂 (inverted box)

FLIP: 1.0.b. Whole (stem)


SATSU, SAKU 1158 冊

[counter for books]

別冊 separate book bessatsu

別冊付録 supplement volumes bessatsu furoku

分冊 separate volume bunsatsu

冊子 booklet, pamphlet sasshi

冊数 number of books sassū

書冊 books, reading materials shosatsu

大冊 humongous-, bulky volume taisatsu

短冊 long strip of haiku paper tanzaku

小冊子 pamphlet, booklet shōsasshi

本ook, 461

文iteracy, 558

読eading, 260

書ritings, 116

館ibrary, 918

血lood, 20

皿late, 21


冊ooks warned Pontius Pilate of a 血loody 皿late...

血 (blood)

789 血 6

FLIP: 1.0.a. Whole (flat)



chi, KETSU 789 血

blood, bleeding, corpuscle

血豆 blood blisters chimame

血迷う "lose one's sanity..." chimayō

血眼 frenzy, bloodshot chimanako

血肉 flesh & blood chiniku

血糊 blood clot chinori

血筋 blood, stock chisuji

鼻血 nosebleed, bleeding nose hanaji

貧血 anaemia hinketsu

充血 congestion, clogging jūketsu

血管 blood vessel, vein, artery kekkan

血気 vigour-of-youth kekki

血行 blood circulation kekkō

血痕 bloodstain kekkon

血球 blood corpuscle kekkyū

献血 blood donation kenketsu

血色 complexion kesshoku

血圧 blood pressure ketsuatsu

血液 blood ketsueki

血液型 blood type ketsuekigata

血縁 blood relation, ~relationship ketsuen

血族 blood relative ketsuzoku

混血 mixed parentage konketsu

混血児 child of mixed race konketsuji

吸血 blood sucking, vampire kyūketsu

吸血鬼 vampire, bloodsucker kyūketsuki

熱血 hot blood, ardour nekketsu

採血 collecting-, drawing blood saiketsu

鮮血 fresh blood senketsu

心血 heart & soul shinketsu

出血 bleeding, haemorrhage shukketsu

輸血 blood transfusion yuketsu

脳溢血 brain haemorrhage, apoplexy nōikketsu

係elative, 263

系ineage, 262

縁elationship, 675

祖ncestor, 953

冊[books], 20

皿late, 21


冊ooks warned Pontius Pilate of a 血loody 皿late...

皿 (plate)

FLIP: 1.0.a. Whole (flat)



sara 1097 皿

plate, dish

灰皿 ashtray, smoking stand haizara

平皿 flat plate hirazara

一皿 a dish of (cuisine) hitosara

火皿 dish served on fire hizara

木皿 wooden plate kizara

小皿 small plate kozara

中皿 medium-sized plate chūzara

蒸発皿 evaporating dish jōhatsuzara

菓子皿 cake dish, sweets plate kashizara

銘々皿 small plate meimeizara

皿洗い dish washing, dishwasher saraarai

皿洗い機 dish washing machine saraaraiki

皿立て dish rack saratate

皿回し dish-spinning trick saramawashi

製氷皿 ice-making dish seihyōzara

手塩皿 small dish, saucer teshiozara

取り皿 small plate torizara

受け皿 saucer ukezara

盤isk, 324

盆ray, 594

冊[books], 20

血lood, 20


Grand 盟lliance in the 月onth of 明rilliance...

皿 (plate)

717 盟 13

FLIP: 4.0.a. Bottom (flat)



aka(rui), aki(raka), akira, MEI, MYŌ 717 盟

alliance, confederacy, federation, league, coalition

同盟 alliance, confederacy dōmei

⇒非買同盟 boycott strike hibai dōmei

⇒不払い同盟 non-payment strike fubarai dōmei

同盟軍 allied military, allied armed forces dōmeigun

同盟国 allied nation, ally dōmeikoku

非同盟 non-aligned, neutral hidōmei

加盟 joining, affiliation, membership kamei

加盟国 member state kameikoku

血盟 blood compact ketsumei

盟邦 allied nation, ally meihō

盟主 leading power meishu

盟約 alliance pact meiyaku

盟友 sworn friends, allies meiyū

連盟 league, federation, alliance renmei

⇒国際連盟 League of Nations (1924-1946) kokusai renmei

締盟 enter into a treaty teimei

締盟国 treaty signatory nation teimeikoku

連lliance, 305

同imilar, 245

組roup, 138

団roup, 345

閥lique, 946

盤oard, 324

盛rosperity, 244


Grand 盟lliance in the 月onth of 明rilliance...

月 (moon; body part)

FLIP: 2.0.b. Sort Of (stem)



tsuki, GATSU, GETSU 17 月

month, moon, lunar

風月 natures beauty fūgetsu

月経 menstruation period gekkei

月給 monthly salary gekkyū

月謝 monthly tuition gessha

月額 monthly sum getsugaku

半月 ① half a month hantsuki

葉月 August hazuki

如月 February kisaragi

今月 this month kongetsu

毎月 every month maitsuki

何月 what month nangatsu

来月 next month raigetsu

歳月 time, years saigetsu

先月 last month sengetsu

正月 New Year day shōgatsu

祥月 month of death shōtsuki

月々 each month, every month tsukizuki

月刊誌 monthly magazine gekkanshi

月桂樹 laurel gekkeiju

月末 end of the month getsumatsu

月掛け monthly instalment tsukigake

月日 time, year tsukihi

月割り monthly instalment tsukiwari

星月夜 starlit night, starry night hoshizukiyo

月光 moonlight gekkō

半月 ② half moon hangetsu

満月 full moon mangetsu

月影 moonlight, moonshine tsukikage

月見 moon viewing tsukimi

残月 moon in the morning zangetsu

月曜日 Monday getsuyōbi

皆既月食 total lunar eclipse kaiki gesshoku

月ロケット moon rocket tsukiroketto

月並み ordinary, common tsukinami

曜eekday, 849

週eekly, 279

丹ed colour, 78


Grand 盟lliance in the 月onth of 明rilliance...

曰 (sunlight, daytime)

18 明 8

FLIP: 6.0.a. Left (flat)



akari, aka(rui), aki(raka), a(keru), aka(rumu), aka(ramu), a(ku), a(kasu), a(kuru), MEI, MYŌ 18 明

bright, brilliance, clear, radiant FLIP: 6.0.a. Left (flat)

明日 clarification, elucidation asu, myōnichi

文明 civilization bunmei

不明 unclear, unknown fumei

⇒行方不明 missing person yukue fumei

発明 discovery, invention hatsumei

表明 express, announce hyōmei

公明 fair & just kōmei

明暗 contrast, sharpness, clarity meian

明度 brightness meido

明示 clearly displayed, ~stated meiji

明解 clear explanation meikai

明快 lucid, explicit meikai

明確 clear, definite meikaku

明記 clearly stated, ~written meiki

明朗 clear, cheerful meirō

明細 details, specifics meisai

明察 insight, discernment meisatsu

明色 bright colours meishoku

明哲 wisdom, intelligence meitetsu

明答 definite reply meitō

明星 Planet Venus myōjō

鮮明 clear, distinch senmei

説明 explanation, elucidation setsumei

釈明 explanation, apology shakumei

神明 divine, deity, god shinmei

証明 proof, evidence shōmei

松明 torch, torchlight taimatsu

明石市 Akashi City, Hyōgo Pref. akashi-shi

明らか clear, distinct, stark akiraka

雪明り light from the snow yukiakari

明治維新 Meiji Restoration meiji ishin

照hine, 529

光hining, 77

澄ake clear, 437

昭right, 529

英rilliance, 217

盟lliance, 21


凸rotrude & 凹oncave, Japanese 円en in 円ircles were made...

凵 (openbox)

1892 凸 5

FLIP: 1.0.a. Whole (flat)



TOTSU 1892 凸

protrude, convex

凸レンズ convex lens totsu renzu

凸凹 jagged, uneven dekoboko

凸型 convexity dekokata

凸溜り pond formed on a hollow kubotamari

お凸 brow, forehead odeko

凹凸 jaggedness, concave & convex ōtotsu

凹凸レンズ concave-convex lens ōtotsu renzu

凸角 salient angle tokkaku

凸起 projection tokki

凸鏡 convex lens tokkyō

凸面 convex totsumen

凸面鏡 convex mirror totsumenkyō

凸版印刷 relief printing toppan insatsu

凹oncave, 23

形hape, 951

出ome-out, 173

凹oncave, 23


凸rotrude & 凹oncave, Japanese 円en in 円ircles were made...

凵 (open box)

FLIP: 1.0.a. Whole (flat)



Ō 1893 凹

concave, hollow

凹み hollow, depression, bowl hekomi

凹レンズ concave lens ōrenzu

穴凹 hole, hollow anaboko

凸凹 jagged, uneven dekoboko

凹版 intaglio printing ōban

凹部 concavity ōbu

凹地 low spot, hollow ōchi

凹形 concavity ōkei

凹所 hollow, depression, bowl ōsho

凹凸 unevenness, concave & convex ōtotsu

凹凸レンズ concave-convex lens ōtotsu renzu

凹眼鏡 concave lens (eyeglasses) ōgankyō

凹面鏡 concave mirror ōmenkyō

凸凹紙 embossed printing totsuōshi

凹版印刷 intaglio printing ōban insatsu

凸ortrude, 23

形hape, 951

入ut-inside, 2

凸ortrude, 23


凸rotrude & 凹oncave, Japanese 円en in 円ircles were made...

冂 (invertedbox)

13 円 4

FLIP: 1.0.b. Whole (stem)



maru(i), EN 13 円

yen; circle, round

円高 strong yen endaka

円玉 Japanese yen coins endama

円価 yen purchase price enka

円安 cheap yen, weak yen enyasu

円建て price in yen endate

円借款 yen-denominated loan enshakkan

円相場 yen exchange rate ensōba

円切り上げ yen appreciation enkiriage

円切り下げ yen devaluation enkirisage

長円 oval, oblong chōen

円舞 waltz, circular dance enbu

円陣 circle enjin

円熟 mature, mellow enjuku

円環 circle enkan

円滑 smooth, fine enkatsu

円形 circle enkei

円弧 circular arc enko

円満 smooth & well-rounded enman

円周 perimetre, circular constant enshū

円周率 pi enshūritsu

円錐 cone, circular cone ensui

円卓 round table entaku

円座 circular seat enza

半円 semi-circle han'en

方円 certain shape hōen

楕円形 ellipse, oval daenkei

円やか smooth shape object maroyaka

高円宮 Prince Takamado (1955-2002) takamado-no-miya

円形劇場 amphitheatre enkei gekijō

前方後円墳 circular tomb zenpōkōenfun

丸ound, 73

金oney, 25

幣oney, 171

札oney-bills, 685

丹ed colour, 78


金etal 栓ork made 全ntirely for New York...

人⇔仆 (person)

FLIP: 1.0.a. Whole (flat)




matta(ku), sube(te), ZEN 89 全

entire, whole, complete, total

万全 full-proof, assured banzen

完全 perfection, completion kanzen

健全 healthy, wholesome kenzen

全部 the whole, all parts zenbu

全治 heal completely zenchi

全額 full amount, total price zengaku

全域 whole area zen'iki

全員 all members, everyone in the group zen'in

全壊 complete destruction, annihilation zenkai

全快 complete recovery zenkai

全開 opening all the way zenkai

全巻 whole volume, reel zenkan

全国 whole nation, all-Japan zenkoku

全面 all sides, entirety zenmen

全納 full payment zennō

全廃 total abolition zenpai

全般 the whole, entire zenpan

全裸 fully-naked zenra

全身 whole body zenshin

全書 compendium zensho

⇒六法全書 laws compendium roppō zensho

全集 complete works zenshū

全損 complete wreckage zenson

全体 entire, whole zentai

全然 entirely, totally zenzen

全音符 whole musical note zen'onpu

全世界 entire world, all countries zensekai

交通安全 safe driving kōtsū anzen

全会一致 unanimity, consensus zenkai icchi

全快祝い feast of full recovery zenkai iwai

皆verything, 39

総otality, 433

余xtra, 501


金etal 栓ork made 全ntirely for New York...

金 (metal)

FLIP: 1.0.a. Whole (flat)




kane, kana, KIN, KON 23 金

money, currency, denomination, legal tender; metal, alloy; gold

頭金 down payment atamakin

罰金 fine, penalty bakkin

募金 fund raising bokin

賃金 wages, pay chingin

貯金 savings chokin

官金 government funds kankin

献金 cash gift, cash donation kenkin

金庫 cash box, safe kinko

金納 cash payment kinnō

金力 power of money kinryoku

金策 ways of raising money kinsaku

金融 finance, banking system kinyū

拠金 contribution, donation kyokin

涙金 consolation money namidakin

納金 payment, account settlement nōkin

料金 fee, rate, charge ryōkin

借金 debt, loan shakkin

集金 collecting money shūkin

即金 ready cash, cash deal sokkin

税金 tax zeikin

剰余金 surplus money jōyokin

滞納金 arrears tainōkin

金曜日 Friday kinyōbi

合金 metal alloys gōkin

白金 platinum hakkin

純金 pure, solid gold junkin

金物 metalware kanamono

貴金属 precious metal kikinzoku

金魚 gold fish kingyo

金髪 blonde kinpatsu

黄金 gold ōgon

砂金 gold dust ~, powder sakin

円en, 24

幣oney, 171

札oney-bills, 685

鉄ron, 155

鋳asting, 440

余urplus, 501

全ntire, 24


金etal 栓ork made 全ntirely for New York...

木 (wooden)

FLIP: 5.0.a. Left & Right



SEN 1842 栓

cork, stopper

血栓 thrombus kessen

血栓症 thrombosis, blood clotting kessenshō

耳栓 earplug mimisen

木栓 wooden cork mokusen

元栓 main tap motosen

音栓 organ stopper onsen

塞栓 clogged blood vessel sokusen

水栓 water tap, water hydrant suisen

防火栓 fire hydrant, ~extinguisher bōkasen

ガス栓 gas tap, spigot gasusen

給水栓 water tap, hydrant kyūsuisen

脳血栓 cerebral thrombosis nōkessen

栓抜き corkscrew, bottle opener sennuki

消火栓 fire hydrant, ~extinguisher shōkasen

水道栓 water hydrant, tap suidōsen

瓶ottle, 886

検nspection, 939


廷mperial court men row a 艇oat by the 庭arden...

廴 (stretch)

FLIP:7.1. Right (Sort Of)

Facing: 1.1. ☜ West (H)

廷mperial court

TEI 1111 廷

imperial court

朝廷 imperial court chōtei

閉廷 court suit dismissal heitei

法廷 court of law hōtei

⇒模擬法廷 moot court mogi hōtei

開廷 opening of a court hearing kaitei

公廷 public court kōtei

宮廷 imperial court kyūtei

休廷 court adjournment, ~recess kyūtei

内廷 inner court naitei

入廷 entering a court nyūtei

出廷 court attendance, subpoena shuttei

退廷 court expulsion taitei

廷内 court grounds teinai

廷吏 court clerk teiri

廷臣 official retainer teishin

廷丁 court clerk teitei

公判廷 public court kōhantei

宮廷文学 court of literary world kyūtei bungaku

宮廷画家 court painter kyūtei gaka

宮廷詩人 court poet kyūtei shijin

殿alace, 522

城astle, 243

皇mperor, 113

后mpress, 87

王onarch, 12

妃rincess, 728

姫rincess, 542

裁udgement, 802

判udgement, 949

延rolong, 515

庭arden, 27


廷mperial court men row a 艇oat by the 庭arden...

舟 (vessel)

1666 艇 12

Facing: 1.2. ☜ West (V)



TEI 1666 艇

boat, small boat, vessel

艦艇 naval vessel kantei

汽艇 steam boat kitei

競艇 boat race kyōtei

小艇 small boat shōtei

舟艇 boat, small vessel shūtei

漕艇 boat rowing sōtei

漕艇者 boat rowman sōteisha

短艇 small boat tantei

端艇 small boat tantei

艇長 boat skipper teichō

艇員 boat crew, sailor teiin

艇身 length of a boat teishin

艇首 bow of a boat teishu

艇隊 flotilla, convoy teitai

駆潜艇 submarine chaser kusentei

魚雷艇 torpedo boat, seaplane gyoraitei

飛行艇 seaplane hikōtei

巡視艇 patrol boat junshitei

警備艇 coast guard boat keibitei

救助艇 rescue boat kyūjotei

救命艇 lifeboat, liferaft kyūmeitei

潜航艇 submarine senkōtei

消防艇 fire-fighting boat shōbōtei

掃海艇 minesweeper sōkaitei

水雷艇 torpedo boat suiraitei

航avigation, 748

舟hip, 90

船hip, 757

舶hip, 742

丸 [ships], 73

隻[ships], 50

般eneral, 323


廷mperial court men row a 艇oat by the 庭arden...

广 (rooftop)

1112 庭 9

Facing: 3.0. ☞☜ Across


niwa, TEI 1112 庭

garden; courtyard (original meaning)

茶庭 tea ceremony garden chatei

営庭 parade grounds eitei

箱庭 miniature garden hakoniwa

平庭 flat garden, plain garden hiraniwa

石庭 sand & rock garden ishiniwa

家庭 family, household katei

⇒父子家庭 single-father family fushi katei

⇒母子家庭 single-mother family boshi katei

家庭的 domestic affairs, within the family kateiteki

家庭教師 private tutor katei kyōshi

径庭 great difference keitei

校庭 school garden kōtei

後庭 backyard, rear garden kōtei

庭番 garden watchman niwaban

庭石 garden stone niwaishi

庭木 garden tree niwaki

庭師 gardener niwashi

奥庭 backyard, rear garden okuniwa

庭園 garden teien

⇒屋上庭園 rooftop garden okujō teien

庭球 lawn tennis teikyū

庭前 garden teizen

内庭 quadrangle, inner court uchiniwa, naitei

裏庭 backyard uraniwa

矢庭に all of a sudden, immediately yaniwa(ni)

前庭 front garden zentei, maeniwa

庭下駄 garden sandals niwageta

家庭裁判所 family court katei saibansho

園arden, 916

芝awn, 84

草rass, 373

延rolong, 515

廷mperial court, 26


Every 年ear, empty 缶ans left in the 岳ummits picked up by hermits...

干 (drying)

45 年 6

Facing: 1.0. ☜ West (W)



toshi, NEN 45 年

annual, year

晩年 later years bannen

没年 age at death botsunen

元年 first year of an imperial reign gannen

半年 half year, six months hantoshi, hannen

今年 this year, present year kotoshi, konnen

去年 last year, the year past kyonen

毎年 every year maitoshi, mainen

年長 seniority nenchō

年度 fiscal-, academic year (April-to-March) nendo

年額 annual sum, yearly amount nengaku

年鑑 yearbook nenkan

年間 number of years nenkan

年忌 death anniversary nenki

年金 pension money, pension income nenkin

年齢 death age, age at death nenrei

年数 number of years nensū

来年 next year, coming year rainen

例年 average-, every year reinen

昨年 last year, the year past sakunen

新年 New Year shinnen

少年 juvenile, minor, under-aged shōnen

周年 anniversary shūnen

年下 younger, one's juniour toshishita

未成年 under-aged, minor, below 18 miseinen

年賀状 New Year greeting card nengajō

暦年齢 chronological age rekinenrei

年の功 hard experience toshi no kō

年格好 look, appearance toshikakkō

年越し New Year's eve toshikoshi

年寄り senior citizens, old people toshiyori

日ay, 14

曜eekday, 849

週eekly, 279

月onth, 22

岳ountain peak, 28

缶an, 28


Every 年ear, empty 缶ans left in the 岳ummits picked up by hermits...

缶 (earthen jar)

1649 缶 6

FLIP: 2.0.a. Sort Of (flat)



KAN 1649 缶

can, canister

茶缶 tea canister chakan

茶筒 tea canister chazutsu

牛缶 canned beef gyūkan

蟹缶 canned crab meat kanikan

缶詰 canned food kanzume

汽缶 boiler kikan

汽缶室 boiler room kikanshitsu

鮭缶 canned salmon sakekan

薬缶 kettle, boiling pot yakkan

空き缶 empty can akikan

缶ビール canned beer kan bi-ru

缶ジューズ canned juice kan jūzu

缶切り can-, tin opener kankiri

缶焚き stoking, stirring up kantaki

製缶工場 canning factory, cannery seikan kōjō

栓topper, 25

容ontent, 492

庫torage, 306

倉torage, 399

蔵torage, 565

貯torage, 967

岳ountain peak, 28

年ear, 27


Every 年ear, empty 缶ans left in the 岳ummits picked up by hermits...

山 (mountain)

1358 岳 8

FLIP: 4.0.a. Bottom (flat)


岳ountain peak

take, GAKU 1358 岳

summit, mountain peak

富岳 Mt. Fuji fugaku

岳父 one's father-in-law gakufu

岳麓 foot of Mt. Fuji gakuroku

山岳 mountain ranges sangaku

山岳部 mountaineering club sangakubu

山岳病 acrophobia, fear of heights sangakubyō

朝日岳 Mt. Asahi asahidake

岳友会 mountaineering club gakuyūkai

穂高岳 Mt. Hodakatake hodakadake (border of Gifu and Nagano Prefectures)

雲仙岳 Mt. Unzen (Nagasaki Prefecture) unzendake

槍ヶ岳 Mt. Yarigatake (Nagano Prefecture) yarigatake

八ヶ岳 Mt. Yatsugatake yatsugatake

峠ountain trail, 646

岬ape, 646

山ountain, 172

缶an, 28

年ear, 27


岩岩ocks & 炭oal on a 岸oastal 岸hore told in folklore...

山 (mountain)

1345 岩 8

FLIP: 3.0.a. Top (flat)


iwa, GAN 1345 岩


岩盤 bedrock, stronghold ganban

岩塩 rock salt gan'en

岩脈 dike, dyke ganmyaku

岩石 rock ganseki

岩床 rock bottom ganshō

岩礁 shore, reef ganshō

岩穴 cave, cavern iwaana

岩場 rocky area iwaba

岩壁 rock wall, cliff iwakabe

岩魚 char iwana

岩戸 rock cover to a cave iwato

岩山 rocky mountains iwayama

奇岩 strange-looking rocks kigan

砂岩 sandstone sagan

溶岩 volcano lava yōgan

溶岩流 volcano lava stream, ~flow yōganryū

玄武岩 basalt genbugan

凝灰岩 tuff gyōkaigan

変成岩 metamorphic rock henseigan

岩田帯 pregnancy-, maternity belt iwataobi

花崗岩 granite kakōgan

火成岩 igneous rock kaseigan

削岩機 rock drill sakuganki

石灰岩 limestone sekkaigan

水成岩 aqueous rock suiseigan

砂ands, 643

石tone, 363

涯eashore, 890

浦eashore, 813

浜eashore, 490

炭oal, 29

岸hore, 30


岩ocks & 炭oal on a 岸oastal 岸hore told in folklore...

火⇔灬 (fire)

1344 炭 9

FLIP: 3.0.a. Top (flat)



sumi, TAN 1344 炭

coal, charcoal, lignite

亜炭 lignite atan

貯炭 coal supply chotan

貯炭庫 bunker, underground safeplace chotanko

泥炭 peat deitan

氷炭 irreconcilable differences hyōtan

堅炭 hard charcoal katazumi

褐炭 lignite, brown coal kattan

黒炭 black charcoal kokutan

豆炭 oval briquette mametan

木炭 charcoal mokutan

練炭 briquettes rentan

採炭 coal mining saitan

石炭 mineral coal sekitan

出炭 coal production shuttan

炭火 charcoal fire sumibi, tanka

炭団 charcoal briquettes tandan

炭田 coalfield tanden

炭肺 black lungs, anthracosis tanhai

炭塵 coal dust tanjin

炭化 carbonisation tanka

炭化水素 hydrocarbon tanka suiso

炭坑 coal mine shaft tankō

炭鉱 coal mine, colliery tankō

炭酸 carbohydrates tansan

炭酸水 carbonated water tansansui

炭素 carbon tanso

炭層 coal-bed deposits tansō

塗炭 misery, anxiety, distress totan

消し炭 burned-out charcoals, cinders keshizumi

炭焼き charcoal making sumiyaki

燃urning, 445

熱eat, 153

火ire, 3

煙moke, 644

岩ock, 29

岸hore, 30


岩ocks & 炭oal on a 岸oastal 岸hore told in folklore...

山 (mountain)

586 岸 8

FLIP: 3.0.a. Top (flat)

FLIP: 8.0.b. Inner (stem)



kishi, GAN 586 岸

coastal, seashore, seaside

着岸 reaching shore from the sea chakugan

沿岸 coast, shore engan

沿岸漁業 coastal-, inshore fishery engan gyogyō

岸壁 quay, wharf, s horewall ganpeki

岸頭 standing on the shore gantō

傲岸 arrogance, snub-nosed, haughty gōgan

彼岸 equinoctial week higan

彼岸桜 early-blooming cherry blossoms higanzakura

北岸 northern coast hokugan

河岸 riverbank, fish market kagan, kashi

海岸 beach, seashore, coast, shoreline kaigan

海岸線 coastline kaigansen

海岸沿い along the seashore kaiganzoi

海岸通り coastal road kaigandoori

川岸 riverside, riveredge kawagishi

岸辺 along the beach kishibe

南岸 southern shore nangan

離岸 set sail, leaving a shore rigan

両岸 both sides of the shore ryōgan, ryōgishi

左岸 left riverbank sagan

西岸 western coast seigan

接岸 coming alongside setsugan

対岸 opposite side, ~bank taigan

東岸 eastern coast tōgan

右岸 right riverbank ugan

魚河岸 coastal fish market uogashi

河岸端 riverside, riveredge kashibata

岸和田 Kishiwada City, Ōsaka kishiwada

護岸工事 shore protection works gogan kōji

太平洋岸 US west coast taiheiyōgan

湾岸戦争 Gulf War (1991) wangan sensō

涯eashore, 890

浦eashore, 813

浜eashore, 490

海cean, 241

洋cean, 247

岩ock, 29

炭oal, 29


To 正orrect & 整ectify, 征onquerors live & die...

止 (stopping)

275 正 5

Facing: 2.0. East ☞ (W)




tada(shii), tada(su) masa(ni), SEI, SHŌ 275 正

correct, accurate, precise, proper, right

賀正 Happy New Year gashō

厳正 strictness, discipline gensei

改正 revision, rewriting kaisei

規正 improvement, betterment kisei

校正 proof-reading kōsei

矯正 correction, remedy, cure kyōsei

正副 chief & deputy seifuku

正義 justice, right seigi

正業 noble profession seigyō

正常 normal person, ~physique seijō

正価 net price, regular price seika

正課 regular curriculum, ~subject seika

正解 the correct answer seikai

正確 accurate, precise, unmistakable seikaku

正規 normal procedure seiki

正論 sound argument, good reasoning seiron

正式 formal, formality, decorum seishiki

正賞 highest prize, top award seishō

正答 correct answer seitō

正月 New Year's day shōgatsu

正午 high noon, 12 o' clock noon shōgo

正絹 pure silk, 100% silk shōken

正気 sanity, consciousness shōki

粛正 cleanup, cleansing shukusei

修正 modification, correction shūsei

僧正 bishop, archbishop, cardinal sōjō

訂正 correction, editing teisei

適正 proper, reasonable, fair tekisei

是正 correction, redress zesei

正誤表 list of errata seigohyō

是orrect, 313

義ighteous, 341

善ighteous, 450

肯ffirmative, 616

整ectify, 31

止top, 192


To 正orrect & 整ectify, 征onquerors live & die...

攵 (action)

503 整 16

FLIP: 6.1. Left Top


整ut in order

totono(eru), totono(u), SEI 503 整

rectify, put in order, adjust

調整 adjustment, modification chōsei

不整 irregularity, inconsistency fusei

補整 manipulation, adjustment hosei

均整 balance, symmetry kinsei

均整美 proportional beauty kinseibi

整備 repair, check-up, maintenance seibi

整地 levelling of land, soil preparation seichi

整風 rectification, correction seifū

整合 coordination, integration seigō

製版 block printing seihan

整髪 haircut, hairdressing seihatsu

整髪剤 hairdressing solution seihatsuzai

整除 divisibility, divisible number seijo

整形 orthopaedics seikei

整形外科 orthopaedics seikei geka

整骨 bone-setting, osteopathy seikotsu

整列 stand in line, queue seiretsu

整理箱 filing cabinet seiribako

整理整頓 neat & tidy seiri seiton

整流 rectification, correction seiryū

整枝 pruning seishi

整数 integer, integral number seisū

整頓 neatness, proper order seiton

整然 systematic, well-organized seizen

修整 retouch, touch up shūsei

端整 neat & orderly tansei

整腸剤 intestinal medicine seichōzai

人員整理 labour cut, staff reduction jin'in seiri

場内整理 area maintenance jōnai seiri

区画整理 land re-adjustment kukaku seiri

扱andling, 189

掌dminister, 614

正orrect, 30

直irect, 420

製anufacture, 534

聖acred, 617


To 正orrect & 整ectify, 征onquerors live & die...

彳 (stroll)

1114 征 8

Facing: 4.0. ☜☞ Apart



SEI 1114 征

conquest, conquer

長征 Long March (China, 1934-1935) chōsei

遠征 military expedition ensei

外征 overseas deployment gaisei

征伐 conquest, subjugation seibatsu

征服 conquest, subjugation seifuku

征服者 conqueror, subjugator seifukusha

征服欲 desire to subjugate seifukuyoku

征夷 subjugating (barbarians) seii

征衣 military uniform; travel clothes seii

征戦 military expedition seisen

征途 military expedition; journey seito

征討 conquest, subjugation seitō

親征 military expedition led by the emperor shinsei

出征 going to the battlefield shussei

克onquer, 204

抑uppress, 705

覇egemony, 603

有ossess, 617

勝ictory, 406

祉elfare, 193

正orrect, 30

Kanji Handbook

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