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For friends of 五ive, 互utuality abides...

二 (two, second)

7 五 4

Facing: 2.0. East ☞ (W)


itsu(tsu), GO 7 五


五月 May gogatsu

五官 five organs gokan

五感 the five senses gokan

五桁 five-digit number goketa

五経 Confucian five classics gokyō

五指 human hands, five fingers goshi

五色 five basic colours goshiki, goshoku

五体 whole body gotai

⇒五体満足 non-handicapped gotai manzoku

五臓 five internal human organs gozō

源五郎 Japanese water beetle gengorō

五十肩 frozen shoulder, one's fiftyish gojūkata

五十音 Japanese syllabary gojūon

五重奏 quintet gojūsō

五目飯 Japanese pilaf gomokumeshi

五輪旗 Olympic flag (five rings) gorinki

五線紙 music sheet, music notebook gosenshi

五寸釘 long nail, uncut nail gosunkugi

五つ子 quintuplets itsutsugo

十五夜 night of a full moon jūgoya

五月雨 early summer rain samidare

七五三 children ages of 3, 5 & 7 shichigosan

五月人形 boys festival dolls gogatsu ningyō

五絃楽器 five-stringed instrument gogen gakki

五重の塔 five-storied pagoda gojū no tō

五目並べ ancient Japanese chess gomokunarabe

五里霧中 at a complete loss gorimuchū

五種競技 pentathlon goshu kyōgi

四分五裂 splitting apart shibu goretsu

四捨五入 rounding up (numbers) shisha go'nyū

一 ne, 858

二econd, 457

三hree, 858

四our, 17

六ix, 3

七even, 72

八ight, 4

九ine, 73

十en, 344

互utual, 86


For friends of 五ive, 互utuality abides...

二 (two, second)

907 互 4

FLIP: 2.0.a. Sort Of (flat)



taga(i), GO 907 互

mutual, reciprocal, sharing, commonality, compatible, equal

互助 mutual assistance, reciprocal help gojo

互譲 mutual concessions gojō

互角 equality, parity, reciprocity gokaku

互換 interchange, convertible, reversible gokan

互換性 interchangeability gokansei

互恵 reciprocity, mutual gokei

互恵的 reciprocal, mutual gokeiteki

互生 alternate, rotation, taking turns gosei

互選 mutual vote gosen

交互 alternate, rotation, taking turns kōgo

相互 mutuality, reciprocity sōgo

相互性 mutuality, reciprocity sōgosei

互助会 mutual aid group, cooperative gojokai

相見互い mutuality, reciprocity aimitagai

互い違い alternate, taking turns tagai chigai

相互扶助 mutual assistance sōgo fujo

相互依存 interdependence sōgo izon

相互関係 mutual relationship sōgo kankei

相互契約 mutual agreement sōgo keiyaku

相互作用 reciprocal action sōgo sayō

共ogether, 302

合ogether, 232

似imilar, 472

同imilar, 245

五ive, 86


右ight-side of the 后mpress, a famous actress...

口 (mouth)

76 右 5

FLIP: 4.0.a. Bottom (flat)

Facing: 2.0. ☞ East (W)


migi, U, YŪ 76 右


極右 ultra-rightist kyokuu

右足 right foot, right leg migiashi

右側 right side, right flank migigawa

右端 right end migihashi, utan

右下 bottom right migishita

右手 right hand migite

右腕 right arm migiude, uwan

右上 upper right migiue

左右 control, manipulate sayū

右岸 right embankment ugan

右舷 starboard ugen

右派 right wing, rightist uha

右辺 right side, right flank uhen

右傾 leaning on the right side ukei

右折 right turn usetsu

右折禁止 "no right turn..." usetsu kinshi

右端 right edge utan

右翼 right wing, rightist uyoku

右翼手 right-handed athlete uyokushu

右筆 literary genius; one's right hand yūhitsu

座右 one's favourite zayū

右回転 turning clockwise migikaiten

右書き writing from right to left side migikaki

右利き right-handed person migikiki

右巻き clockwise migimaki

右回り clockwise migimawari

右打ち right-handed punch migiuchi

右寄り leaning to the right side migiyori

右心房 right auricle ushinbō

右心室 right ventricle ushinshitsu

左eft-side, 310

上pper, 859

下own, 859

石ock, 363


右ight-side of the 后mpress, a famous actress...

口 (mouth)

1119 后 6

FLIP: 4.0.a. Bottom (flat)


KŌ 1119 后


母后 empress dowager bokō

皇后 empress kōgō

皇后陛下 her majesty, the empress kōgō heika

后妃 empress, queen, princess kōhi

后宮 inner palace kōkyū

太后 empress dowager taigō, taikō

皇太后 empress dowager kōtaigō, kōtaikō

皇mperor, 113

王onarch, 12

宮rince, 105

妃rincess, 728

姫rincess, 542

石ock, 363


幼幼hild of 幻antasy lives in ecstacy...

幺 (short thread)

1229 幼 5

Facing: 2.2. East ☞ (V)



osana(i), YŌ 1229 幼

childhood, infancy

長幼 young & old chōyō

幼宮 young lord itomiya

幼顔 baby face, chubby face osanagao

幼子 little child, baby osanago

幼心 childish mind, child-at-heart osanagokoro

老幼 old & young rōyō

幼木 young tree yōboku

幼鳥 young bird yōchō

幼虫 larva yōchū

幼童 small child yōdō

幼魚 young fish yōgyo

幼弱 young & weak yōjaku

幼児 infant, little child yōji

幼時 childhood memories, ~years yōji

幼児期 infancy, childhood yōjiki

幼児食 baby food yōjishoku

幼児教育 infant education yōji kyōiku

幼女 little girl yōjo

幼樹 young tree yōju

幼気 young & cute yōki

幼君 young lord yōkun

幼名 childhood name, pet name yōmyō

幼年 childhood, infancy years yōnen

幼年時代 childhood, infancy years yōnen jidai

幼齢 young age yōrei

幼少 childhood, infancy yōshō

乳幼児 infant, baby nyūyōji

幼馴染 childhood-, bosom buddy osananajimi

幼稚園 kindergarten school yōchien

幼年労働 child labour yōnen rōdō

児hildren, 464

稚hildren, 776

子hildren, 456

童hildren, 564

幻antasy, 88

玄rofound, 358


幼hild of 幻antasy lives in ecstacy...

幺 (short thread)

1227 幻 4

Facing: 3.0. ☞☜ Across



maboroshi, GEN 1227 幻

fantasy, illusion, phantom, mirage

幻聴 hearing hallucination genchō

幻影 illusion, hallucination gen'ei

幻術 wizardry, sorcery, witchcraft genjutsu

幻怪 strange, eerie genkai

幻覚 hallucination, illusion genkaku

幻覚剤 hallucinogen genkakuzai

幻滅 disillusionment, delusion genmetsu

幻夢 dreams & visions genmu

幻出 ghost-like appearance genshutsu

幻世 this fleeting world gense

幻視 visual hallucination, illusion genshi

幻想 fantasy, illusion gensō

幻想曲 fantasia, fantasy gensōkyoku

幻想的 fantastic, fanciful gensōteki

幻灯 photo slides gentō

幻灯機 slide projector gentōki

幻惑 dazzle, dazzling genwaku

幻惑的 dazzling, fantasy-like genwakuteki

幻像 phantom, illusion, hallucination genzō

変幻 constant transformation hengen

変幻自在 constantly changing hengen jizai

夢幻 dreams, illusions, fantasy mugen

玄rofound, 358

著tark, 279

夢ream, 167

象mage, 530

玄rofound, 358

幼hildhood, 88


In their 申eport, 甲irst group of nobles 申peaking-humble...

田 (cultivated field)

982 甲 5

FLIP: 1.0.b. Whole (stem)

甲art A

甲irst group

kabuto, KŌ, KAN 982 甲

Part A, first group

鼈甲 tortoise shell bekkō

鼈甲色 amber colour bekkōiro

甲蟹 horseshoe crab kabutogani

甲冑 armour & helmet kacchū

甲板 ship deck kanpan

亀甲 tortoise shell kikkō

機甲 mechanized unit kikō

甲虫 beetle kōchū

①甲高 high insteps, shrill kōdaka

②甲高い high insteps, shrill kandakai

甲殻 shell kōkaku

甲殻類 crustacean specie kōkakurui

甲乙 former & latter, a & b kōotsu

甲羅 shell, husk (turtle) kōra

甲種 first grade, grade a kōshu

甲鉄 armour plate kōtetsu

装甲 armoured sōkō

装甲車 armoured car sōkōsha

鉄甲 iron armour tekkō

足の甲 instep ashi no kō

甲斐性 resourcefulness kaishō

肩甲骨 shoulder blade, scapula kenkōkotsu

甲府市 Kōfu City, Yamanashi Prefecture kōfu-shi

甲状腺 thyroid gland kōjōsen

正甲板 main deck seikanpan

手の甲 back of the hand tenokō

言い甲斐 worth saying iigai

生き甲斐 "something to live for…" ikigai

甲論乙駁 pros & con kōron otsubaku

甲斐甲斐しい diligently, briskly kaigaishii

始tart, 210

初tart, 353

発tart, 368

先head, 478

申peak humble, 89


In their 申eport, 甲irst group of nobles 申peaking-humble...

田 (cultivated field)

309 申 5

FLIP: 1.0.b. Whole (stem)

申peak humbly


mō(su), SHIN 309 申

speak humbly; report

申し分 something to retort mōshibun

申し出 proposal, overtures, offer mōshide

申し子 heaven-sent child mōshigo

申し上げる tell, say, inform mōshiageru

申し合わせ mutual consent mōshiawase

申し開き justification, explanation mōshihiraki

申し入れ offer, proposal, overtures mōshiire

申し兼ねる "pardon me, but..." mōshikaneru

申し込み application, offer mōshikomi

申し込み順 by order it was received mōshikomijun

申し越し request, appeal mōshikoshi

申し遅れる "pardon to say it late…" mōshiokureru

申し送り send message mōshiokuri

申し立て declaration, statement mōshitate

申し付ける tell, instruct mōshitsukeru

申し受ける ask to pay, ~receive mōshiukeru

申し渡す tell, sentence mōshiwatasu

物申す speak up, protest, object monomōsu

申し訳 excuse, apology mōshiwake

復申 response; retort fukushin

上申 reporting to one's superior jōshin

内申 confidential report, top secret naishin

申告 report, statement shinkoku

申告書 application form shinkokusho

申請 written application, ~request shinsei

答申 submitting a report tōshin

答申案 draft report tōshin'an

答申書 written report tōshinsho

追伸 postscript, P. S. tsuishin

具申書 written report gushinsho

恭espect, 620

仰espect, 706

謹espect, 962

敬espect, 329

尚espect, 99

崇espect, 879

礼espect, 685

甲irst-class, 89


母other on a 舟oat wearing a red coat...

毌 (mother)

112 母 5

FLIP: 2.0.a. Sort Of (flat)



haha, BO 112 母

mother, mommy, maternal, mama

母音 vowel boin, boon

母艦 depot ship bokan

⇒航空母艦 aircraft carrier ship kōkū bokan

母系 maternal side bokei

母権 maternal rights boken

母校 alma mater, one's old school bokō

母港 home port bokō

母国 mother country bokoku

母国語 mother tongue bokokugo

母乳 mother's milk bo'nyū

母性 maternity, motherhood bosei

母子 mother & child boshi

母子家庭 fatherless family boshi katei

母胎 womb, uterus botai

分母 denominator bunbo

父母 parents, father & mother fubo, chichihaha

義母 mother-in-law gibo

母親 mother haha ’ oya

保母 guardian, nurse hobo

酵母 yeast, leaven kōbo

空母 aircraft carrier ship kūbo

継母 stepmother mamahaha, keibo

叔母 aunt oba

聖母 Holy Mother, Virgin Mary seibo

祖母 grandmother sobo

乳母 nurse, midwife uba

雲母 mica unmo

お母さん one's own mother okāsan

母の日 Mother's Day haha no hi

祖父母 grandparents sofubo

父ather, 467

子hildren, 456

家amily, 909

誕hildbirth, 515

産hildbirth, 883

舟oat, 90

丹ed colour, 78


母other on a 舟oat wearing a red coat...

舟 (vessel)

1094 舟 6

FLIP: 2.0.b. Sort Of (stem)


fune, funa, SHŪ 1094 舟

boat, small boat

舟人 sailor, seaman funabito

舟歌 boatman's song funauta

箱舟 Noah's ark hakobune

扁舟 small boat henshū

軽舟 lightweight speedboat keishū

小舟 small boat kobune

孤舟 lone boat koshū

笹舟 bamboo-leaf toy boat sasabune

舟行 navigation, sailing shūkō

舟航 navigation, sailing shūkō

舟艇 boat, craft shūtei

⇒上陸用舟艇 landing boat jōrikuyō shūtei

舟運 water transportation shūun

助け舟 lifeboat, liferaft tasukebune

鉄舟 steel boat tesshū

釣り舟 fishing boat tsuribune

渡し舟 ferry boat watashibune

舟遊び rowing, boating funaasobi

貸し舟 rental boat kashibune

丸木舟 canoe log boat marukibune

舫い舟 moored ship, shipwreck moyaibune

高瀬舟 riverboat takasebune

航avigation, 748

船hip, 757

舶hip, 742

帆ailing, 641

海cean, 241

洋cean, 247

丹ed colour, 78

母other, 90


席eating 度egree, many 度imes they disagree...

巾 (cloth, fabric)

379 席 10

FLIP: 8.0.b. Inner (stem)



SEKI 379 席

seating, chair, attendance

相席 table sharing, seated together aiseki

別席 separate seating besseki

着席 seated, sitting down chakuseki

同席 seated along, "rubbing elbows with..." dōseki

宴席 banquet, feast enseki

議席 rental meeting room giseki

昼席 matinee, afternoon show hiruseki

次席 next seat, second in rank jiseki

定席 assigned seat jōseki

会席 meeting room kaiseki

欠席 absence, non-attendance kesseki

空席 empty seat, vacant seat kūseki

客席 guest seat, "reserved seats..." kyakuseki

満席 "no seats available..." manseki

末席 lower seat masseki

升席 box seat masuseki

列席 attendance (formal occasion) resseki

隣席 next seat rinseki

席次 seating order, ~list sekiji

席上 time, occasion, seat sekijō

席順 seating order, ~list sekijun

席巻 overrunning enemy lines sekken

主席 party chairman shuseki

出席 attendance, presence shusseki

退席 leaving one's seat taiseki

座席 seat zaseki

判事席 judge bench, magistrate seat hanjiseki

観客席 seat, stands, bleachers kankyakuseki

証人席 witness stand, ~box shōninseki

立ち見席 standing room only, SRO tachimiseki

座eating, 109

宴anquet, 610

客uest, 559

賓uest, 161

宴arty, 610

度egree, 91


席eating 度egree, many 度imes they disagree...

广 (rooftop)

377 度 9

FLIP: 4.0.b. Bottom (stem)



tabi, DO, TAKU, TO 377 度

degree, extent, time(s)

度合 degree, condition doai

度胸 nerve, guts, mettle, courage dokyō

度量 capacity, measure doryō

度数 frequency, number of times dosū

限度 limit, boundary gendo

純度 purity, essence, innocence jundo

角度 angle kakudo

輝度 brightness, clarity kido

硬度 hardness, solidness kōdo

年度 fiscal year (April-thru-March) nendo

濃度 concentration, density, thickness nōdo

再度 another time, second time saido

精度 accuracy, precision seido

制度 system, organization seido

鮮度 freshness (fish) sendo

節度 moderation, sobriety, temperation setsudo

震度 seismic intensity, magnitude shindo

湿度 humidity, moisture, damp shitsudo

速度 speed, swiftness sokudo

態度 attitude, behaviour, conduct taido

程度 degree, extent, standard teido

知名度 name-recognition, ~recognition chimeido

度外れ excessive, unbelievable dohazure

度外視 ignoring, disregard dogaishi

度忘れ lapse of-, slip of memory dowasure

加速度 speed acceleration kasokudo

傾斜度 gradient, slope keishado

落ち度 fault, blame, slip ochido

透明度 degree of clarity, ~contrast tōmeido

度し難い depressed, disheartened doshigatai

程egree, 144

倍ultiply, 950

複ultiply, 830

回otate, 458

周ap, 280

席eating, 91


国ation's greatest 宝reasure, the people for sure...

囗 (enclosure)

40 国 8

FLIP: 2.0.a. Sort Of (flat)



kuni, KOKU 40 国

nation, country

建国 founding of a nation kenkoku

帰国 returning to one's country kikoku

国歌 national anthem kokka

国家 state, nation, country kokka

国会 national assembly, diet kokkai

国権 sovereignity kokken

国旗 national flag, country's flag kokki

国境 national boundary kokkyō

国道 national government-built road kokudō

国営 government-managed kokuei

国営化 nationalization kokueika

国益 national interest kokueki

国語 national language kokugo

国威 national prestige, ~dignity kokui

国民 people, citizen kokumin

国運 national destiny kokuun

国王 king, ruler, monarch kokuō

国連 United Nations kokuren

国立 national government-owned kokuritsu

鎖国 national isolation sakoku

島国 island nation shimaguni

帝国 empire teikoku

帝国主義 imperialism teikoku shugi

全国 nation-wide, all-Japan zenkoku

属国 dependent nation, protectorate zokkoku

母国語 native language, mother tongue bokokugo

国造り nation-building kunizukuri

君主国 monarchy, monarchist nation kunshukoku

隷属国 subject nation, dependency reizokukoku

債務国 debtor nation saimukoku

侵略国 aggressor nation shinryakukoku

邦ountry, 694

政olitics, 725

府overnment, 429

民eople, 495

同imilar, 245

向owards, 99


国ation's greatest 宝reasure, the people for sure...

宀 (cover, lid)

296 宝 8

FLIP: 2.0.a. Sort Of (flat)



takara, HŌ 296 宝

treasure, jewel

秘宝 hidden wealth, secret treasure hihō

宝玉 precious stone, gem hōgyoku

宝冠 bejewelled crown hōkan

宝鑑 precious book hōkan

宝器 treasured article, precious item hōki

宝庫 treasure house, treasury hōko

宝石 jewel, gem, precious stone hōseki

宝石商 jeweller, gemmologist hōsekishō

宝飾 jewelry & ornaments hōshoku

宝珠 precious pearl, jewel hōju

宝典 thesaurus; precious books hōten

宝刀 treasure sword hōtō

宝蔵 treasure house, treasury hōzō

重宝 priceless treasure jūhō, chōhō

家宝 family treasure kahō

子宝 one's own children kodakara

国宝 national treasure, ~heritage kokuhō

至宝 the greatest treasure shihō

宝箱 treasure box, treasure chest takarabako

宝船 treasure ship takarabune

宝貝 cowry, porcelain shell takaragai

宝島 treasure island takarajima

宝籤 lottery, lotto, sweepstake takarakuji

宝物 treasure, heirloom takaramono, hōmotsu

財宝 treasures, riches zaihō

⇒金銀財宝 money & valuables kingin zaihō

七宝焼 cloisonne ware shippōyaki

宝探し treasure hunting takarasagashi

宝永時代 Hōei Era (1704-1711) hōei jidai

宝治時代 Hōji Era (1247-1249) hōji jidai

貴recious, 913

金oney, 25

幣oney, 171

輝parkling, 296

石tone, 363

玉ewel, 11

害amage, 904

実eality, 121


込nwards this 辺icinity, no birds no bees...

辶 (transport)

776 込 4

Facing: 1.1. ☜ West (H)


ko(mu), ko(meru) 776 込

inward; emphatic verb suffix

尻込み flinch, shrink, hesitate shirigomi

吹き込む blow in, bring, inspire, record fukikomu

振り込み payment by wire transfer furikomi

降り込む come into, fall into furikomu

振り込む pay, deposit, transfer furikomu

払い込む pay up, settle the account haraikomu

張り込む keep a watch, treat oneself harikomu

冷え込む get cold extremely hiekomu

刻み込む cut, remember, engrave kizamikomu

込み合う get crowded, ~congested komiau

込み入る complicated, be intricate komiiru

舞い込む come, drop by, stop by maikomu

迷い込む stray, wander about mayoikomu

持ち込む bring in, carry into mochikomu

潜り込む creep, get in mogurikomu

申し込む propose, file, apply mōshikomu

投げ込む throw in nagekomu

寝込む fall asleep nekomu

飲み込む drink up, finish drinking nomikomu

乗り込む board, get on norikomu

落ち込み fall, decline, disappointment ochikomi

追い込む drive away, repel oikomu

絞り込み tightening, focusing shiborikomi

染み込む imbue, soak, immerse shimikomu

座り込む sit down suwarikomu

詰め込む stuff, cram, overfill tsumekomu

撃ち込む shoot, open fire uchikomu

打ち込む devote oneself, input, drive uchikomu

読み込み serious reading yomikomi

入ut-inside, 2

奥nside, 903

内nside, 297

済ettle, 961

辺icinity, 93


込nwards this 辺icinity, no birds no bees...

辶 (transport)

775 辺 4

Facing: 1.1. ☜ West (H)



ata(ri), HEN 775 辺

vicinity, surroundings, adjacent, neighbouring, proximity

長辺 rectangular length chōhen

縁辺 border, edge, boundary enpen

浜辺 seashore, beach, coast hamabe

辺地 environs, surroundings henchi

辺土 remote-, distant region hendo

辺境 frontier, border area henkyō

一辺 one side of a triangle ippen

官辺 government source kanpen

近辺 neighbourhood, nearby kinpen

岸辺 shore, riverbank, riveredge kishibe

口辺 around the lips kōhen

窓辺 near the window madobe

道辺 roadside, wayside michibe

水辺 waterside, near the waters mizube

無辺 infinite, limitless muhen

左辺 left side (math equation) sahen

斜辺 oblique side shahen

四辺 all sides, whole, entire shihen

身辺 one's surroundings shinpen

周辺 circumference shūhen

対辺 opposite side taihen

底辺 triangle base teihen

等辺 equilateral, symmetrical tōhen

右辺 right side (math equation) uhen

海辺 coast, beach, seashore umibe

上辺 outward appearance uwabe

不等辺 inequilateral, uneven futōhen

多辺形 polygon tahenkei

周icinity, 280

近earby, 184

巡round, 571

込nward, 93


常egular 堂ltar built in Gibraltar...

巾 (cloth, fabric)

497 常 11

FLIP: 1.0.b. Whole (stem)



tsune, toko, JŌ 497 常

regular, normal, routine, general

平常 usual, normal heijō

非常に very much, extremely hijō (ni)

非常勤 part-time employment hijōkin

異常 abnormal, unusual ijō

⇒精神異常 mental disorder seishin ijō

尋常 ordinary, average, common jinjō

常備 regular reserve jōbi

常駐 permanent deployment jōchū

常道 common practice jōdō

常時 always, at all times jōji

常軌 common sense, track jōki

常勤 full time-, regular staff jōkin

常務 managing director, executive jōmu

常任 permanent, regular staff jōnin

常温 normal temperature jōon

常連 regular client jōren

常設 permanently-constructed jōsetsu

常識 common manners jōshiki

常食 staple diet, daily food jōshoku

常習 habit, mannerism jōshū

常習犯 habitual offender, recidivist jōshūhan

常数 constant number jōsū

常態 normal condition jōtai

常用 regular-, common use jōyō

綱常 public morals, morality kōjō

日常 daily, everyday nichijō

正常 normalcy, normal life seijō

常春 eternal spring tokoharu

常夏 eternal summer tokonatsu

恒常的 constant, steady kōjōteki

般egular, 323

普ommon, 455

平lain, 488

正orrect, 30

党olitical party, 203

堂ltar, 94


常egular 堂ltar built in Gibraltar...

土 (ground, soil)

496 堂 11

FLIP: 1.0.a. Whole (flat)



DŌ 496 堂

altar, pedestal; hall

堂々と stately, openly, boldly dōdōto

堂々巡り going round nowhere dōdō meguri

母堂 mother (polite) bodō

仏堂 Buddha hall butsudō

殿堂 palace, sanctuary dendō

堂上 court nobility, aristocracy dōjō

学堂 academy gakudō

本堂 temple main hall hondō

一堂 faction leaders meeting ichidō

会堂 assembly hall, plenary hall kaidō

講堂 lecture hall kōdō

金堂 golden hall (Buddhist temple) kondō

経堂 Sutra library kyōdō

満堂 general assembly, whole audience mandō

参堂 temple visit sandō

聖堂 sacred hall seidō

僧堂 meditation hall sōdō

草堂 monks' quarters sōdō

天堂 heaven, paradise tendō

辻堂 shrine on wayside tsujidō

禅堂 Zen meditation hall zendō

大会堂 cathedral, basilica daikaidō

礼拝堂 chapel, prayer hall reihaidō, raihaidō

堂守り building guard dōmori

公会堂 public hall, community centre kōkaidō

能楽堂 Noh hall, noh theatre nōgakudō

納骨堂 charnel house nōkotsudō

音楽堂 concert hall ongakudō

食堂 dining hall, mess hall shokudō

国会議事堂 National Diet kokkaigijidō

聖acred, 617

神ivine, 712

祈rayer, 184

拝rayer, 636

党olitical party, 203

常ormal, 94


述述ention "迅peed," 迅uickly they heed...

辶 (transport)

968 述 7

FLIP: 3.0.b. Top (stem)



no(beru), JUTSU 968 述

mention, statement, quote

陳述 statement, representation chinjutsu

⇒冒頭陳述 opening statement bōtō chinjutsu

陳述書 statement, declaration chinjutsusho

著述 writings, book, literary work chojutsu

著述業 the literary profession chojutsugyō

著述家 writer, author chojutsuka

伝述 pass on, relay denjutsu

叙述 narration, depiction, portrayal jojutsu

上述 above-mentioned jōjutsu

述懐 reminiscence, recollection, nostalgia jukkai

述作 literary work jussaku

述部 sentence predicate jutsubu

述語 sentence predicate jutsugo

既述 previously-mentioned kijutsu

記述 narration, depiction, portrayal kijutsu

後述 afterwards, the following kōjutsu

口述 oral statement kōjutsu

公述 sworn statement, affidavit kōjutsu

供述 statement, deposition kyōjutsu

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