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High 波aves didn't stop an 婆ld-woman from 渡rossing to Oman...

水⇔氵 (water)

666 波 8

FLIP: 4.0.b. Bottom (stem)



nami, HA 666 波

waves, current, stream

荒波 violent waves, rough seas aranami

波長 wavelength hachō

波動 wave motion, undulation hadō

波状 wavy, choppy waters hajō

波及 spread, extension, influence hakyū

波紋 ripple, water ring, sensation hamon

波乱 rise & fall, vicissitudes haran

波浪 waves, current harō

波線 wavy line hasen

波涛 waves, rough seas hatō

波頭 crest of waves hatō, namigashira

穂波 waves of rice plants honami

寒波 cold wave kanpa

波路 sea route, sea lanes namiji

波風 wind & waves, storm, trouble namikaze

波間 waves, current namima

波音 sound of ocean waves namioto

難波 shipwreck, cast away nanpa

脳波 brain waves nōha

音波 sound waves onpa

逆波 choppy waters sakanami

周波 cycle shūha

短波 shortwaves tanpa

年波 getting old, greying, ageing toshinami

津波 tidal wave tsunami

波立つ choppy, run high namidatsu

波打つ wave, ripple namiutsu

電磁波 electromagnetic waves denjiha

波止場 wharf, pier, quay hatoba

衝撃波 shock wave shōgekiha

流urrent, 781

漂rift-about, 604

浪rifting, 254

海cean, 241

洋cean, 247

彼[3rd person], 224

被uffer, 715


High 波aves didn't stop an 婆ld-woman from 渡rossing to Oman...

女 (woman)

1931 婆 11

FLIP: 7.2.b. Right Top (stem)

Facing: 2.1. East ☞ (H)

婆ld woman


baba, bā, BA 1931 婆

old woman, grandma, granny, matriarch, old matron

婆屋 old housekeeper; midwife bāya

鬼婆 hag, witch onibaba

老婆 old lady, old woman, hag rōba

⇒冷酷老婆 nasty old woman reikoku rōba

老婆心 grandmotherly worries rōbashin

産婆 midwife sanba

娑婆 outside world; this world shaba

狸婆 cunning old hag tanuki baba

塔婆 wooden grave tablet tōba

妖婆 hag, witch yōba

婆抜き exclusion of old persons babānuki

婆羅門 Brahman baramon

お転婆 bubbling, high-spirited; tomboy otenba

卒塔婆 wooden grave tablet sotoba

阿婆擦れ hussy, bitch; extra cargo abazure

お婆さん grandmother, elderly woman ob ā san

遣り手婆 brothel-, whorehouse madamme yarite babā

老lderly, 149

古ld, 477

翁ld man, 238

仙ermit, 416

波aves, 32


High 波aves didn't stop an 婆ld-woman from 渡rossing to Oman...

水⇔氵 (water)

378 渡 12

FLIP: 4.0.b. Bottom (stem)

Facing: 2.2. East ☞ (V)



wata(ru), wata(su), TO 378 渡

cross-over, hand-over, traverse

譲渡 transfer, negotiation jōto

譲渡抵当 mortgage, collateral jōto teitō

渡米 go to America tobei

渡英 going to England, UK-bound toei

渡河 crossing a river toka

渡航 voyaging, going abroad, ~overseas tokō

渡航者 passenger tokōsha

渡欧 visit to Europe toō

渡来 coming from a foreign country torai

渡世 making a livelihood, getting by tosei

渡船 ferry, ferry boat tosen

明け渡し evacuation, surrender akewatashi

不渡り dishonouring a cheque fuwatari

橋渡し mediation, intercession hashiwatashi

刃渡り blade length hawatari

火渡り walk on fire hiwatari

過渡期 transition period katoki

倉渡し extra warehouse kurawatashi

先渡し future delivery sakiwatashi

綱渡り ropewalking (circus) tsunawatari

内渡し partial delivery uchiwatashi

渡り者 migrant workers watarimono

世渡り livelihood, subsistence yowatari

申し渡す tell, say, inform mōshiwatasu

鳴り渡る resound, ring, echo nariwataru

利権譲渡 transfer of rights riken jōto

知れ渡る be widely known shirewataru

澄み渡る be perfectly clear sumiwataru

受け渡し delivery, handing over ukewatashi

行き渡る spread, go around yukiwataru

交rossing, 467

往ome & go, 749

出epart, 173

渉ross-over, 273

搬and-over, 323

輸and-over, 660

度egree, 91


忙usily we 忘orget 妄elusions of death...

心⇔忄 (heart, feelings)

1373 忙 6

Facing: 2.2. East ☞ (V)



isoga(shii), BŌ 1373 忙

busy, hectic, occupied

忙しい hard, busy isogashii

忙しない busy, restless sewashinai

忙中 busy, "do not disturb..." bōchū

忙殺 crushed to death bōsatsu

繁忙 extremely busy hanbō

煩忙 extremely busy hanbō

怱忙 busy, in a hurry sōbō

多忙 extremely busy tabō

働abour, 422

労abour, 351

暇ree time, 653

閑eisure, 283

悠eisure, 898

忘orget, 34

亡eath, 72


忙usily we 忘orget 妄elusions of death...

心⇔忄⇔忝 (feelings)

1374 忘 7

Facing: 2.1. East ☞ (H)



wasu(reru), BŌ 1374 忘

forget, oblivion, amnesia

備忘 reminder, cue, hint bibō

備忘録 memorandum, notice bibōroku

忘我 self-oblivion; trance bōga

忘却 forgetfulness, memory lapse bōkyaku

忘恩 ingratitude, ungratefulness bōon

健忘 forgetfulness, short memory kenbō

健忘症 dementia, amnesia kenbōshō

初忘 naïvety, gullible shoshin

忘年会 year-end party bōnenkai

度忘れ memory lapse dowasure

胴忘れ forgetfulness, memory lapse dōwasure

物忘れ forgetfulness, memory lapse monowasure

寝忘れ forget to sleep newasure

面忘れ fail to recognize omowasure

年忘れ year-end party toshiwasure

忘れ物 forgotten belongings wasuremono

勿忘草 "forget-me-not plant..." wasurenagusa

聞き忘れ forget to hear kikiwasure

見忘れる forget to recognize miwasureru

忘れ形見 memento, keepsake wasuregatami

置き忘れる forget to leave on okiwasureru

忘れっぽい forgetful, short memory wasureppoi

妄houghtless, 34

疎eglect, 955

慢egligence, 845

失ailure, 19

敗ailure, 137

覚ecall, 307

亡eath, 72

志ntention, 426


忙usily we 忘orget 妄elusions of death...

女 (woman)

1376 妄 6

Facing: 2.1. East ☞ (H)



MŌ, BŌ 1376 妄

delusion, thoughtless, rash

妄言 thoughtless-, careless remarks bōgen

虚妄 falsehood, untrue kyomō

狂妄 crazy, mad kyomō, kyōbō

迷妄 illusion, delusion meimō

妄動 rush action mōdō

⇒軽挙妄動 rash action keikyo mōdō

妄語 falsehood, untrue mōgo

妄評 unfair criticism mōhyō, bōhyō

妄念 distracting thoughts mōnen

妄説 fallacious report, fallacy mōsetsu, bōsetsu

妄信 blind belief mōshin, bōshin

妄執 delusion, illusion mōshū, bōshū

妄想 delusion, wild fancy mōsō, bōsō

⇒被害妄想 persecuted complex, paranoia higai mōsō

⇒誇大妄想 megalomania, illusion of grandeur kodai mōsō

疎eglect, 955

慢egligence, 845

忘orget, 34

失ailure, 19 敗ailure, 137

安afety, 350

妥ontentment, 610


画aintings' 価alue & 価rice depend on the 面urface size...

田 (cultivated field)

343 画 8

FLIP: 1.0.a. Whole (flat)



GA, KAKU 343 画

picture, painting, draw a plan

描画 drawing, sketch byōga

映画 movie, film eiga

画家 artist, painter gaka

画面 screen gamen

画廊 art gallery garō

画才 artistic talent gasai

画商 art dealer, picture dealer gashō

画集 book of paintings, ~pictures gashū

画素 picture pixel, dot gaso

画像 image, picture gazō

劇画 story comic, comic strip gekiga

版画 handblock print hanga

壁画 mural hekiga

邦画 Japanese film, ~movie hōga

陰画 film negative inga

絵画 picture, painting kaiga

画策 scheme, plan, programme kakusaku

画然 clear distinction kakuzen

計画 project, planning keikaku

企画 programme-of-action kikaku

漫画 comics, caricature, cartoon manga

名画 famous film meiga

録画 videotaping, ~recording rokuga

略画 sketch, drawing ryakuga

陽画 positive picture (film) yōga

洋画 Western film, ~movie yōga

自画像 self-portrait jigazō

画期的 epoch-making kakkiteki

画一化 standardization kakuitsuka

写生画 sketch, drawing shaseiga

図rawing, 47

絵rawing, 143

描ketch, 271

撮hotograph, 423

面urface, 36

再epeat, 225


画aintings' 価alue & 価rice depend on the 面urface size...

人⇔仆 (person)

421 価 8

FLIP:7.0.a. Right (flat)



atai, KA 421 価

value, price, worth

安価 cheap, low-priced anka

買価 purchase price baika

米価 price of rice beika

物価 commodity prices bukka

代価 price, cost daika

同価 equivalent price dōka

円価 price in Japanese yen enka

原価 cost, price genka

減価 price reduction genka

平価 par, parity, par value heika

評価 evaluation, appraisal hyōka

時価 market price jika

株価 stock prices kabuka

価値 value, worth kachi

価格 price, value kakaku

高価 expensive, costly kōka

無価 priceless muka

無価値 priceless mukachi

廉価 cheap price renka

声価 reputation, name value seika

正価 net price, regular price seika

市価 market price shika

真価 true value, real worth shinka

対価 compensation, payment taika

単価 unit price, unit cost tanka

定価 list price, fixed price teika

等価 equivalent, equal, parity tōka

特価 reduced price tokka

予価 price estimate, quoted price yoka

栄養価 nutritive value eiyōka

値rice, 783

貴recious, 913

金oney, 25

幣oney, 171

札oney-bills, 685

面urface, 36

西estern, 18

両oth, 567


画aintings' 価alue & 価rice depend on the 面urface size...

面 (surface, front)

274 面 9

FLIP: 1.0.a. Whole (flat)



omote, omo, tsura, MEN 274 面

face, surface, dimension, sector

部面 phase, section bumen

帳面 notebook, books chōmen

覆面 face mask fukumen

額面 face value, par value gakumen

画面 scene, screen, window gamen

顔面 face surface ganmen

画廊 art gallery, art exhibit garō

背面 backside, rear surface haimen

白面 face without cosmetics hakumen

表面 surface, outward look hyōmen

渋面 grimace, wince, sneer jūmen, shibuttsura

球面 spherical shape kyūmen

面会 interview, interpellation menkai

面積 land size, floor area menseki

面接 interview, interpellation mensetsu

面識 acquaintance menshiki

面子 honour, face, name mentsu

面前 "in the presence of..." menzen

能面 Noh mask nōmen

面影 image, face, shadow omokage

斜面 slope, slant shamen

側面 side, lateral sokumen

底面 bottom, depth teimen

横面 cheek yokkotsura

全面 entirety, wholly zenmen

仏頂面 sullen look, sour face bucchōzura

面食い liking good looks menkui

面持ち look, face omomochi

面構え one's face tsuragamae

面汚し disgrace, humiliation tsurayogoshi

前rontal, 118

表utlook, 378

後osterior, 897

裏osterior, 872

画ainting, 35

雨aining, 417


捜捜earching, 抽ulling, 押ushing, rock fans abusing...

手⇔扌 (hand, manual)

989 捜 10

FLIP: 7.0.b2. Right (stem)


捜ook for

saga(su), SŌ 989 捜

search, finding, look-for

博捜 thorough & extensive search hakusō

捜査 investigation, search sōsa

捜査員 detective, investigator sōsain

捜査令状 search warrant sōsa reijō

捜索 search, manhunt sōsaku

⇒家宅捜索 search in a house kataku sōsaku

捜索状 search warrant sōsakujō

捜索隊 search & rescue mission sōsakutai

捜査網 "long arm of the law...", police dragnet sōsamō

捜し絵 picture puzzle sagashie

捜し物 something to look for, missing item sagashimono

捜し回る hunting around sagashimawaru

捜し出す find out, discover sagashidasu

捜し当てる find out, locate, ferret out sagashiateru

捜し求める seek sagashimotomeru

絵捜し picture puzzle esagashi

索earch, 375

探earch, 787

覧ook at, 592

理eason, 872

埋ury, 319


捜earching, 抽ulling, 押ushing, rock fans abusing...

手⇔扌 (hand, manual)

FLIP: 7.0.b1. Right (stem)



o(su), o(saeru), Ō 9 れ86 押

press, pushing

押さえ presser foot, weight osae

花押 written seal, signature kaō

押印 personal seal ōin

押下 pressing down ōka

押捺 affixing seal ōnatsu

押収 confiscation, sequestration, forfeiture ōshū

押送 escorting a convict ōsō

後押し pushing-, shoving behind atooshi

一押し push, endeavour, undertake hitooshi

糸押え thread presser itoosae

空押し emboss, impress karaoshi

中押し wide margin, big edge nakaoshi

押え腕 presser arm osaeude

押え不良 defective clamping osaefuryō

押し圧 operation pressure oshiatsu

押し葉 pressed leaf oshiba

押し花 pressed flower oshibana

押しボタン push button oshibotan

押し目 relapse, retrogression oshime

押し麦 rolled barley oshimugi

押し屋 passenger train pusher oshiya

押し鮨 Ōsaka-style sushi oshizushi

押し切る break down oshikiru

押し問答 heated argument oshimondō

押し売り pushy selling oshiuri

尻押し passenger train pusher shirioshi

下押し decline, fall, sag shitaoshi

手押し車 handcart, pushcart teoshiguruma

念を押す remind-, alert someone nen o osu

仮差押え sequestration karisashiosae

迫ress for, 108

尽ursue, 574

追ursue, 108

抽xtract, 37

軸xle, 659


捜earching, 抽ulling, 押ushing, rock fans abusing...

手⇔扌 (hand, manual)

FLIP:7.0.a. Right (flat)



hi(ku), CHŪ 987 抽

extract, pulling, draw out

抽選 lottery, lotto, drawing chūsen

抽選券 lotto ticket chūsenken

抽象 abstraction, conceptual chūshō

抽象物 abstraction, conceptual chūshōbutsu

抽象画 abstract painting chūshōga

抽象派 abstractionism, conceptualism chūshōha

抽象論 abstract thought, ~concept chūshōron

抽象的 abstract, ~conceptual chūshōteki

抽象概念 abstraction, conceptual chūshō gainen

抽出 extraction, pulling out chūshutsu

抽出し cabinet drawer hikidashi

抽斗 cabinet drawer hikidashi

抽んでる be outstanding, excel nukinderu

引xtract, 348

滴xtract, 799

拾ick-up, 231

却ithdraw, 387

退ithdraw, 770

撤ithdraw, 843

罷ithdraw, 322

外emove, 188

油etroleum, 540

押ushing, 37


昆nsects' thing: 混ixing with 皆verything...

曰 (sunlight, daytime)

1874 昆 8

FLIP: 3.0.a. Top (flat)


KON 1874 昆


昆布 sea tangle, kelp konbu, kobu

昆布茶 Tang-flavoured tea kobucha

昆虫 insect konchū

昆虫学 entomology konchūgaku

昆虫採集 collecting insects konchū saishū

朧昆布 sliced tangle oborokonbu

蚊osquito, 654

虫nsect, 369

蛍irefly, 628

鬼evil, 935

恵lessing, 545


昆nsects' thing: 混ixing with 皆verything...

水⇔氵 (water)

FLIP: 7.2.a. Right Top (flat)



ma(zeru), ma(zaru), ma(jiru), KON 799 混

mixture, blending, mingling, scrambling

混紡 mixed spinning konbō

混濁 muddled, clouded, murky kondaku

混同 confusion, mixing, blending kondō

混合 mixture, blending, mixing kongō

混合物 mixture, blend kongōbutsu

混合肥料 compound fertilizer kongō hiryō

混血 mixed parentage konketsu

混血児 child of mixed parentage konketsuji

混交 mixture, blending konkō

混迷 confusion, disorder, chaos konmei

混入 mix, dissolve with konnyū

混乱 confusion, disorder, chaos konran

混載 consolidated, merged konsai

混作 mixed cultivation, ~crops konsaku

混声 assorted voices, crowd noise konsei

混成 mixture, compound konsei

混線 entanglement, confusion konsen

混戦 free-for-all, scuffle, rumble konsen

混信 interference, intervention konshin

混色 mixed colour konshoku

混沌 chaos, confusion konton

混和 mixing, mingling konwa

混浴 mixed bathing (gender) konyoku

混用 mix, dissolve together konyō

混在 mixture, blending konzai

混雑 congestion, jam, crowding konzatsu

混然 whole, entire, harmonious konzen

混ぜ物 mixture, assortment mazemono

混ぜ返す interrupt, make fun of; stir up mazekaesu

紛ixture, 778

錯ixed-up, 335

争onflict, 231

雑arious, 776

諸arious, 794

湯ot-water, 932

浪aves, 254


昆nsects' thing: 混ixing with 皆verything...

白 (white)

FLIP: 4.0.a. Bottom (flat)



mina, KAI 587 皆

everyone, everything, total

皆伝① expertise, proficiency kaiden

皆伝② initiation to all mysteries (Buddhism) kaiden

⇒免許皆伝 proficiency license menkyo kaiden

皆伐 land clearing kaibatsu

皆伐地 cleared site kaibatsuchi

皆兵 compulsory military conscription kaihei

皆既 total eclipse kaiki

皆既月食 total lunar eclipse kaiki gesshoku

皆既日食 total solar eclipse kaiki nisshoku

皆勤 perfect work attendance kaikin

皆勤賞 perfect attendance award kaikinshō

皆既食 totality, universality kaikishoku

皆目 wholly, totally, entirety kaimoku

皆無 completely nil, impossible kaimu

皆納 tax payment in full kainō

皆済 full payment, fully-paid kaisai

皆様 "to everyone present..." minasama

皆殺し extermination, genocide minagoroshi

皆々様 "to everyone present..." minaminasama

全ntire, 24

各very, 498

毎very, 241

習earning, 238

比ompare, 466


革eather 靴ootwear bloomed like 華lowers with 華hina's 革eformers...

革 (leather)

FLIP: 1.0.b. Whole (stem)



kawa, KAKU 1075 革

reform, modernize, renewal, improve, ugrade; leather, hide

沿革 history, development enkaku

行革 administrative reform gyōkaku

保革 reformists & conversatives hokaku

改革 reform, reformation kaikaku

⇒業務改革 business reform gyōmu kaikaku

⇒宗教改革 Reformation Age shūkyō kaikaku

⇒税制改革 tax reform zeisei kaikaku

改革案 reform bill kaikakuan

革命 revolution kakumei

⇒産業革命 Industrial Revolution sangyō kakumei

⇒文化大革命 Cultural Revolution bunka daikakumei

革命家 revolutionary, reformist kakumeika

革命政府 revolutionary government kakumei seifu

革命運動 revolutionary movement kakumei undō

革新 innovation, reform kakushin

⇒技術革新 technological revolution gijutsu kakushin

革新的 progressive, reformist kakushinteki

変革 reform, change henkaku

牛革 cowhide, leather gyukawa, gyugawa

皮革 leather, hide hikaku

紐革 strap, string himokawa

革質 leathery kakushitsu

革具 leathercraft, leather goods kawagu

革靴 leather shoes kawagutsu

革装 leather-bound kawasō

背革 leather back segawa

製革 tanning seikaku

革表紙 leather-covered kawabyōshi

革製品 leather goods, ~products kawaseihin

革細工 leather goods, ~products kawazaiku

改eform, 725

変hange, 581

新ew, 668

策olicy, 875

措easures, 282

略ummary, 825

牛attle, 179

帯egion, 557

帝mpire, 432


革eather 靴ootwear bloomed like 華lowers with 華hina's 革eformers...

革 (leather)

FLIP: 6.0.b. Left (stem)



kutsu, KA 1076 靴

footwear, shoes

靴べら shoehorn kutsu bera

靴ブラシ shoebrush kutsu burashi

靴ずれ sore from wearing shoes kutsuzure

雨靴 rain boots, galoshes amagutsu

泥靴 muddy shoes dorogutsu

深靴 long boots fukagutsu

軍靴 combat boots gunka

革靴 leather shoes kawagutsu

靴紐 shoestring, shoelace kutsu himo

靴音 sound of footsteps kutsuoto

靴下 socks, stockings kutsushita

靴下止め garters, suspenders kutsushitadome

靴屋 shoe store, shoemaker kutsuya

靴底 shoe sole kutsuzoko

靴墨 shoe polish kutsuzumi

長靴 boots, galoshes, rainshoes nagagutsu

製靴 shoemaking seika

短靴 low shoes tangutsu

上靴 footwear worn inside one's house uwagutsu

藁靴 straw shoes waragutsu

雪靴 snowshoes yukigutsu

乗馬靴 horseriding shoes jōbagutsu

靴拭き doormat kutsufuki

靴磨き shoeshine kutsumigaki

靴直し shoe repair kutsunaoshi

靴脱ぎ removing one's shoes kutsunugi

戦闘靴 combat boots sentōgutsu

紳士靴 men's shoes shinshigutsu

登山靴 mountaineering boots tozangutsu

運動靴 sports shoes, rubber shoes undōgutsu

足oot, 481

歩alk, 272

脚egs, 387

革eather, 39

戦attle, 517


革eather 靴ootwear bloomed like 華lowers with 華hina's 革eformers...

艾 (grass)

FLIP: 1.0.b. Whole (stem)



hana, KA, KE 1074 華

blossom, flower, magnificent; China

華やか bright, brilliant hanayaka

華やぐ merry & cheerful hanayagu

栄華 luxury, opulence, ostentation eiga

豪華 luxurious, gorgeous gōka

華美 pomp & pageantry, splendour kabi

華道 flower arrangement kadō

華言 flowery language kagen

華実 flowers & fruits kajitsu

華麗 splendid, gorgeous, brilliant karei

華氏 fahrenheit kashi

華族 peer, noble kazoku

香華 flowers & incense kōge

散華 die gloriously sange

精華 flower, quintessence seika

昇華 sublimation shōka

万華鏡 kaleidoscope mangekyō

豪華版 deluxe edition gōkaban

華華しい brilliant & splendid hanabanashii

繁華街 downtown, commercial district hankagai

詞華集 anthology, compilation shikashū

豪華絢爛 gorgeous, dazzling gōka kenran

華燭の典 wedding ceremony kashōku no ten

中華 China, Chinese chūka

中華料理 Chinese food, ~cuisine chūka ryōri

中華民国 Republic of China (Taiwan) chūka minkoku

中華人民共和国 People's Republic of China chūka jinmin kyōwakoku

華中 central China kachū

華北 northern China kahoku

華僑 overseas Chinese trader kakyō

華商 overseas Chinese trader kashō

日華 Japanese-Chinese nikka

花lower, 191

薫ragrance, 934

香ragrance, 895

芳ragrance, 533

中hina, 85

唐hinese, 439

革eather, 39

草rass, 373


No 殻usk no 穀rains, a farm's 款oodwill wanes...

殳 (pike)

1728 殻 11

FLIP: 5.0.b. Left & Right



kara, KAKU 1728 殻

husk, shell

紅殻 red ochre benigara

茶殻 consumed tea leaves chagara

血殻 specks of blood chigara

地殻 earth crust chikaku

外殻 shell, crust, husk gaikaku

灰殻 ashes haigara

耳殻 external ear, auricle jikaku

貝殻 shell, seashell kaigara

貝殻骨 shoulder blade kaigarabone

貝殻追放 ostracism, exclusion kaigara tsuihō

貝殻細工 shellworks kaigara zaiku

殻長 shell apex kakuchō

殻竿 flail karazao

豆殻 bean husk mamegara

籾殻 rice hull momigara

卵殻 egg shell rankaku, tamagokara

空き殻 empty shell akigara

出し殻 spent tea leaves dashigara

甲殻類 crustacean, shell fishes kōkakurui

燃え殻 cinder, ashes moegara

抜け殻 cast-off skin (snake) nukegara

石炭殻 coal cinders sekitangara

吸い殻 cigarette butt suigara

穀rains, 41

穂rains, 545

粒rains, 656

款oodwill, 42

穀ereal, 41


No 殻usk no 穀rains, a farm's 款oodwill wanes...

禾 (treebranch)

FLIP: 7.0.b2. Right (stem)



KOKU 1729 穀

cereal, grain, granule

米穀 rice, cereal, grain beikoku

脱穀 threshing dakkoku

脱穀機 thresher, threshing machine dakkokuki

五穀 the five staple grains gokoku

穀粉 grain flour kokufun

穀物 grains & cereals (staple food) kokumotsu

穀類 cereals kokurui

穀粒 grain kokuryū, kokutsubu

穀商 rice dealer, ~merchant kokushō

穀食 cereal diet kokushoku

穀倉 granary kokusō

穀倉地帯 granary region kokusō chitai

新穀 fresh grains shinkoku

雑穀 cereals, grain zakkoku

雑穀商 grains merchant zakkokushō

穀潰し "good-for-nothing..." gokutsubushi

穀断ち grains abstinence kokudachi

穀象虫 rice weevil kokuzōmushi

麦arley, 606

殻usk, 41

穂rain, 545

粒rain, 656

稲ice plant, 893

款oodwill, 42

殻usk, 41


No 殻usk no 穀rains, a farm's 款oodwill wanes...

欠 (lacking)

FLIP: 6.0.b. Left (stem)



KAN 1727 款

article, clause, goodwill

条款 article, stipulation, proviso, caveat jōkan

落款 signature & seal rakkan

定款 articles of incorporation teikan

約款 contract stipulations yakkan

⇒担保約款 mortgage clause tanpo yakkan

款待 cordial reception, warm welcome kantai

交款 goodwill exchange kōkan

満款 highest score mankan

借款 borrowings, debt, loan shakkan

⇒円借款 yen-denominated loan enshakkan

懇ntimacy, 164

親ntimate, 669

友riendship, 408

善ighteous, 450

但roviso, 739

条rticle, 607

殻hell, 41

穀ereal, 41


編diting 偏nclination 遍idespread on the Web...

糸 (thread, continuity)

FLIP: 7.3.b. Right Bottom (stem)



a(mu), HEN 682 編

editing, compilation, revision; knitting

編著 writer & editor hencho

編曲 arrangement, adjustment henkyoku

編入 entry, incorporate hennyū

編纂 compilation, editing hensan

⇒史料編纂 historiography shiryō hensan

編成 putting together, composition hensei

編制 organize, form hensei

編者 editor, compiler hensha

編集 editing, compilation henshū

上編 first volume jōhen

改編 reorganization, restructuring kaihen

後編 latter part (story) kōhen

巨編 great literary work kyohen

正編 main-, principal story seihen

掌編 short story shōhen

小編 short story shōhen

前編 first sequel, first volume zenpen

続編 sequel, second volume zokuhen

番外編 additional version, extra bangaihen

姉妹編 companion piece shimaihen

予告編 preview, preliminary view yokokuhen

編み針 knitting needle, crochet hook amibari

編み棒 knitting needle, ~pin amibō

編み機 knitting machine amiki

編み目 stitching, sewing amime

編み物 knitting, crochet amimono

編み出す work out, think out, devise amidasu

編み込む knit amikomu

飛行編隊 squadron, flight formation hikō hentai

訂diting, 174

校roof-reading, 773

縫ewing, 779

紡pinning, 735

糸hread, 375

衣lothes, 355

偏ncline, 43

遍idespread, 43


編diting 偏nclination 遍idespread on the Web...

人⇔仆 (person)

1159 偏 11

FLIP: 7.3.b. Right Bottom (stem)



katayo(ru), HEN 1159 偏

incline, partial, predilection, proclivity, propensity, trending

不偏 impartiality, disinterested, fairness fuhen

不偏不党 non-partisan fuhen futō

偏愛 favouritism, partiality, bias hen'ai

偏旁 left & right radicals henbō

偏重 overimportance, overemphasis henchō

偏土 remote region hendo

偏人 eccentric henjin

偏見 bias, prejudice henken

偏向 deviation, inclination henkō

偏光 polarized light henkō

偏屈 stubborn, eccentric henkutsu

偏狂 monomaniac henkyō

偏狭 narrow-minded henkyō

偏頗 partiality, bias, discrimination henpa

偏平 flat henpei

偏平足 flat-footed person henpeisoku

偏流 drifting, diversion henryū

偏差 deviation, inclination hensa

偏差値 deviation standard hensachi

⇒標準偏差 standard deviation hyōjun hensa

偏心 eccentricity, idiosyncracy henshin

偏食 unbalanced diet henshoku

偏執 paranoid, phobia, bigotry henshū

偏桃 almond hentō

偏在 mal-distribution, unequal henzai

無偏 unbiased, impartial muhen

偏頭痛 migraine, headache henzutsū, hentōtsu

斜iagonal, 648

方irection, 533

片artial, 359

側art, 291

備urnish, 409

倫thics, 787


編diting 偏nclination 遍idespread on the Web...

辶 (transport)

FLIP:7.3.b. Right Bottom (stem)

FLIP: 8.0.b. Inner (stem)



amane, HEN 1160 遍

widespread, pervasive, rampant, sweeping, all over

五遍 five times gohen

遍歴 travel experience henreki

遍路 pilgrimage, pilgrim henro

遍在 omnipresence, everywhere henzai

一遍 once, altogether ippen

⇒通り一遍 passing, causal, perfunctory toori ippen

何遍 how many times nanben

二遍 twice, three times nihen

三遍 twice, three times sanben

普遍性 universality fuhensei

普遍的 universal, generic fuhenteki

百万遍 a million times hyakumanben

万遍なく evenly, equally manbennaku

普ommon, 455

常egular, 94

般egular, 323

平lain, 488

拡nlarge, 205

広arge, 205

豊bundance, 965

偏ncline, 43

編diting, 42


奴奴ellows' lack of 努ffort 怒ngered their cohorts...

女 (woman)

FLIP: 7.0.b2. Right (stem)



yatsu, yakko, DO 1933 奴

colleague, fellow

彼奴 that guy, that fellow aitsu

奴輩 servant, slave dohai

奴隷 slave, slavery dorei

奴隷解放 slave emancipation dorei kaihō

奴隷制度 slavery system dorei seido

黒奴 black-, African slave kokudo

此奴 "you little rascal..." koyatsu

匈奴 Huns kyōdo

何奴 "what-the-heck..." naniyatsu

農奴 serf nōdo

奴婢 helpers, servants nuhi

奴凧 ancient kite yakkodako

奴等 "those fellows..." yatsura

奴さん fellow, chap yakkosan

奴豆腐 chilled tofu cubes yakkodōfu

売国奴 traitor, renegade, quisling baikokudo

冷や奴 chilled tofu hiyayakko

黒い奴 racist term for blacks kuroiyatsu

守銭奴 miser, niggard, cheapshot shusendo

仲ellow, 695

輩ellow, 290

僚ellow, 66

相ellow, 524

好iking, 637

妊regnancy, 709


奴ellows' lack of 努ffort 怒ngered their cohorts...

力 (strength, force)

FLIP:7.2.b. Right Top (stem)



tsuto(meru), DO 1595 努

effort, exert, diligence, endeavour, forbearance

努努 "never, never..." yumeyume

努力 effort, toil doryoku

努力型 hard-working doryokugata

努力家 hard worker, workaholic doryokuka

努力賞 consolation prize doryokushō

働abour, 422

労abour, 351

伸tretch, 713

張tretch, 274

勉fforts, 527

力trength, 351

勢igour, 153

精igour, 792

始tart, 210

妨indrance, 734


奴ellows' lack of 努ffort 怒ngered their cohorts...

心⇔忄 (heart, feelings)

1596 怒 9

FLIP: 7.2.b. Right Top (stem)



oko(ru), ika(ru), DO 1596 怒

angry, resent, fuming, furious, incense, indignant, infuriate, outrage, enrage

怒り anger, rage, fury, wrath ikari

怒り肩 square shoulder ikarigata

怒り上戸 angry when drunk okorijōgo

怒りぽっい quick-tempered, mercurial okorippoi

怒張 blood over swelling dochō

怒号 roar, bellowing, bluster dogō

怒気 anger, rage, fury, wrath doki

怒声 angry-, furious voice dosei

怒濤 violent waves, choppy waters dotō

憤怒 anger, rage, fury, wrath fundo, funnu

激怒 rage, fury, ire, wrath gekido

怒鳴り shouting, yelling, screaming donari

怒鳴る shout, yell, scream donaru

嚇怒 fury, rage kakudo

喜怒 joy & anger kido

喜怒哀楽 feelings, emotions kido airaku

怒髪天 flushed with anger, outraged dohatsuten

嫌espise, 805

卑espise, 936

侮espise, 711

憎atred, 837

悠istant, 898

急udden, 868


感eelings of 憾egret 減ecrease when guilt is the least...

心⇔忄 (heart, feelings)

FLIP: 8.0.a. Inner (flat)



KAN 262 感

feelings, emotions, sentiments

敏感 sensitive, delicate binkan

同感 sympathy, empathy, commiseration dōkan

五感 five senses gokan

反感 antipathy, animosity, hostility hankan

快感 pleasure, sensation kaikan

感激 deep emotion, strong passions kangeki

感情 feelings, emotions kanjō

感状 letter of commendation kanjō

感覚 sense, awareness kankaku

感謝 gratitude, thanks kansha

感心 admiration, praise kanshin

感想 impressions, thoughts kansō

好感 favourable impression kōkan

音感 sense of pitch onkan

霊感 inspiration, spiritual sentiments reikan

量感 massiveness, enormity, largesse ryōkan

性感 sexual arousal, ~passions seikan

予感 premonition, foreboding yokan

直感力 intuition, hunch, perception chokkanryoku

第六感 hunch, sixth sense, intuition dairokkan

義務感 sense of duty, dutifulness gimukan

劣等感 inferiority complex rettōkan

正義感 sense of justice seigikan

責任感 sense of responsibility sekininkan

疎外感 sense of alienation sogaikan

体感的 sensible, sensual taikanteki

優越感 superiority complex yūetsukan

罪悪感 guilty conscience zaiakukan

感慨深い deeply-touched kangaibukai

感極まる deeply-touched kankiwamaru

気eelings, 98

情eelings, 793

心eart, 469

惑emptation, 139

減ecrease, 46


感eelings of 憾egret 減ecrease when guilt is the least...

心⇔忄⇔忝 (feelings)

FLIP: 8.0.a. Inner (flat)



ura(mu), KAN 1815 憾

regret, deplore, denounce, condemn

憾み regret, grudge, bad blood urami

憾み言 whining, words of regret uramigoto

遺憾 regret, regrettable ikan

遺憾なく "fully, to the fullest..." ikan naku

悔egret, 712

慨egret, 316

惜egret, 281

憶emory, 339


感eelings of 憾egret 減ecrease when guilt is the least...

水⇔氵 (water)

FLIP: 8.0.a. Inner (flat)




he(ru), he(rasu), GEN 715 減

decrease, reduce, minus, lessen, minimize

激減 sudden decrease, ~fall gekigen

減額 reduction, decrease gengaku

減員 reduced staff gen'in

減刑 commutation, reduced punishment genkei

減配 reduced distribution genpai

減俸 pay cut, salary reduction genpō

減法 subtraction, minus genpō

減作 poor crop gensaku

減産 reduced production gensan

減資 capital decrease, ~reduction genshi

減少 decrease, decline genshō

減食 diet, dieting, eating less genshoku

減収 reduced income, salary cut genshū

減速 speed reduction gensoku

減衰 decline, warning gensui

減反 reduced cultivation gentan

減税 tax cut, tax decrease genzei

半減 reducing by half hangen

加減 high & low, plus or minus, give or take kagen

軽減 mitigation, commutation keigen

削減 reduction, curtailment sakugen

節減 reduction, curtailment setsugen

逓減 gradual diminution teigen

漸減 gradual decrease, ~reduction zengen

意加減 haphazard, random, unreliable ikagen

好い加減 "take it easy..." iikagen

目減り weight loss meberi

塩加減 food saltiness shiokagen

手加減 exercise one's discretion tekagen

減らず口 retort, rejoinder, rebuttal herazuguchi

減り込む sink, submerge herikomu

耗essen, 655

陥all-down, 893

堕all-down, 807

落all-down, 826

衰ecline, 374

少ew, 459

滅erish, 520

激ierce, 170

Kanji Handbook

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