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微微light eye 徴ymptoms, 懲unished Peeping Toms...

彳 (stroll)

1419 微 13

FLIP: 8.0.b. Inner (stem)



BI 1419 微

slight, minute, insignificant, minuscule, negligible

微微 slight, tiny, little bibi

微分 differential calculus bibun

微動 tremor, slight quiver bidō

微粉 fine powder bifun

微弱 faint, weak bijaku

微光 faint light bikō

微行 travelling incognito, secret trip bikō

微熱 slight fever binetsu

微温 lukewarm, slightly hot bion

微量 sight amount biryō

微力 limited ability biryoku

微細 minute, delicate, fine bisai

微震 weak-, mild earthquake bishin

微少 slight, minute bishō

微罪 minor-, petty offence bizai

極微 infinitesimal, microscopic gokubi

隠微 subtle, obscure inbi

軽微 slight, mild keibi

機微 niceties, courtesy kibi

微塵 particle, fragments mijin

衰微 decline, wane, fade-out suibi

微調整 slight fine-tuning bichōsei

微粒子 particle, corpuscle biryūshi

微生物 micro-organism, microbe biseibutsu

微生物学 microbiology bisei butsugaku

微積分 differential & integral calculus bisekibun

微視的 microscopic, minuscule bishiteki

顕微鏡 microscope kenbikyō

微笑み smile, smiling face hohoemi

微笑ましい heart-warming, hohoemashii

寡ittle, 161

若ittle, 276

幾ew, 547

少ew, 459

小mall, 459

子ittle, 456

徹ierce-thru, 843

撤ithdraw, 843


微light eye 徴ymptoms, 懲unished Peeping Toms...

彳 (stroll)

FLIP: 8.0.a. Inner (flat)



CHŌ 1420 徴

demand, levy; symptoms

徴募 enlistment, recruitment chōbo

徴発 commandeering, seizure chōhatsu

徴発令 requisition orders chōhatsurei

徴兵 military conscription chōhei

徴兵忌避 draft evasion, ~dodging chōhei kihi

徴収 levy, tribute chōshū

⇒源泉徴収 main income tax gensen chōshū

徴集 levy, tribute chōshū

徴用 commandeering, seizure chōyō

徴税 tax collection chōzei

徴税吏 tax collector chōzeiri

性徴 sexual character seichō

追徴 additional tax collection tsuichō

追徴金 additional collection, surcharge tsuichōkin

増徴 additional tax, surtax zōchō

課徴金 surcharge, extra fee kachōkin

徴収令 calling up draftees chōshūrei

徴兵免除 draft exemption chōhei menjo

徴候 sign, symptom chōkō

標徴 uniqueness, distinguishing feature hyōchō

吉徴 lucky charm, good omen kicchō

明徴 clarification, elucidation meichō

象徴 symbol, emblem shōchō

象徴的 symbolic, tokenism shōchōteki

象徴主義 symbolism shōchō shugi

特徴 characteristic, unique tokuchō

威uthority, 520

権uthority, 804

政dministration, 725

兆ymptoms, 214

響ffect, 452

果esult, 287

因ause, 862

根oot, 772

徹ierce-thru, 843

撤ithdraw, 843


微light eye 徴ymptoms, 懲unished Peeping Toms...

心⇔忄⇔忝 (feelings)

1421 懲 18

FLIP: 8.0.a. Inner (flat)



ko(rasu), ko(rashimeru), ko(riru), CHŌ 1421 懲

penalty, punishment, punitive

懲悪 punishment, penalty chōaku

⇒勧善懲悪 reward good & punish evil kanzen chōaku

懲罰 punishment, discipline chōbatsu

懲役 penal servitude chōeki

⇒無期懲役 life imprisonment muki chōeki

懲戒 reprimand, censure chōkai

懲戒免職 disciplinary dismissal chōkai menshoku

懲戒処分 disciplinary punishment chōkai shobun

性懲り "learn the hard way..." shōkori

性懲りもない incorrigible, persistent shōkorimonai

懲り懲り learning from experience korigori

獄rison, 639

囚risoner, 863

刑unishment, 536

罰unishment, 759

罪riminal, 289

犯riminal, 640

禁rohibit, 560

徳irtue, 844

癒ecuperate, 923


薄hin tiny 簿edger, 縛ound in thick leather...

艾 (grass)

1449 薄 16

FLIP: 8.0.a. Inner (flat)



usu(i), usu(maru), usu(ragu), usu(reru), usu(meru), HAKU 1449 簿

thin; light

浮薄 flippant behaviour fuhaku

薄幸 unfortunate, unhappy hakkō

薄光 faint light, flicker of light hakkō

薄給 low salary, small pay hakkyū

薄暮 evening, dusk, nightfall hakubo

薄情 heartless, cruel, cold-hearted hakujō

薄命 short life, early death hakumei

薄利 small profit, token earnings hakuri

薄謝 token of gratitude hakusha

薄志 weak-willed, weak-kneaded hakushi

軽薄 insincere, frivolous, dishonest keihaku

希薄 thin, weak kihaku

厚薄 relative thickness kōhaku

酷薄 heartless, cruel, cold-hearted kokuhaku

肉薄 coming close, nearing nikuhaku

浅薄 flimsy, shallow, frivolous senpaku

品薄 stock shortage, low stock shinausu

薄味 weak taste, bland flavour usuaji

薄刃 thin blade usuba

薄手 thin, eggshell usude

薄紅 pinkish usubeni

薄日 little sunlight usubi

薄紙 thin paper usugami

薄着 thin-, light clothing usugi

薄絹 light silk usuginu

薄目 half-closed eyes usume

薄緑 pale green usumidori

薄汚い dirty, unclean usugitanai

薄暗い dim, dusky, dull usugurai

薄笑い faint smile, feigned smile usuwarai

薄汚れる dirty, sullied, stained usuyogoreru

薄気味悪い spooky, creepy usukimi warui

淡aint, 309

漠bscure, 828

透ransparency, 383

籍egistry, 336


薄hin tiny 簿edger, 縛ound in thick leather...

竹 (bamboo)

1450 簿 19

FLIP: 8.0.a. Inner (flat)



BO 1450 簿

ledger, record, roster, registry

簿外 unlisted, off-the-books, concealed bogai

簿外負債 hidden debts bogai fusai

簿外資産 hidden wealth bogai shisan

簿記 bookkeeping, accounting record boki

簿記帳 account book bokichō

帳簿 account book, ledger chōbo

名簿 name list, roster meibo

登簿 registration tōbo

学籍簿 school attendance record gakusekibo

人名簿 name list, roster jinmeibo

家計簿 family expenses book kakeibo

計算簿 account book keisanbo

戸籍簿 family register kosekibo

出勤簿 work attendance record shukkinbo

出席簿 attendance record shussekibo

出納簿 account book suitōbo

登記簿 registry, registration list tōkibo

登録簿 register, journal tōrokubo

通知簿 report card tsūchibo

通信簿 correspondence card tsūshinbo

記ecord, 728

録ecord, 841

紀arration, 727

歴istory, 595

暦alendar, 595

籍egistry, 336

薄ight, 63


薄hin tiny 簿edger, 縛ound in thick leather...

糸 (thread, continuity)

1448 縛 16

FLIP: 7.2.a. Right Top (flat)



shiba(ru), imashime, BAKU 1448 縛

binding, tie-up

縛り首 hanging criminals shibarikubi

縛り上げる tie up, bind up shibariageru

縛り付ける tie up, bind up shibaritsukeru

捕縛 arrest, capture hobaku

呪縛 spellbinding, awesome jubaku

緊縛 tight binding, tightening kinbaku

就縛 be arrested, taken into custody shūbaku

収縛 arrest & tie-up shūbaku

束縛 restraint, restriction sokubaku

金縛り bound hands & feet kanashibari

自縄自縛 "caught in one's trap..." jijō jibaku

括undle, 954

束undle, 502

把undle, 717

拘rrest, 16

逮rrest, 880

籍egistry, 336

薄ight, 63


避void 癖abit of climbing high 壁alls, lest you fall...

辶 (transport)

FLIP: 7.0.b1. Right (stem)




sa(keru), HI 1491 避

avoid, avert, evade, elude, desist, duck

避寒 spending the winter, wintering hikan

避寒地 winter resort hikanchi

避難 taking refuge hinan

⇒緊急避難 emergency evacuation kinkyū hinan

避難所 refuge, shelter hinanjo

避難民 refugee, evacuee hinanmin

避妊 contraception, anti-pregnancy hinin

避妊法 anti-pregnancy method hininhō

避妊薬 contraceptive, birth control drug hininyaku

避暑 spending the summer hisho

避暑客 summer visitors hisho kyaku

避暑地 summer resort hishochi

回避 evasion, avoidance kaihi

忌避 evasion, challenge kihi

⇒徴兵忌避 draft evasion, ~dodging chōhei kihi

退避 taking refuge, ~shelter taihi

待避 shunting, sidetracking taihi

待避線 sidetrack, sidepath taihisen

逃避 escape, evasion, refuge tōhi

逃避行 escape journey, exit route tōhikō

雨避け rain shelter amayoke

不可避 unavoidable, inevitable fukahi

避病院 quarantine hospital hibyōin

避雷針 lightning rod, lightning bolt hiraishin

却ithdraw, 387

退ithdraw, 770

撤ithdraw, 843

罷ithdraw, 322

癖abitual, 65

壁arrier 66


避void 癖abit of climbing high 壁alls, lest you fall...

疒 (sickness)

1490 癖 18

FLIP: 7.0.b1. Right (stem)



kuse, HEKI 1490 癖

habitual, mannerism, penchant, queerness, repetitious

悪癖 bad habit akuheki

足癖 peculiar walking style ashikuse

病癖 getting a bad habit byōheki

一癖 quirk, peculiarity hitokuse

髪癖 peculiar hairstyle kamikuse, kamiguse

癇癖 quick-tempered, mercurial kanpeki

肩癖 stiff shoulders kenpeki

潔癖 cleanly, tidy, punctilious keppeki

奇癖 eccentricity, odd habit kiheki

口癖 favourite phrase, ~expression kuchiguse

癖毛 dishevelled-, untidy hairstyle kusege

難癖 fault-finder, complainer nankuse

寝癖 sleeping peculiarity neguse

女癖 womaniser, philanderer onnaguse

男癖 promiscuous woman otokoguse

酒癖 drunken behaviour sakeguse

性癖 natural inclination seiheki

尻癖 promiscuous, lewdness shirikuse

習癖 habit, peculiarity shūheki

手癖 sticky hands tekuse

盗癖 thievish, kleptomaniac tōheki

放浪癖 vagrant-, vagabond habit hōrōheki

飲酒癖 drinking habit inshuheki

書き癖 handwriting style kakikuse

怠け癖 laziness habit, idleness namakekuse

寝る癖 peculiar way of sleeping nerukuse

飲み癖 peculiar way of drinking nomikuse

浪費癖 squandering-, wasteful habit rōhikuse

其の癖 nevertheless, and yet sonokuse

読み癖 peculiar way of reading yomikuse

慣abit, 532

事ction, 116

習earning, 238

避void, 65

壁all, 66


避void 癖abit of climbing high 壁alls, lest you fall...

土 (ground, soil)

1489 壁 16

FLIP: 4.0.a. Bottom (flat)

FLIP: 7.2.b. Right Top (stem)



kabe, HEKI 1489 壁

wall, barrier

粗壁 rough surface wall arakabe

防壁 protective wall bōheki

腹壁 abdominal wall fukuheki

外壁 exterior-, outer wall gaiheki

岸壁 quay, wharf ganpeki

岩壁 rock wall, cliff ganpeki

壁画 art mural hekiga

壁面 wall surface hekimen

氷壁 wall of ice hyōheki

胃壁 stomach walls iheki

城壁 castle wall jōheki

壁紙 wallpaper kabegami

壁際 near the wall kabegiwa

壁土 wall plaster kabetsuchi

隔壁 partition, divider wall kakuheki

胸壁 chest walls kyōheki

内壁 inner wall naiheki

生壁 wet-paint wall namakabe

塁壁 rampart, barricade ruiheki

白壁 white wall shirakabe

障壁 barrier, wall shōheki

鉄壁 iron wall, iron curtain teppeki

絶壁 precipice, cliff zeppeki

防火壁 fire-resistant wall bōkaheki

壁掛け wall decoration kabekake

壁塗り wall plastering kabenuri

壁新聞 wall newspaper kabeshinbun

火口壁 crater wall kakōheki

断崖絶壁 overhanging cliff dangai zeppeki

言葉の壁 language barrier kotoba no kabe

関arrier, 284

限imit, 771

境oundary, 839

避void, 65

癖abitual, 65


While 僚olleagues 療ecuperate, their 寮ormitories wait...

人⇔イ (person)

FLIP:7.1. Right (Sort Of)



RYŌ 1324 僚

fellow, colleague, associate

幕僚 staff officers, executive bakuryō

同僚 colleague, fellow dōryō

閣僚 cabinet ministers kakuryō

官僚 bureaucracy, bureaucrat kanryō

官僚制 bureaucracy, bureaucratic kanryōsei

官僚的 bureaucratic kanryōteki

官僚主義 bureaucratism kanryō shugi

下僚 petty official karyō

僚艦 escort-, consort ship ryōkan

僚官 fellow official ryōkan

僚機 escort-, consort airplane ryōki

僚船 escort-, consort ship ryōsen

僚友 co-worker, officemate ryōyū

仲ellow, 695

輩ellow, 290

奴ellow, 44

相ellow, 524

億undred-million, 340

境oundary, 839


While 僚olleagues 療ecuperate, their 寮ormitories wait...

疒 (sickness)

FLIP:7.1. Right (Sort Of)



RYŌ 1322 療

recuperate, treatment, convalesce, getting well

物療 physiotherapy, physical therapy butsuryō

治療 treatment, therapy, care chiryō

⇒揉み治療 massage therapy momichiryō

⇒内科治療 internal medicine cure naika chiryō

⇒早期治療 early treatment sōki chiryō

治療代 doctor's fee chiryōdai

治療学 therapy science chiryōgaku

治療法 cure, remedy chiryōhō

治療師 therapist chiryōshi

治療所 clinic, dispensary, infirmary chiryōsho

医療 medical treatment iryō

加療 patient treatment, ~care karyō

療法 cure, treatment, therapy ryōhō

⇒熱療法 medical therapy by heat netsuryōhō

⇒断食療法 fasting cure danjiki ryōhō

⇒民間療法 traditional cure minkan ryōhō

⇒催眠療法 hypnotic treatment saimin ryōhō

⇒指圧療法 finger-massage shiatsu ryōhō

⇒素人療法 amateur cure shirōto ryōhō

⇒薬物療法 drug therapy yakubutsu ryōhō

療治 medical treatment ryōji

療養 treatment, care ryōyō

療養中 recuperating ryōyōchū

療養所 sanitarium, infirmary ryōyōjo

施療 free-medical treatment seryō

診療 medical treatment, ~care shinryō

診療所 clinic, dispensary shinryōsho

診療時間 consultation hours shinryō jikan

手療治 home treatment teryōji

荒療治 hit-or-miss treatment araryōji

診iagnosis, 720

医edicine, 19

剤edicine, 961

患ickness, 475

症ickness, 788

病ickness, 213

治ecuperate, 210

癒ecuperate, 923

僚olleague, 66

寮ormitory, 67


While 僚olleagues 療ecuperate, their 寮ormitories wait...

宀 (cover, lid)

1323 寮 15

FLIP: 2.0.b. Sort Of (stem)



RYŌ 1323 寮

dormitory, quarters, hostel

茶寮 cottage for tea-ceremony charyō

学寮 school dormitory gakuryō

寮母 dormitory matron, dorm landlady ryōbo

寮長 dormitory superintendent ryōchō

寮費 room & board charge ryōhi

寮歌 dormitory song ryōka

寮監 dormitory superintendent ryōkan

寮生 boarder, boarding student ryōsei

寮舎 dormitory, boarding house ryōsha

独身寮 dormitory for bachelor staff dokushinryō

学生寮 student dormitory gakuryō

舎uarters, 388

居esidence, 384

住esidence, 750

宅esidence, 82

邸esidence, 860

僚olleague, 66

療ecuperate, 67


麗eautiful 薦ecommendations, 慶ejoice in 慶elebration...

鹿 (deer)

FLIP: 3.0.b. Top (stem)



uruwa(shii), ura(raka), REI 1630 麗

beautiful, pretty, aesthetic

美麗 beautiful, lovely birei

艶麗 fascinating, alluring enrei

豊麗 voluptuous, sensual hōrei

華麗 splendour, magnificent karei

奇麗 clean, neat; beautiful, lovely kirei

綺麗 clean, neat; beautiful, lovely kirei

高麗 ancient Korea kōrai

麗筆 beautiful brushwork reihitsu

麗人 beauty, belle reijin

麗句 beautiful phrase reiku

⇒美辞麗句 flowery words, highfalutin bijireiku

麗姿 beautiful shape reishi

麗質 charm, beauty reishitsu

麗容 beautiful form reiyō

流麗 flowing & elegant ryūrei

⇒行文流麗 beautiful handwriting kōbun ryūrei

鮮麗 bright paintings senrei

秀麗 beautiful, dazzling shūrei

壮麗 splendour, lustre, brilliance sōrei

端麗 fine looking tanrei

典麗 elegant, graceful tenrei

奇麗好き fond of cleanliness kireizuki

麗麗しい ostentatious, showing off reireishii

見目麗しい good-looking mime uruwashii

御機嫌麗しい good humour gokigen uruwashii

麗らかな気分 cheerfulness uraraka na kibun

美eautiful, 124

佳eauty, 891

韻raceful, 315

雅raceful, 58

淑raceful, 510

薦ecommend, 68

慶ejoice, 69


麗eautiful 薦ecommendations, 慶ejoice in 慶elebration...

艾 (grass)

FLIP: 3.0.b. Top (stem)

Facing: 2.1. East ☞ (H)



susu(meru), SEN 1631 薦

recommend, endorse, advice, counsel, stump for, vouch for, enjoin

自薦 self-recommendation jisen

薦骨 sacrum, rump senkotsu

薦挙 recommendation, endorsement senkyo

推薦 recommendation, endorsement suisen

推薦状 letter of recommendation suisenjō

推薦者 nominator, recommender suisensha

特薦 special recommendation tokusen

被推薦者 nominated candidate hisuisensha

勧ecommend, 666

推ecommend, 777

可pproval, 15

承pproval, 117

賛pproval, 334

肯ffirmative, 616

援upport, 820

助upport, 953

薫ragrance, 934

覆onceal, 602


麗eautiful 薦ecommendations, 慶ejoice in 慶elebration...

心⇔忄⇔忝 (feelings)

Facing: 3.0. ☞☜ Across



KEI 1632 慶

celebraion, felicitation; rejoice

同慶 mutual congratulations dōkei

御慶 greetings, congratulations gyokei

慶弔 congratulation-or-condolence keichō

慶兆 lucky omen keichō

慶大 Keiō University keidai

慶賀 congratulation, celebration keiga

慶事 happy occasion, joyful event keiji

慶祝 congratulation, celebration keishuku

吉慶 rejoice, congratulatory kikkei

大慶 great happiness taikei

弁慶草 orpine benkeisō

陰弁慶 "tough at home, meek outside..." kagebenkei

内弁慶 "strict at home, weak outside..." uchibenkei

延慶時代 Enkei Era (1308-1311) enkei jidai

元慶時代 Gangyō Era (877-885) gangyō jidai

慶長時代 Keichō Era (1596-1615) keichō jidai

慶応時代 Keiō Era (1865-68) keiō jidai

正慶時代 Shōkei Era (1332-1338) shōkei jidai

天慶時代 Tengyō Era (938-947) tengyō jidai

賀elebration, 202

祝elebration, 716

功uccess, 635

勝ictory, 406

果esult, 287

麗eautiful, 68

薦ecommend, 68


膚kinny war 虜aptives, their 慮houghts depressive...

肉⇔月 (flesh, body part)

1269 膚 15

FLIP: 8.0.a. Inner (flat)



hada, FU 1269 膚

skin, derma, epidermis

赤膚 abraded skin akahada

膚着 underwear, undergarments hadagi

膚色 flesh colour hadairo

膚身 nude, naked body hadami

膚身離さず keep to oneself hadami hanasazu

皮膚 skin hifu

皮膚病 skin disease hifubyō

皮膚科 dermatology hifuka

皮膚科医 dermatologist, skin doctor hifukai

人膚 warmth of the skin hitohada

完膚 smooth skin kanpu

餅膚 smooth white skin mochihada

諸膚 half-naked, bare chest morohada

鮫膚 fishskin, scaly skin samehada

素膚 bare skin suhada

鳥膚 goose bumps torihada

山膚 mountain surface yamahada

雪膚 "skin white as snow..." yukihada

膚襦袢 kimono undergarments hadajuban

膚脱ぎ half-naked, bare chest hadanugi

膚寒い "chilled to the skin..." hadasamui

膚触り the feel, the touch hadazawari

毛kin hair, 468

肌kin, 747

皮kin, 224

虞hreat, 889

層ayer, 838


膚kinny war 虜aptives, their 慮houghts depressive...

虍 (tiger)

1385 虜 13

FLIP: 8.0.a. Inner (flat)



toriko, RYO 1385 虜

captive, prisoner, inmate, detainee

俘虜 captive, prisoner-of-war furyo

捕虜 prisoner, captive, POW horyo

捕虜収容所 prisoner-of-war camp horyo shūyōjo

虜囚 prisoner-of-war, captive soldier ryoshū

逮apture, 880

拘rrest, 16

逮rrest, 880

捕eize, 812

獄rison, 639

囚risoner, 863

男asculine, 597

慮houghts, 70


膚kinny war 虜aptives, their 慮houghts depressive...

心⇔忄⇔忝 (feelings)

1384 慮 15

FLIP: 8.0.a. Inner (flat)



omonbaka(ru), RYO 1384 慮

thought, idea, concept, conjecture, notion, thinking

凡慮 ordinary-, common thinking bonryo

知慮 wisdom, sagacity, foresight chiryo

智慮 wisdom, sagacity, foresight chiryo

遠慮 reserve manner, modest enryo

⇒無遠慮 lack of manners buenryo

⇒深謀遠慮 far-sighted thinking shinbō enryo

遠慮深い diffident, modest, reserve enryobukai

不慮 unexpected, sudden furyo

不慮の死 unexpected death furyonoshi

配慮 consideration, trouble hairyo

熟慮 careful deliberation, ~consideration jukuryo

賢慮 clever idea, brilliant plot kenryo

顧慮 consideration, thinking koryo

考慮 consideration, thoughtfulness kōryo

苦慮 thorough thinking, pondering kuryo

無慮 infinite, countless muryo

念慮 thoughtful, consideration nenryo

慮外 unexpected; rude ryogai

聖慮 divine will, imperial wishes seiryo

浅慮 imprudence, shallow-minded senryo

千慮 careful, prudent, discreet senryo

深慮 thoughtfulness, considerateness shinryo

神慮 divine will shinryo

思慮 consideration, thoughtfulness shiryo

⇒無思慮 indiscretion, imprudence mushiryo

思慮深い deeply considerate shiryobukai

焦慮 worry, anxiety, angst shōryo

短慮 impulsive, rashness, haste tanryo

憂慮 anxiety, worry, apprehension yūryo

意hought, 340

想hought, 524

念hought, 182

妄houghtless, 34

癖annerism, 65

慣abit, 532

思hink, 596

膚kin, 69

Kanji Handbook

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