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七even dwarfs wept for Snow White's 亡eath...

一 (one, single)

Facing: 2.0. East ☞ (W)


nana(tsu), nana, nano, SHICHI 9 七


七重 seventh fold nanae

七色 colours of rainbow nanairo

七十 seventy nanajū, shichijū

七草 seven autumn flowers nanakusa

七草がゆ rice porridge with 7 herbs nanakusagayu

七曲 winding, tormentous nanamagari

七月 July shichigatsu

七輪 earthen charcoal holder shichirin

七生 seven lives shichishō

七生報国 absolute patriotism shichishō hōkoku

七光り influence, "thanks to..." nanahikari

御七夜 seventh day of one's birth oshichiya

七福神 seven gods of fortune shichi fukujin

七五三 children ages of 3, 5 & 7 shichigosan

七回忌 seventh death anniversary shichikaiki

七面鳥 turkey shichimenchō

七面倒 troublesome, great burden shichimendō

七宝焼 cloisonne ware shippōyaki

初七日 7 th day after death shonanoka

七夕祭 Star Festival (7 July) tanabata matsuri

北斗七星 Big Dipper hokuto shichisei

七不思議 Seven World Wonders nanafushigi

七つ道具 complete set of tools nanatsu dōgu

七分三分 70-30 split shichibu sanbu

七転び八起き failures before triumph nanakorobi yaoki

一ne, 858

二wo, 457

三hree, 858

四our, 17

五ive, 86

六ix, 3

八ight, 4

九ine, 73

十en, 344

数umber, 156

百undred, 14

千housand, 74

万en thousand, 465

億undred-million, 340

亡emise, 72


七even dwarfs wept for Snow White's 亡eath...

亠 (cover, lid)

Facing: 2.0. East ☞ (W)



na(i), BŌ, MŌ 672 亡

death, demise, dead, dying, passing away

亡母 one's late mother bōbo

亡夫 one's late husband bōfu

亡父 one's late father bōfu

亡兄 one's late elder brother bōkei

亡国 high treason, traitor, quisling bōkoku

亡魂 dead spirits bōkon

亡命 exile, asylum, defection bōmei

亡命者 exile, refugee, asylee bōmeisha

亡霊 spirit, ghost, soul bōrei

亡妻 one's deceased wife bōsai

亡失 lost-, missing-, unfound item bōshitsu

亡友 deceased friend bōyū

敗亡 defeat haibō

興亡 rise & fall, fate kōbō

滅亡 downfall, extinction metsubō

亡者 "the deceased, the late..." mōja

亡骸 remains, corpse, cadaver nakigara

流亡 wandering far from home ryūbō

死亡 death, dead, deceased shibō

死亡数 number of fatalities shibōsū

死亡率 death rate shibōritsu

存亡 matter of life-or-death, fate sonbō

損亡 loss, be defeated sonmō

衰亡 decline, ruin suibō

逃亡 escape, flight, getaway tōbō

逃亡者 fugitive, runaway, stowaway tōbōsha

残亡 defeat & death zanbō

未亡人 widow mibōjin

亡祖父 one's late grandfather bōsofu

亡き人 deceased, dead nakihito

我利我利亡者 greedy-, selfish garigari mōja

墓ravesite, 602

碑ombstone, 937

陵ausoleum, 140

葬urial, 513

死eath, 513

逝eath, 54

忙usy, 33

忘orget, 34


九ine 丸hips smoothly 丸ound running aground...

乙⇔乚 (fish hook)

Facing: 2.0. East ☞ (W)


kokono(tsu), kokono, KYŪ, KU 11 九


九月 September kugatsu

九九 Japanese rhymed-multiplication kuku

九州 Kyūshū islands (southern Japan) kyūshū

九星術 astrology kyūseijutsu

九死に near death, escaping sure death kyūshi (ni)

十中八九 in all likelihood, in 9-to-10 jicchūhakku

九分九厘 in a scale of ten-to-one kubukurin

三々九度 sake-sipping in Shintō wedding sansankudo

一ne, 858

二wo, 457

三hree, 858

四our, 17

五ive, 86

六ix, 3

七even, 72

八ight, 4

十en, 344

数umber, 156

百undred, 14

千housand, 74

万en thousand, 465

億undred-million, 340

力trength, 351


九ine 丸hips smoothly 丸ound running aground...

丶 (dot)

Facing: 2.0. East ☞ (W)



maru(i), maru(meru), maru, GAN 644 丸

round; [counter for ships]

弾丸 bullet, shell dangan

丸薬 pill, drug ganyaku

砲丸 cannon fire hōgan

銃丸 bullet, shell jūgan

睾丸 testicles, scrotum kōgan

丸顔 round face, moon face marugao

丸形 circular-shaped marugata

丸腰 unarmed, harmless marugoshi

丸裸 full nudity, stark naked maruhadaka

丸印 circle marujirushi

丸首 round neck marukubi

丸窓 round window marumado

丸丸 completely, entirely, totally marumaru

丸み roundness marumi

丸材 log, timber, woods, lumber maruzai

丸損 total loss maruzon

日の丸 Japanese flag hinomaru

真ん丸 perfect circle manmaru

丸暗記 rote memorization maruanki

丸干し dried whole (fish) maruboshi

丸出し exposed, obvious, apparent marudashi

丸取り all taken, nothing left out marudori

丸二日 two full days marufutsuka

丸勝ち total victory marugachi

丸刈り close-cropped hair, crew cut marugari

丸儲け killing profits, price gorging marumōke

丸飲み gulping down, swallowing marunomi

丸焼き roasted whole (chicken) maruyaki

丸め込む cajole, coax, win over marumekomu

氷川丸 Hikawa ship (Yokohama) hikawa-maru

輪ircle, 786

周ap, 280

回otate, 458

隻[ships], 50

航avigation, 748

船essel, 757

九ine, 73


Squid in the 千housands 干rying-up in Pusan...

十 (cross)

15 千 3

FLIP: 2.0.b. Sort Of (stem)


chi, SEN 15 千


千鳥 plover; zigzag chidori

千鳥足 unsteady, reeling steps chidoriashi

千草 flora & fauna chigusa

千尋 bottomless chihiro

千歳 a thousand years chitose

千分 thousandth senbun

千金 priceless, invaluable senkin

千古 eternity, all ages senko

千慮 wise, careful senryo

千載 a thousand years senzai

数千 several thousands sūsen

高千穂 Takachiho (Miyazaki Pref.) takachiho

千葉県 Chiba Prefecture chiba-ken

千切る pluck, tear away chigiru

針千本 porcupine fish harisenbon

千羽鶴 chain of paper cranes senbazuru

千切り shredding, sengiri

千年祭 millennium sennensai

千里眼 clairvoyance, visionary senrigan

千秋楽 last day, last night senshūraku

千切れ雲 scattered clouds chigiregumo

千代田区 Chiyoda ward, Tōkyō chiyoda-ku

一攫千金 rich quick scheme ikkaku senkin

食い千切る bite off kuichigiru

千言万語 flowery words sengen bango

千枚張り multi-layered senmaibari

千枚通し eyeleteer senmaidooshi

千変万化 infinite variety senpen banka

千両役者 leading role senryō yakusha

千差万別 multifarious, various sensa banbetsu

千姿万態 multifarious, various senshi bantai

一ne, 858

十en, 344

百undred, 14

万en thousand, 465

億undred-million, 340

零ero, 874

干rying-up, 74

午fternoon, 178


Squid in the 千housands 干rying-up in Pusan...

干 (drying)

584 干 3

FLIP: 1.0.b. Whole (stem)



hi(ru), ho(su), KAN 584 干

drying, desiccate

干支 Zodiac signs eto, kanshi

干潟 tideland higata

干物 dried fish himono

干す dry, drying hosu

若干 "a little, rather..." jakkan

干潮 low tide, ebb tide kanchō

干害 drought calamity kangai

干城 bulwark, rampart kanjō

干満 ebb & flow, tide kanman

干犯 infringement, violation, breach kanpan

干渉 interference, intervention kanshō

干拓 reclamation by draining kantaku

干天 drought, dry weather kanten

欄干 railing, rail, balustrade rankan

日干し drying under the sun hiboshi

干葡萄 raisin, currant hoshibudō

干し柿 dried persimmon hoshigaki

干し草 hay, dried grass hoshikusa

干し物 laundry clothes for drying hoshimono

陰干し drying under the shade kageboshi

物干し frame for drying clothes mono hoshi

虫干し airing, letting air in mushiboshi

潮干狩 shellfish gathering, ~collecting shiohigari

梅干し pickled plum umeboshi

干上がる dry up hiagaru

刈り干す cut & dry karihosu

満ち干き ebb & flow michihiki

飲み干す gulp down nomihosu

干からびる dry up hikarabiru

乾rying, 661

燥rying-up, 852

日un, 14

陽un, 932

午fternoon, 178

千housand, 74


刃word 刃lade with 匁[3.75 gm] of gold not to fade...

刀⇔刂 (blade, cutting)

1413 刃 3

Facing: 1.0. ☜ West (W)



ha, JIN 1413 刃

sword, blade

出刃 pointed kitchen knife deba

出刃包丁 pointed kitchen knife deba bōchō

毒刃 assassin's dagger dokujin

白刃 drawn blade, ~sword hakujin, shiraha

刃物 blunt-, sharp weapon hamono

刃先 blade edge hasaki

兵刃 soldiers sword heijin

氷刃 perpetually sharp sword hyōjin

自刃 suicide by sword jijin

片刃 single blade sword kataha

切刃 cutting edge kiriha

凶刃 assassin's dagger kyōjin

兇刃 assassin's dagger kyōjin

諸刃 double-bladed sword moroha

寝刃 dull blade netaba

刃傷 bloodshed, bloodletting, carnage ninjō

刃傷沙汰 bloodshed, carnage ninjō zata

利刃 sharp sword rijin

両刃 double-bladed sword ryōba

刀刃 sword blade tōjin

薄刃 thin blade usuba

焼刃 tempered sword yakiba

刃渡り blade length hawatari

刃向かう resist, stand against hamukau

付け焼刃 affection, pretension tsukeyakiba

侍amurai, 249

士amurai, 8

刀lade, 353

武arrior, 100

戦ighting, 517

鋭harp, 943

切utting, 352

削harpen, 118

戦ombat, 517

丸ound, 73


刃word 刃lade with 匁[3.75 gm] of gold not to fade...

勹 (wrapping)

1902 匁 4

Facing: 1.0. ☜ West (W)


monme 1902 匁

[3.75 gram]

壱匁 3.75 grams (pearls) ichimonme

升[1.8 ltr], 298

旬[10 day], 494

斗[18 ltr], 195

勺[18 ml], 470

寸[3 cm], 345

坪[3.3 sqm], 488

尺[30 cm], 574

斤[600 gm], 471

及s well as, 190


川ivers & 州andbanks in a 州rovince of Port-au-Prince...

川 (river)

FLIP: 2.0.b. Sort Of (stem)

33 川 3


kawa, SEN 33 川


河川 river kasen

川端 riverbank kawabata

川床 riverbed kawadoko

川岸 riverside, riveredge kawagishi

川越し crossing a river kawagoshi

川幅 river width kawahaba

川尻 tail of a river kawajiri

川上 upper level of a river kawakami

川風 river breeze kawakaze

川面 river surface kawamo

川原 river shore kawara

川瀬 rapids, shallows kawase

川下 riverbed, river bottom kawashimo

川筋 river kawasuji

川魚 riverfish kawauo, kawazakana

川獺 otter kawauso

川底 river bottom, riverbed kawazoko

溝川 ditch, canal mizokawa

小川 brook, stream ogawa

谷川 mountain stream tanigawa

徳川 Tokugawa Shogunate tokugawa

天の川 milky way, galaxy amanogawa

川下り going down the river kawakudari

川向こう across the river kawamukō

川流れ riverflow, ~current kawanagare

川沿い along the river, river edge kawazoi

川伝い follow the riverflow kawazutai

品川区 Shinagawa Ward, Tōkyō shinagawa-ku

神奈川県 Kanagawa Prefecture kanagawa-ken

川明かり shining river surface kawaakari

河iver, 877

海cean, 241

洋cean, 247

湖ake, 801

潟agoon, 870

泳wimming, 729

江ay, 176

湾ay, 909

浜each, 490

沖ffshore, 695

浦eashore, 813

浜eashore, 490

州rovince, 76


川ivers & 州andbanks in a 州rovince of Port-au-Prince...

川 (river)

195 州 6

FLIP: 2.0.b. Sort Of (stem)



su, SHŪ 195 州

province; sandbank

米州 America beishū

豪州 Australia gōshū

九州 Kyūshū Islands kyūshū

満州 Manchuria, Manchukuo manshū

満州国 Manchuria, Manchukuo manshūkoku

欧州 Europe ōshū

欧州共同体 European Union ōshū kyōdōtai

神州 land of deities shinshū

座州 running aground zashū

州都 state capital shūto

州内 intra-province shūnai

州際 inter-province shūsai

州議会 state legislature shūgikai

州政府 state government shūseifu

大洋州 oceania taiyōshū

州立大学 state university shūritsu daigaku

温州蜜柑 Mandarin orange unshū mikan

九州保健福祉大学 Kyūshū University of Health & Welfare kyūshū hoken fukushi daigaku

砂州 sandbank sasu

県refecture, 566

堤mbankment, 314

溝itch, 226

川iver, 76


米merican 米ice 光hines with the sunrise...

米 (grains, rice)

224 米 6

FLIP: 1.0.b. Whole (stem)



kome, BEI, MAI 224 米

rice; America

米価 price of rice beika

米穀 rice, cereals, grain beikoku

米作 rice crop, ~harvest beisaku

米食 rice-based dish beishoku

外米 non-Japanese rice gaimai

白米 white-, polished rice hakumai

玄米 unpolished rice genmai

米俵 straw rice bag komedawara

米粒 grain of rice kometsubu

米屋 rice shop, ~dealer komeya

精米 polished white rice seimai

米産地 rice-producing region beisanchi

貯蔵米 stored rice chozōmai

米ドル US dollar, greenbuck beidoru

米語 American English beigo

米軍 US armed forces beigun

米寿 one's eighty-eight birthday beiju

米貨 US money, green buck beika

米国 United States of America beikoku

米産 Made-in-USA, US products beisan

米州 America beishū

米ソ US-Soviet union beiso

訪米 visit to America hōbei

南米 South America nanbei

日米 US Japan nichibei

欧米 The West, Europe & America ōbei

親米 pro-American shinbei

滞米 staying in America taibei

渡米 visit to America tobei

在米 living in America zaibei

田ice field, 482

稲ice plant, 893

畔ice-field path, 484

飯ooked rice, 256

光hining, 77


米merican 米ice 光hines with the sunrise...

儿 (human legs)

138 光 6

FLIP: 1.0.b. Whole (stem)



hikari, hika(ru), KŌ 138 光

shining, illuminate, glowing

栄光 glory, fame, prestige eikō

眼光 light penetration gankō

月光 moonlight gekkō

逆光 backlights gyakkō

発光 luminous, emitting light hakkō

偏光 optical-lights polarization henkō

威光 authority, power ikō

稲光 lightning inabikari

観光 sight-seeing, tourism kankō

蛍光 fluorescence, luminescence keikō

金光 glittering, shining kinpika

光度 light intensity, brightness kōdo

光栄 honour, glory, privilege kōei

光学 optics, light science kōgaku

光源 light source, illuminant kōgen

光景 view, scenery, sight kōkei

光輝 glory, brilliance kōki

光年 light year kōnen

光熱 light & heat kōnetsu

光彩 lustre, brilliance, glow kōsai

光線 ray, beam, light kōsen

光沢 lustre, glossy, shine kōtaku

脚光 footlights, spotlight, limelight kyakkō

日光 sunlight, sunshine nikkō

露光 light exposure rokō

採光 lighting saikō

陽光 sunlight, sunshine yōkō

残光 afterglow, evening glow zankō

光合成 photosynthesis kōgōsei

黒光り shining black kurobikari

照hine, 529

輝parkling, 296

昭right, 529

明right, 22

米ice, 77


丹丹ed-faced demons quite 凡ommon...

丶 (dot)

1093 丹 4

FLIP: 2.0.b. Sort Of (stem)

丹ed colour


ni, TAN 1093 丹

red colour, cinnabar

牡丹 peony, shrub botan

牡丹杏 plum botankyō

牡丹雪 snowflakes botanyuki

牡丹餅 bean jam & rice cake botamochi

鉛丹 reddish lead entan

丹波 ancient Kyoto & Hyogo tanba

丹毒 rose, erysipelas tandoku

丹花 red flower tanka

丹念 diligence, perseverance, painstaking tannen

丹精 exertion, diligence, tenacity tansei

丹誠 sincerity, efforts, diligence tansei

丹心 sincerity, genuine tanshin

丹朱 red, vermilion tanshu

丹前 men's padded kimono tanzen

雲丹 sea urchin uni

丹塗り red-painted ninuri

丹頂鶴 red-crested white crane tanchōzuru

赤ed colour, 261

紅carlet, 175

朱carlet, 233

舟oat, 90

母other, 90


丹ed-faced demons quite 凡ommon...

几 (table; windy)

1102 凡 3

FLIP: 2.0.b. Sort Of (stem)



BON, HAN 1102 凡

ordinary, common, plain, average

凡打 eased out (baseball) bonda

凡眼 layman's eyes bongan

凡愚 common person bongu

凡人 ordinary person bonjin

凡骨 ordinary person bonkotsu

凡夫 ordinary person bonpu

凡百 many kinds, varied bonpyaku

凡慮 ordinary minds bonryo

凡才 mediocre-, inferior person bonsai

凡作 mediocre work bonsaku

凡策 mediocre policy bonsaku

凡戦 mediocre-, boring game bonsen

凡失 foolish-, stupid mistake bonshitsu

凡書 ordinary book bonsho

凡手 mediocre skill, ordinary talent bonshu

凡退 be put out easily bontai

凡庸 mediocrity, inferiority, weakness bonyō

凡庸な人 mediocre-, inferior person bonyō na hito

凡俗 vulgarity; mediocrity bonzoku

超凡 uncommon, extraordinary chōbon

凡例 explanatory notes hanrei

平凡 common, ordinary heibon

平々凡々 boring day, nothing new heihei bonbon

非凡 rare, unique, uncommon hibon

大凡 approximately, roughly ooyoso

凡試合 boring match, dull contest bonshiai

普rdinary, 455

劣nferior, 572

庸rdinary, 906

平lain, 488

丹ed colour, 78

舟oat, 90


Written 行extlines of 行rip dance for a 竹amboo 行erformance...

行 (going)

68 行 6

Facing: 1.2. ☜ West (V)




i(ku), yu(ku), okona(u), KŌ, AN, GYŌ 68 行

going, trip; carry out, execute, perform; textline

代行 in place of, acting capacity daikō

現行 present times, nowadays genkō

銀行 bank ginkō

行政 public documentation gyōsei

発行 publication, publishing hakkō

犯行 crime, felony, serious offence hankō

歩行 take a walk, going on foot hokō

行楽 excursion, going out, outing kōraku

急行 express, rush kyūkō

旅行 travel, trip, journey ryokō

流行 fashion, popular ryūkō

走行 running, moving, in service sōkō

運行 transportation, trucking unkō

続行 continuation, resumption zokkō

通行 path, traffic tsūkō

一方通行 one-way traffic ippō tsūkō

行き先 destination yukisaki, ikisaki

行き違い misunderstanding ikichigai

成り行き course, process, outcome nariyuki

東京行き Tōkyō-bound tōkyō yuki

行き渡る go around, spread out yukiwataru, ikiwataru

行き止まり dead end, blind alley ikidomari

行き当たりばったり happy-go-lucky, unplanned iki ’ atari battari

品行 conduct, behaviour, demeanour hinkō

実行 execute, put into action jikkō

行動 action, behaviour kōdō

興行 performance, entertainment, show kōgyō

行為 offence, misdeed, crime kōi

執行 execution, enforcement shikkō

素行 conduct, behaviour, demeanour sokō

一行目 first line of a text ichigyōme

竹amboo, 79


Written 行extlines of 行rip dance for a 竹amboo 行erformance...

竹 (bamboo)

129 竹 6

Facing: 1.2. ☜ West (V)


take, CHIKU 129 竹


青竹 green bamboo aodake

爆竹 firecracker bakuchiku

竹林 bamboo grove chikurin, takebayashi

破竹 splitting bamboo hachiku

糸竹 koto strings & bamboo flute itotake

寒竹 solid bamboo kanchiku

漢竹 solid bamboo kanchiku

黒竹 black bamboo kurochiku

真竹 regular bamboo madake

群竹 bamboo stand muratake

石竹 china pink sekichiku

竹刀 bamboo sword shinai

竹蓖 bamboo paddle takebera

竹箒 bamboo broom takebōki

竹縁 bamboo flooring takeen

竹垣 bamboo fence takegaki

竹箸 bamboo chopsticks takehashi

竹篭 bamboo basket takekago

竹光 bamboo sword takemitsu

竹馬 bamboo stilts takeuma, chikuba

竹馬の友 childhood playmate chikuba no tomo

竹藪 bamboo clump takeyabu

竹槍 bamboo spear takeyari

竹竿 bamboo pole takezao

竹筒 bamboo fube takezutsu

筮竹 divination bamboo stick zeichiku

竹の皮 bamboo sheath takenokawa

竹の子 bamboo shoots takenoko

竹矢来 bamboo palisade takeyarai

竹細工 bamboo works takezaiku

木ood, 461

材oods, 186

林oods, 526

草rass, 373

棒tick, 275

植lant, 783

行rip, 79


Red-light 区istrict, social 凶vils inflict...

匚 (sidebox)

183 区 4

FLIP: 2.0.a. Sort Of (flat)



KU 183 区

district, area, locality, zone

地区 area, district chiku

学区 school zone gakku

漁区 fishing area, ~grounds gyoku

管区 jurisdiction, administration kanku

鉱区 mining area kōku

区別 distinction, sorting out kubetsu

区分 classification, division kubun

区長 ward chief kuchō

区域 zone, area, district kuiki

⇒住宅区域 residential area jūtaku kuiki

⇒管轄区域 jurisdiction kankatsu kuiki

⇒危険区域 danger zone kiken kuiki

区会 ward assembly kukai

区画 demarcation, block kukaku

区画整理 land zoning kukaku seiri

区間 section, segment kukan

区区 various, diverse; petty kuku

区民 ward residents kumin

区内 inside the ward kunai

教区 parish kyōku

教区民 parishoners kyōkumin

線区 railroad district senku

市区 municipal district; streets shiku

解放区 liberated areas kaihōku

禁漁区 marine preserve kinryōku

禁猟区 "no hunting area..." kinryōku

区議会 ward assembly kugikai

区切る divide, partition kugiru

区役所 ward office, district hall kuyakusho

選挙区 voting district senkyoku

街istrict, 107

市ity, 304

郷ometown, 452

里ometown, 321

凶vil, 80


Red-light 区istrict, social 凶vils inflict...

凵 (openbox)

1280 凶 4

FLIP: 1.0.a. Whole (flat)



KYŌ 1280 凶

evil, bad, atrocity

大凶 bad omen daikyō

元凶 ringleader, gang boss genkyō

豊凶 good-or-bad harvest hōkyō

吉凶 fortune, good-or-bad kikkyō

凶悪 heinous, atrocious, brutal kyōaku

凶悪犯人 heinous criminal kyōaku hannin

凶悪犯罪 heinous crime kyōaku hanzai

凶暴 violent, atrocious, brutal kyōbō

凶聞 bad news, disappointing news kyōbun

凶兆 bad omen kyōchō

凶弾 gunshot, gunfire kyōdan

凶変 calamity, disaster kyōhen

凶報 bad news, disappointing news kyōhō

凶事 tragedy, mishap, disaster kyōji

凶刃 assassin's sword, ~dagger kyōjin

凶日 unlucky day, bad day kyōjitsu

凶状 crime, felony kyōjō

凶漢 ruffian, assassin kyōkan

凶器 lethal weapon kyōki

凶行 violence, felony, crime kyōkō

凶荒 famine, food shortage kyōkō

凶猛 fierce, ferocious kyōmō

凶年 year of poor harvest kyōnen

凶作 poor harvest kyōsaku

凶手 assassin, gun-for-hire kyōshu

凶徒 thug, mob, hooligan kyōto

悪vil, 389

邪vil, 58

鬼evil, 935

罪riminal, 289

犯riminal, 640

魔evil, 332

区istrict, 80


芋otatoes of yucky taste grown in 宇uter-space...

宀 (cover, lid)

990 宇 6

FLIP: 1.0.b. Whole (stem)



U 990 宇

outer space, celestial, cosmos, deep space, extra-terrestrial, universe, galaxy

眉宇 eyebrows biu

堂宇 temple hall dōu

御宇 imperial rule, ~reign gyō

行宇 imperial rule, ~reign gyōu

胸宇 in one's heart kyōu

羅宇 bamboo stem rau

宇部 Ube city, Yamaguchi Prefecture ube

宇都宮 Utsunomiya City, Tochigi Pref. utsunomiya

宇宙 outer space, celestial bodies uchū

⇒大宇宙 the universe, celestial body daiuchū

⇒小宇宙 microcosm, infinitesimal shōuchū

宇宙学 astronomy, cosmology uchūgaku

宇宙人 extra-terrestrial aliens uchūjin

宇宙線 cosmic rays uchūsen

宇宙船 spaceship uchūsen

宇宙中継 satellite broadcast uchū chūkei

宇宙衛星 space satellite uchū eisei

宇宙飛行 space flight uchū hikō

宇宙ロケット space rocket uchū roketto

宇宙飛行士 astronaut, cosmonaut uchū hikōshi

宇宙科学 space science, astronomy uchū kagaku

宇宙空間 outer space, celestial bodies uchū kūkan

宇宙遊泳 space walk uchū yūei

宇内 the whole world, the universe udai

八紘一宇 universal brotherhood hakkō ichiu

気宇広大 magnanimous, generous kiu kōdai

宇多時代 Uda Era (887-897) uda jidai

宙uterspace, 631

星tars, 113

天eaven, 83

空ky, 394

宅esidence, 82


芋otatoes of yucky taste grown in 宇uter-space...

艾 (grass)

1909 芋 6

FLIP: 1.0.b. Whole (stem)


imo, U 1909 芋


じゃが芋 sweet potato jagaimo

芋版 printing with potato imoban

芋虫 caterpillar imomushi

芋侍 idle-, declining samurai imozamurai

芋蔓 sweet potato vines imozuru

菊芋 artichoke yam kikuimo

長芋 Chinese yam nagaimo

里芋 taro satoimo

種芋 potato seeds taneimo

海芋 calla umiimo

山芋 yam yamaimo

芋茎 taro stem zuiki

焼き芋 roasted sweet potato yakiimo

薩摩芋 sweet potato satsumaimo

畑lantation, 482

植lant, 783

食oods, 255

宇uterspace, 81


託ntrusted to cats, a 宅ouse of mouse...

言 (speaking)

1636 託 10

FLIP: 6.0.a. Left (flat)

Facing: 2.2. ☞ East (V)



TAKU 1636 託

entrust, consign, authorize

付託 submit to a committee futaku

負託 trust, mandate futaku

御託 repetitive speech gotaku

依託 entrust, request itaku

委託 trust, consignment itaku

委託品 consignment goods itakuhin

委託金 money in trust, deposited money itakukin

委託販売 consignment sale itaku hanbai

受託 be entrusted with jutaku

仮託 excuse, pretext, alibi kataku

結託 conspiracy, collusion kettaku

寄託 deposition, bailment kitaku

屈託 worry, anxiety, perplexity kuttaku

供託 depositing, entrusting kyōtaku

供託金 deposit money kyōtakukin

請託 solicitation seitaku

信託 trust, confidence shintaku

神託 oracle, divine message shintaku

嘱託 part-time employment shokutaku

託言 excuse, pretext, alibi takugen

託宣 oracle, divine message takusen

託送 consignment, shipment takusō

預託 money-in-trust, deposited amount yotaku

託児所 nursery, day-care centre takujisho

信託統治 board-of-trustees shintaku tōchi

委ntrust, 583

嘱ntrust, 441

任ntrust, 709

預ntrust, 569

詐raudulent, 723


託ntrusted to cats, a 宅ouse of mouse...

宀 (cover, lid)

178 宅 6

FLIP: 3.0.b. Top (stem)

Facing: 2.1. ☞ East (H)



TAKU 178 宅

residence, domicile, shelter, abode, dwelling, housing

別宅 second residence, summer house bettaku

弊宅 "my humble house..." heitaku

本宅 principal residence hontaku

自宅 one's home jitaku

住宅 residence jūtaku

住宅難 housing shortage jūtakunan

住宅区域 residential area jūtaku kuiki

住宅ローン home mortgage jūtaku rōn

家宅 house, residence kataku

火宅 house on fire; this tormenting world kataku

帰宅 return home kitaku

お宅 you, your (honorific) otaku

社宅 company dormitory shataku

舎宅 small house shataku

私宅 private residence shitaku

妾宅 house of one's mistress shōtaku

宅地 residential land, residential lot takuchi

宅配 home delivery takuhai

宅配便 home parcel delivery takuhaibin

宅診 medical consultation in a clinic takushin

宅送 home delivery takusō

邸宅 mansion, residence teitaku

在宅 staying home, at home zaitaku

宅急便 express mail takkyūbin

宅扱い home delivery takuatsukai

簡易住宅 simple frame house kan'i jūtaku

県営住宅 prefectural housing ken'ei jūtaku

公営住宅 public housing kōei jūtaku

市営住宅 city housing shiei jūtaku

建て売り住宅 brand-new house for sale tateuri jūtaku

住esidence, 750

家ouse, 909

邸esidence, 860

屋ouse, 427

宇uterspace, 81


夫usband unforgiven won't go to 天eaven...

大 (grand)

315 夫 4

FLIP: 1.0.b. Whole (stem)


夫ale labourer

otto 315 夫

husband, hubby, mister; male labourer

夫々 respectively, each, every sorezore

亡夫 one's late husband bōfu

凡夫 mediocre, inferior, weakling bonpu

田夫 rustic, bumpkin denpu

夫婦 married couple fūfu

夫婦喧嘩 marital bickering, marital spats fūfu genka

夫婦愛 marital love fūfuai

夫婦仲 marital relationship fūfunaka

夫人 Mrs., lady, wife fujin

⇒男爵夫人 viscountess, baroness danshaku fujin

⇒子爵夫人 viscountess, baroness shishaku fujin

夫君 husband fukun

夫妻 husband & wife, mr.& mrs. fusai

匹夫 person of humble birth hippu

丈夫 tough, stout, firm, robust jōbu

⇒大丈夫 all right, fine, OK daijōbu

姦夫 adulterer, philanderer kanpu

先夫 ex-husband senpu

有夫 married woman yūfu

前夫 ex-husband zenpu

駅夫 station porter, baggage boy ekifu

漁夫 fisherman, fisher folks gyofu

鉱夫 mine worker, ~labourer kōfu

坑夫 miner, mine worker kōfu

工夫 labourer, worker kōfu, kofū

人夫 labourer, worker ninpu

農夫 farmer, peasant nōfu

車夫 rickshaw puller shafu

潜水夫 sea diver sensuifu

炭鉱夫 collier, coal miner tankōfu

妻ife, 611

婦ife, 785

姻arriage, 364

婚arriage, 637

家amily, 909

族amily, 649

扶amily-support, 97

稼ake-a-living, 824

未ot yet, 12


夫usband unforgiven won't go to 天eaven...

大 (grand)

141 天 4

FLIP: 1.0.b. Whole (stem)



ame, ama, TEN 141 天

heaven, celestial

曇天 cloudy weather, cloudy sky donten

寒天 cold weather kanten

荒天 stormy-, rough weather kōten

脳天 crown of the head nōten

晴天 fair-, fine weather, clear sky seiten

昇天 passing away, going to heaven shōten

天罰 divine punishment, wrath of God tenbatsu

天国 heaven tengoku

天狗 long-nosed goblin, boastful tengu

天井 ceiling tenjō

天下 world, earth tenka

天気 weather, climate tenki

天候 weather, climate tenkō

天工 work of god, work of nature tenkō

天空 sky, heavens tenkū

天然 nature, natural resources tennen

天皇 Emperor of Japan tennō

天火 oven tenpi

天災 natural calamity, disaster tensai

天才 genius, brilliant, intelligent tensai

天成 natural-born, born (artist) tensei

天使 angel tenshi

天水 rain water tensui, amamizu

天体 heavenly body, celestial body tentai

天の川 milky way, galaxy amanogawa

摩天楼 skyscraper, skyline matenrō

天文学 astronomy, cosmology tenmongaku

天王星 Planet Uranus tennōsei

天麩羅 deep-fried battered shrimp tenpura

露天風呂 open-air bath, hot springs rotenburo

空ky, 394

雲loud, 154

無othing, 49

元rigin, 195


乏overty forced Shawn to live on the 芝awn...

丿 (katakana の)

754 乏 4

Facing: 1.0. ☜ West (W)



tobo(shii), BŌ 754 乏

poverty, destitute, scanty, impoverished, indigent, pauper

貧乏 poverty, penury, destitution binbō

⇒器用貧乏 "all trades, master of none…" kiyō binbō

貧乏くじ blank, unlucky number binbōkuji

貧乏人 poor, pauper, destitute binbōnin

貧乏性 poverty, penury, destitution binbōshō

貧乏神 god of poverty binbōgami

貧乏生活 living in poverty binbō seikatsu

貧乏暮らし living in poverty binbōgurashi

貧乏揺すり absent-mindedness binbōyusuri

欠乏 scarcity, insufficiency, shortage ketsubō

窮乏 indigence, poverty, impoverishment kyūbō

耐乏 austerity, frugality, thrift taibō

貧overty, 594

少carce, 459

低inimum, 700

餓unger, 443

芝awn, 84

欠bsence, 460


乏overty forced Shawn to live on the 芝awn...

艾 (grass)

250 芝 6

FLIP: 3.0.b. Top (stem)

Facing: 1.0. ☜ West (W)



shiba 250 芝

lawn; turf

芝地 grass field, meadows shibachi

芝生 lawn, grass shibafu

芝居 stage play shibai

⇒安芝居 cheap theatre yasushibai

⇒紙芝居 picture card show kamishibai

⇒猿芝居 monkey tricks sarushibai

⇒一人芝居 solo performance show hitori shibai

⇒人形芝居 puppet theatre ningyō shibai

⇒お伽芝居 children's theatre otogi shibai

芝居小屋 playhouse, theatre shibai goya

芝居見物 theatre-watching shibai kenbutsu

芝居気 striving for stage effect shibaigi

芝草 lawn, grass shibakusa

芝刈機 lawn mower shibakariki

草rass, 373

竹amboo, 79

乏overty, 84

欠bsence, 460


To 史istorians, 中hina was once the 中iddle Kingdom...

口 (mouth)

332 史 5

FLIP: 2.0.b. Sort Of (stem)


SHI 332 史


哀史 tragic history aishi

外史 unofficial history gaishi

秘史 hidden history hishi

女史 Ms., Mrs., madame, lady joshi

情史 love story jōshi

国史 national history, Japanese history kokushi

歴史 history rekishi

歴史学 study of history rekishigaku

歴史家 historian rekishika

略史 brief history ryakushi

精史 annals, history seishi

戦史 war history senshi

先史 pre-history, ancient times senshi

史伝 historical legend shiden

史学 study of history shigaku

史劇 historical play, ~drama shigeki

史実 historical fact shijitsu

史上 based on history shijō

史家 historian, history scholar shika

史観 historical view shikan

史論 historical theory shiron

史料 historical artifacts, memorabilia shiryō

史跡 historic spot, historic relics shiseki

史詩 historical poem shishi

史書 history books shisho

有史 recorded in history yūshi

前史 previous history zenshi

文化史 cultural history bunkashi

郷土史 local history, folk history kyōdoshi

世界史 world history sekaishi

歴istory, 595

暦alendar, 595

記ecord, 728

簿ecord, 64

録ecord, 841

紀arration, 727

吏fficial, 463


To 史istorians, 中hina was once the 中iddle Kingdom...

丨 (rod)

28 中 4

FLIP: 1.0.b. Whole (stem)



naka, CHŪ 28 中

middle, inside, interior; China

中火 moderate heat, ~fire chūbi

中尉 first-, lieutenant chūi

中継 broadcast, relay chūkei

中央 centre, core chūō

中立 neutral & objective chūritsu

中世 Middle Ages chūsei

中正 fair & square, impartial, just chūsei

中止 termination, discontinuation chūshi

中心 centre, midpoint, concentration chūshin

中退 leaving, quitting (school) chūtai

中天 mid-air chūten

中東 Middle East, Arab countries chūtō

中庸 moderation, temperance chūyō

忌中 mourning, grieving kichū

真ん中 right in the middle mannaka

喪中 mourning, wailing, grieving mochū

仲間 friend, colleague, mate nakama

集中 concentration, self-immersion shūchū

的中 hit, being hit tekichū

途中 on the way, in the middle of ~ tochū

中学校 junior high-, middle scho chūgakkō

営業中 "open for business..." eigyōchū

午前中 in the morning, a. m. gozenchū

一日中 within one day ichinichijū

お中元 summer gift to one's superior ochūgen

作業中 while working, in operation sagyōchū

車中談 informal talks shachūdan

仕事中 on the job, busy-at-work shigotochū

世の中 the public, society-at-large yononaka

中国 People's Republic of China chūgoku

日中 Japan & China nicchū

央entral, 218

核uclear, 973

奥nside, 903

内nside, 297

唐hinese, 439

漢anji, 926

呉[Wu dynasty], 453

唐athay, 439

Kanji Handbook

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