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図ketched in farmers' 脳rain, no 悩istress when it rains...

囗 (enclosure)

FLIP: 2.0.a. Sort Of (flat)



haka(ru), ZU, TO 339 図

sketch, drawing, illustration

地図 map chizu

意図 intention, volition, will ito

異図 ulterior-, hidden motive ito

系図 genealogy, family tree keizu

⇒家系図 family tree, ancestral roots kakeizu

企図 plan, strategy kito

構図 art composition kōzu

略図 sketch, rough map ryakuzu

縮図 miniaturized scale (sketch) shukuzu

図書 collection of books tosho

図書館 library toshokan

要図 outline, drawing yōzu

雄図 ambitious plan yūto

図案 design, plan, chest zuan

図画 drawing, painting zuga

図解 diagram, illustration zukai

図鑑 illustrated-, picture book zukan

図形 figure, drawing zukei

図工 drawing & manual arts zukō

図面 architectural blueprint zumen

図示 illustration, drawing, sketch zushi

図式 diagram, chart, graph zushiki

案内図 guide map, travel map annaizu

鳥瞰図 bird' s-eye view chōkanzu

掛け図 wall map, wall chart kakezu

航海図 navigational map kōkaizu

設計図 draft, plan sekkeizu

側面図 side view sokumenzu

天気図 weather map tenkizu

投影図 projection chart tōeizu

描ketch, 271

絵rawing, 143

画icture, 35

撮hotograph, 423

写ortray, 349

団roup, 345

囲nclose, 361


図ketched in farmers' 脳rain, no 悩istress when it rains...

肉⇔月 (flesh, bodypart)

1278 脳 11

FLIP: 7.1. Right (Sort Of)



NŌ 1278 脳

brain, cerebral, cranium, intellect, mind

中脳 midbrain, mesencephalon chūnō

大脳 cerebrum dainō

後脳 hindbrain, posterior brain kōnō

脳炎 brain inflammation, encephalitis nōen

脳波 brain waves nōha

脳膜 brain membrane nōmaku

脳乱 anguish, anxiety, distress nōran

脳裏 one's inner-mind nōri

脳死 brain dead nōshi

脳天 head crown nōten

脳髄 brain organ nōzui

洗脳 brainwashing sennō

小脳 cerebellum shōnō

首脳 head, leader shunō

主脳 head, leader shunō

頭脳 brain, intelligence zunō

脳外科 brain surgery, ~operation nōgeka

脳貧血 cerebral anaemia nōhinketsu

脳溢血 cerebral haemorrhage, apoplexy nōikketsu

脳血栓 cerebral thrombosis nōkessen

脳細胞 brain cells nōsaibō

脳神経 cranial nerves nōshinkei

脳震盪 brain concussion nōshintō

脳出血 cerebral haemorrhage, nōshukketsu

脳腫瘍 brain tumour nōshuyō

脳卒中 cerebral apoplexy nōsocchū

脳下垂体 pituitary gland nōka suitai

脳軟化症 softening of the brain nōnan kashō

脳性麻痺 cerebral palsy nōsei mahi

脳死判定 deemed brain dead nōshi hantei

脳死移植 organ transplant from a brain dead nōshi ishoku

首脳会談 summit talks shunō kaidan

意dea, 340

想dea, 524

念dea, 182

慮hought, 70

胸hest, 652

眺aze at, 215


図ketched in farmers' 脳rain, no 悩istress when it rains...

心⇔忄⇔忝 (feelings)

FLIP:7.1. Right (Sort Of)



naya(mu), naya(masu), NŌ 1279 悩

distress, anguish, suffer, misery, torment, agony

言い悩む unwilling to speak up iinayamu

伸び悩む make littler progress nobinayamu

思い悩む agonize, be tormented omoinayamu

立ち悩む be anxious, ~distressed tachinayamu

行き悩む come to an impasse, ~standstill yukinayamu

悩み worry, distress, anguish nayami

⇒恋の悩み torments-of-love koi no nayami

煩悩 worldly passions, ~desires bonnō

苦悩 suffering, anguish kunō

苦痛 pain, agony kutsū

脳乱 anguish, anxiety nōran

悩殺 enchantment, fascination nōsatsu

懊悩 anguish, anxiety, distress ōnō

子煩悩 fond, doting kobonnō

哀orrows, 374

愁orrows, 415

悲orrows, 289

苦nguish, 477

難ifficulty, 927

悔egret, 712

図rawing, 47

脳rain, 47


漁ishing for long, not one 魚ish 無othing to relish...

水⇔氵 (water)

699 漁 14

Facing: 1.2. ☜ West (V)


GYO, RYŌ 699 漁


不漁 poor fish catch furyō

漁業 fishery, fishing industry gyogyō

⇒沿岸漁業 coastal fishery engan gyogyō

⇒沿海漁業 coastal fishery enkai gyogyō

漁業権 fishing rights gyogyōken

漁法 fishing method gyohō

漁場 fishing grounds gyojō

漁期 fishing season gyoki

漁港 fishing port gyokō

漁区 fishing area, ~ground gyoku

漁民 fishermen, fisher folks gyomin

漁労 fishing, fishery gyorō

漁船 fishing boat, ~vessel gyosen

漁礁 fish-inhabited reef gyoshō

漁食 fish meal gyoshoku, ryōshoku

漁色 womanising, philandering gyoshoku

漁村 fishing village gyoson

漁族 fishes gyozoku

豊漁 good fish catch hōryō

漁火 fish-luring fire at night isaribi

禁漁 fishing ban, ~prohibition kinryō

休漁 cease fishing kyūryō

密漁 illegal fishing, fish poaching mitsuryō

漁師 fisherman ryōshi

大漁 large fishing catch tairyō

漁獲高 fishing catch volume gyokakudaka

入漁権 fishing rights nyūgyoken

買い漁る buy one after another kaiasaru

魚ishes, 49

釣ishing, 697

海cean, 241

洋cean, 247

河iver, 877

川iver, 76

魚ishes, 49

無othing, 49


漁ishing for long, no 魚ish, 無othing to relish...

魚 (fishes)

Facing: 1.0. ☜ West (W)



sakana, uo, GYO, RYŌ 290 魚

fishes, seafoods, sea animals

稚魚 small fry, baby fish chigyo

魚群 shoal-, school of fishes gyogun

魚介 fish & shells, seafood gyokai

魚肉 fish meat gyoniku

魚雷 torpedo gyorai

魚類 kinds of fishes gyorui

魚灯 fishing lamp gyotō

川魚 river fish kawauo, kawazakana

金魚 gold fish kingyo

木魚 wooden drum mokugyo

人魚 mermaid ningyo

魚屋 fish store, fish dealer sakanaya

鮮魚 fresh raw fish sengyo

衣魚 clothes moth, bookworm shimi

塩魚 salted fish shiozakana

章魚 octopus tako

魚心 mutuality, reciprocity uogokoro

養魚 fish farming, fish breeding yōgyo

雑魚 small fry, unimportant fellow zako

干し魚 dried fish hoshiuo

近海魚 coastal fish kinkaigyo

魚釣り fishing sakanatsuri, uotsuri

深海魚 deep-sea fish shinkaigyo

淡水魚 fresh-water fish tansuigyo

飛び魚 flying fish tobiuo

魚の目 foot corn, foot fungus uonome

魚市場 fish market uoichiba

焼き魚 grilled fish yakizakana

漁ishing, 48

釣ishing, 697

海cean, 241

洋cean, 247

角orner, 400

無othing, 49


漁ishing for long, no 魚ish, 無othing to relish...

火⇔灬 (fire)

FLIP: 2.0.b. Sort Of (stem)




na(i), MU, BU 93 無

nothing, without, absence, empty, non-existence

虚無 nihility, nothingness kyomu

無駄 waste, futility, in vain muda

無断 without permission mudan

無益 useless, inutile, futile mueki

無縁 unknown, x-factor muen

無害 harmless, weak mugai

無学 illiterate, unschooled mugaku

無限 limitless, infinite mugen

無為 idleness, inactivity mui

無形 intangible, shapeless mukei

無給 free-of-charge, pro bono, gratis mukyū

無理 unreasonable, impossible muri

無慮 as many as, no fewer than muryo

無職 unemployed, out-of-work mushoku

無敵 unrivalled, undefeated muteki

無闇 thoughtless, clumsy muyami

無残 merciless, cruel muzan

無遠慮 lack of manners, ~restraint buenryo

台無し spoiled child, brat dainashi

無意味 meaningless, senseless muimi

無意識 unconscious, lethargic muishiki

無医村 village without a doctor muison

無感覚 insensibility, callousness mukankaku

無関係 unrelated, irrelevant mukankei

無記名 unnamed, the bearer mukimei

無差別 indiscriminate, sporadic musabetsu

無思慮 indiscretion, misconduct mushiryo

無投票 without vote, by acclamation mutōhyō

難無く without difficulty, "a cakewalk..." nannaku

心許無い uneasy, uncertain kokoromotonai

不[negative], 300

非[negative], 288

零ero, 874

焦ocus, 919

魚ishes, 49


Battle 隻hips 集athered, 進dvance scattered...

隹 (long-tailedbirds)

FLIP: 4.0.b. Bottom (stem)


隻ne of a set

SEKI 1311 隻

[counter for ships]; one of a set

一隻 one ship isseki

一隻眼 discerning-, critical eye issekigan

二隻 two ships niseki

数隻 several ships sūseki

隻影 speck of clouds, disperse clouds sekiei

隻眼 one-eyed person sekigan

隻語 few words sekigo

⇒片言隻語 a few words, phrase hengen sekigo

隻手 one-armed person sekishu

隻句 a few words, phrase sekku

⇒片言隻句 a few words, phrase hengen sekku

丸[ships], 73

航avigation, 748

艇oat, 26

舟essel, 90

船hip, 757

舶hip, 742

帆ailing, 641

焦ocus, 919

集ollect, 50


Battle 隻hips 集athered, 進dvance scattered...

隹 (long-tailed birds)

FLIP: 4.0.b. Bottom (stem)



atsu(maru), atsu(meru), tsudo(u), SHŪ 436 集

gather, collect, put together

募集 recruitment, hiring boshū

文集 anthology, collection of-bunshū

徴集 levy, duty, tax chōshū

画集 book of paintings, ~photos gashū

群集 crowd, mass, multitude gunshū

編集 editing, revising, rewriting henshū

歌集 anthology of poetry, ~songs kashū

結集 concentrate, focus kesshū

密集 crowding, swarming misshū

採集 collecting, gathering saishū

詩集 collection of poems shishū

招集 summons, convocation shōshū

集中 concentration, focus shūchū

集団 group, squad shūdan

集合 gathering, collection, assembly shūgō

集配 collection & delivery shūhai

集荷 cargo retrieval, ~claim shūka

集会 assembly, gathering, rally shūkai

集計 total, totalling, summing up shūkei

集結 concentration, gathering shūketsu

集金 money-, bill collecting shūkin

集光 lights condensation shūkō

集録 compilation, collection shūroku

集散 collect & distribute shūsan

集札 ticket collection, ~inspection shūsatsu

収集 collecting, gathering shūshū

特集 special edition tokushū

雲集 gathering clouds unshū

全集 complete works, compendium zenshū

聖歌集 hymnal, gospel music seikashū

随筆集 collection of essays zuihitsushū

収ollect, 178

共ogether, 302

合ogether, 232

括undle, 954

束undle, 502

会eeting, 864

業usiness, 124

葉eaf, 411


Battle 隻hips 集athered, 進dvance scattered...

辶 (transport)

437 進 10

Facing: 4.0. ☜☞ Apart



susu(mu), susu(meru), SHIN 437 進

advance, progress, forward, momentum, upgrade

栄進 promotion, advance, improvement eishin

逆進 regression, relapse, retrogression gyakushin

発進 off to a start, upstart hasshin

高進 speed acceleration kōshin

行進 march, advance kōshin

後進 younger person kōshin

邁進 pushing forward maishin

盲進 blind advance mōshin

猛進 furious advance mōshin

累進 successive promotions ruishin

進学 academic progress shingaku

進撃 attack, advance shingeki

進言 advice, counsel, suggestion shingen

進軍 advancing soldiers shingun

進化 evolution, progress shinka

進化論 theory of evolution, Darwinism shinkaron

進攻 attack, advance shinkō

進行 advance, progress, march shinkō

進境 remarkable progress shinkyō

進級 promotion, advance, improvement shinkyū

進路 course, route shinro

新進 up & coming, upstart, budding shinshin

進出 advance, progress shinshutsu

進水 launching, starting off shinsui

昇進 promotion, advance, improvement shōshin

促進 promotion, encouragement sokushin

推進 promotion, propulsion suishin

特進 accelerated promotion tokushin

躍進 remarkable progress yakushin

前進 advance, stride zenshin

漸進 gradual progress zenshin

突き進む advance, thrust thru tsukisusumu

展rogress, 522

歩rogress, 272

動ovement, 422

続ontinue, 260

焦ocus, 919

集ollect, 50


Test 筒ube 菌acteria in few 箇laces sowed hysteria...

竹 (bamboo)

FLIP: 4.0.b. Bottom (stem)



tsutsu, TŌ 1472 筒

pipe, tube

茶筒 tea caddy chazutsu

円筒 circular cylinder entō

煙筒 chimney entō

筆筒 brush case fudezutsu

封筒 envelope, paper case fūtō

花筒 flower vase hanazutsu

火筒 gunfire hozutsu

井筒 well curb izutsu

気筒 cylinder kitō

大筒 cannon oozutsu

水筒 water bottle, ~cylinder suitō

竹筒 bamboo pipe takezutsu

短筒 revolver, pistol tanzutsu

筒鳥 himalayan cuckoo tsutsudori

筒形 cylinder tsutsugata

筒井 round well tsutsui

筒音 sound of gunfire tsutsuoto

筒先 muzzle, nozzle tsutsusaki

筒袖 tight sleeves tsutsusode

矢筒 quiver, shudder yazutsu

発煙筒 smoke pot hatsuentō

筒切り cut round slices tsutsugiri

筒状花 tube flower tsutsujōbana

筒抜け news leakage tsutsunuke

轄ontrol, 968

操perate, 851

導uidance, 312

管ontrol, 917

箇[objects], 52

答nswer, 232


Test 筒ube 菌acteria in few 箇laces sowed hysteria...

艾 (grass)

FLIP: 2.0.a. Sort Of (flat)



KIN 1222 菌

bacteria, disease, infection, virus, contamination

黴菌 bacteria, germ, microbe baikin

病菌 germ, virus byōkin

桿菌 bacillus kankin

菌毒 poison mushroom kindoku

菌類 fungus kinrui

菌類学 mycology kinruigaku

菌糸 mycelium kinshi

抗菌 anti-bacterial kōkin

球菌 micrococcus kyūkin

滅菌 sterilization, pasteurisation mekkin

無菌 germ-free, aseptic, sterilized mukin

細菌 bacteria, germ, microbe saikin

細菌学 bacteriology, microbiology saikingaku

細菌培養 bacterial cultivating saikin baiyō

殺菌 sterilization, pasteurisation sakkin

⇒低温殺菌 pasteurisation teion sakkin

殺菌剤 germicide, bactericide sakkinzai

雑菌 miscellaneous germs zakkin

培養菌 cultured bacteria baiyōkin

保菌者 virus carrier hokinsha

結核菌 tubercle bacillus kekkakukin

乳酸菌 lactic ferments, lactic bacilli nyūsankin

赤痢菌 dysentery bacillus sekirikin

真菌症 mycosis shinkinshō

毒oison, 578

患ickness, 475

症ickness, 788

病ickness, 213

汚irty, 737

箇[objects], 52

夢ream, 167


Test 筒ube 菌acteria in few 箇laces sowed hysteria...

竹 (bamboo)

FLIP: 4.0.a. Bottom (flat)



KA, KO 1473 箇

[counter for objects]; [counter for places]

箇条 article, clause, item kajō

箇条書き written clause, ~article kajōgaki

一箇年 one year ikkanen

何箇月 how many months nankagetsu

三箇日 first three days of the year sanganichi

箇所 location, site, point kasho

三箇所 three locations, three sites sankasho

物hings, 647

荷reight, 877

何omething, 101

所ocation, 676

場ocation, 147

答nswer, 232

筒ipe, 51


哲hilosophers 誓ledge to seek 哲isdom in 逝eath beyond...

言 (speaking)

FLIP: 4.0.a. Bottom (flat)




chika(u), SEI 1395 誓

pledge, swear, avow, attest, commitment, compact, covenant

誓い vow, oath, pledge chikai

祈誓 vow, oath, pledge kisei

誓願 vow, oath, pledge seigan

誓言 vow, oath, pledge seigon

誓文 written oath, promissory note seimon

誓文払い Kimono bargain sale seimonbarai

誓詞 vow, oath, pledge seishi

誓紙 written oath seishi

誓約 vow, oath, pledge seiyaku

誓約者 oath-taker, pledger seiyakusha

誓約書 written oath, ~pledge seiyakusho

宣誓 oath-taking, swearing in sensei

宣誓式 oath-taking ceremony senseishiki

宣誓書 written oath senseisho

宣誓供述書 affidavit, sworn statement sensei kyōjutsusho

約romise, 697

契ledge, 900

信aith, 252

委ntrust, 583

嘱ntrust, 441

託ntrust, 82

任ntrust, 709

預ntrust, 569

逝eath, 54

哲isdom, 53


哲hilosophers 誓ledge to seek 哲isdom in 逝eath beyond...

口 (mouth)

FLIP: 4.0.a. Bottom (flat)



TETSU 1397 哲

wisdom, philosophy, sagacity

中哲 Chinese philosophy chūtetsu

変哲 common, ordinary, mediocre hentetsu

十哲 ten sages of Buddhism jittetsu

賢哲 wise person, sage kentetsu

明哲 wisdom, intelligence meitetsu

西哲 Western philosophy seitetsu

先哲 old wise man sentetsu

哲学 study of philosophy tetsugaku

⇒宗教哲学 theological philosophy shūkyō tetsugaku

哲学者 philosopher tetsugakusha

哲学史 history of philosophy tetsugakushi

哲人 philosopher, wise person tetsujin

哲理 philosophical principles tetsuri

聖哲 old wise man, wizard seitetsu

啓nlightenment, 677

悟nlightenment, 780

賢ntelligent, 598

寛agnanimity, 308

由eason, 540

理eason, 872

故eason, 960

脳rain, 47

誓ledge, 53

逝eath, 54


哲hilosophers 誓ledge to seek 哲isdom in 逝eath beyond...

辶 (transport)

Facing: 4.0. ☜☞ Apart



yu(ku), SEI 1396 逝

death, demise, dead, dying, passing away

長逝 dying, passing away chōsei

急逝 sudden death, untimely demise kyūsei

逝去 death, demise, passing away seikyo

早逝 early death, short life sōsei

夭逝 premature death yōsei

逝く春 the departing spring yuku haru

逝く年 the departing year yuku toshi

死eath, 513

亡eath, 72

葬urial, 513

墓ravesite, 602

碑ombstone, 937

逆everse, 896

誓ledge, 53


Like 磁agnets, 慈ffection compliments soul 滋ourishment...

石 (stone)

FLIP: 7.2.a. Right Top (flat)

Facing: 2.2. East ☞ (V)



JI 1548 磁

magnet; porcelain

電磁 electromagnet denji

電磁波 electromagnet wave denjiha

電磁気 electromagnetism denjiki

電磁石 electromagnet denjishaku

磁場 magnetic field jiba, jijō

磁化 magnetization jika

磁界 magnetic field jikai

磁気 magnetism jiki

磁気学 magnetics science jikigaku

磁気圏 magnetic sphere jikiken

磁気性 magnetism jikisei

磁極 magnetic pole jikyoku

磁力 magnetic force jiryoku

磁力計 magnetometer jiryokukei

磁力線 line of magnetic force jiryokusen

磁性 magnetism jisei

磁石 magnet jishaku, jiseki

磁針 compass needle jishin

磁束 magnet flux jisoku

磁鉄 iron bearing jitetsu

消磁 demagnetisation shōji

地磁気 Earth's magnetic force chijiki

磁方位 magnetic bearing jihōi

磁鉄鉱 loadstone, magnetite jitekkō

透磁率 magnetic permeability tōjiritsu

青磁 celadon porcelain aoji, seiji

白磁 white porcelain hakuji

磁土 china clay, kaolin jido

磁器 porcelain, chinaware jiki

陶磁器 pottery, chinaware tōjiki

石tone, 363

引ulling, 348

抽ulling, 37

陶orcelain, 811

陶ottery, 811

窯eramics, 576

滋uxuriant, 55

慈ffection, 55


Like 磁agnets, 慈ffection compliments soul 滋ourishment...

心⇔忄⇔忝 (feelings)

1547 慈 13

FLIP: 3.0.b. Top (stem)

Facing: 2.1. East ☞ (H)



itsuku(shimu), JI 1547 慈

affection, benevolence, endearment

慈しみ love & affection itsukushimi

慈愛 affection, benevolence jiai

慈母 motherly love jibo

慈父 fatherly love jifu

慈眼 deep eyes of Buddha jigan, jigen

慈悲 mercy, pity jihi

慈悲深い deeply merciful jihibukai

慈方位 magnetic bearing jihōi

慈兄 brotherly love jikei

慈恵 charity, philanthropy jikei

仁慈 benevolence, magnanimity jinji

慈鉄 iron magnet jitetsu

慈雨 blessed rain, welcome rain jiu

慈善 charity, benevolence jizen

慈善家 philanthropist jizenka

慈善事業 charity work, philanthropy jizen jigyō

慈姑① waterplant kuwai

慈姑② merciful mother-in-law jiko

慕ffectionate, 600

懇ntimacy, 164

親ntimatcy, 669

恋omance, 581

窓indow, 433


Like 磁agnets, 慈ffection compliments soul 滋ourishment...

水⇔氵 (water)

1549 滋 12

FLIP: 7.2.a. Right Top (flat)

Facing: 2.2. East ☞ (V)



JI 1549 滋

nourishment, luxuriant

滋味 deliciousness, good taste jimi

滋殖 deliciousness, good taste jishoku

滋養 nourishment, nutrition jiyō

滋養分 nutritious element jiyōbun

滋養物 nourishing food jiyōbutsu

滋賀県 Shiga Prefecture shiga-ken

滋強飲料 tonic drink jikyō inryō

滋養過多 hypertrophy, profusion jiyō kata

剰urplus, 511

余urplus, 501

富ortune, 333

愛ove, 593

恵lessing, 545

慈ffection, 55

落ollapse, 826


疑oubts on 擬mitation 凝tiffened irritation...

疋 (animal counter)

Facing: 3.0. ☞☜ Across

Facing: 4.0. ☜☞ Apart



GI, utaga(u) 1516 疑

doubt, suspicion, questionable, scepticism, distrust

遅疑 reluctance, hesitance, dilly dally chigi

疑義 doubts, scepticism gigi

疑獄 scandal, disgrace, shameful act gigoku

疑問 doubt, question, query gimon

疑問文 interrogative sentence gimonbun

疑問符 question mark gimonfu

疑念 doubt, suspicion, distrust ginen

疑心 doubt, suspicion gishin

疑心暗鬼 "suspicion creates itself..." gishin anki

疑点 suspicious point giten

疑雲 cloud of doubt giun

疑惑 doubt, suspicion giwaku

被疑者 crime suspect higisha

懐疑 scepticism, doubt, disbelief kaigi

懐疑論 scepticism kaigiron

懐疑説 scepticism, disbelief kaigisetsu

嫌疑 doubt, suspicion kengi

孤疑 doubt, indecisive kogi

猜疑 under suspicion saigi

猜疑心 doubt, suspicion saigishin

信疑 credibility, belief-or-doubt shingi

質疑 inquiry, interpellation shitsugi

質疑応答 question & answer session shitsugi ōtō

容疑 doubt, suspicion yōgi

容疑者 crime suspect yōgisha

半信半疑 dubious, untrustworthy hanshin hangi

疑い深い highly-untrustworthy utagaibukai

怪ubious, 888

奇trange, 269

凝arden, 57

擬mitate, 56


疑oubts on 擬mitation 凝tiffened irritation...

手⇔扌 (hand, manual)

Facing: 3.0. ☞☜ Across

Facing: 4.0. ☜☞ Apart



GI 1517 擬

imitation, simulation, counterfeit, disguise, mimicry

擬爆弾 decoy bomb gibakudan

擬似 psuedo, imitation giji

擬似軍事 para-military giji gunji

擬古 fake classical goods giko

擬古文 psuedo-classical text gikobun

擬古典的 pseudo classic gikotenteki

擬薬 placebo, fake drugs giyaku

擬毛 imitation-, synthetic wool gimō

擬音 sound imitation, ~mimicry gion

擬音語 onomatopoeia, repetitive words giongo

擬音効果 sound effects gion kōka

擬制 fiction, fictitious gisei

擬勢 sham show-of-force, empty posturing gisei

擬戦 mock battle gisen

擬死 feigning death gishi

擬装 camouflage, disguise gisō

擬態 mimicry, imitation gitai

擬態語 mimesis gitaigo

模擬 imitation mogi

模擬店 booth, stand, stall mogiten

模擬法廷 moot court mogi hōtei

模擬裁判 moot court mogi saiban

模擬試験 drill examination mogi shiken

擬人化 personification, embodiment gijinka

擬似的 suspected, imitative gijiteki

擬革紙 fake leather gikakushi

擬声語 onomatopoeic words giseigo

倣mitate, 486

似imilar, 472

同imilar, 245

装retend, 629

撤ithdraw, 843

凝arden, 57


疑oubts on 擬mitation 凝tiffened irritation...

冫 (freezing, ice)

1518 凝 16

Facing: 3.0. ☞☜ Across

Facing: 4.0. ☜☞ Apart



ko(ru), ko(rasu), GYŌ 1518 凝

stiffen, harden, congeal, coagulate

凝着 adhesion, fastening gyōchaku

凝議 thorough-, exhaustive deliberation gyōgi

凝塊 clot gyōkai

凝結 condensation, freezing gyōketsu

凝血 blood cut, ~wound gyōketsu

凝固 congelation, coagulation gyōko

凝乳 curdled milk gyōnyū

凝立 totally still gyōritsu

凝視 stare, gaze, watch gyōshi

凝脂 lard, frozen oil gyōshi

凝縮 condensation gyōshuku

凝集 be coherent gyōshū

凝滞 delay gyōtai

凝結点 freezing point, congeal point gyōketsuten

凝り性 perfectionistic, single-minded korishō

凝り屋 perfectionist koriya

凝り固まる fanatical, bigot, zealot korikatamaru

肩凝り stiff shoulders katakori

緊ard, 599

固arden, 491

硬ardness, 402

擬mitate, 56

撤ithdraw, 843


芽芽prouts in Brazzaville, no 雅race no 邪vil...

艾 (grass)

FLIP: 3.0.b. Top (stem)

Facing: 1.1. ☜ West (H)



me, me(gumu), GA 1455 芽

sprout, saplings, budding

麦芽 malt, wheat germ bakuga

麦芽糖 malt sugar, maltose bakugatō

芽胞 spore gahō

胚芽 embryo; germ haiga

胚芽米 unpolished rice haigamai

花芽 sprout, bud haname

発芽 germination, budding hatsuga

萌芽 signs, makings of hōga

芽接 in-lay grafting metsugi

肉芽 granulation, grating, pulverizing nikuga

新芽 sprout, shoot shinme

出芽 budding, sprouting, germinating shutsuga

胎芽 propagule taiga

摘芽 thinning out of buds tekiga

若芽 young bud, shoot, sprout wakame

幼芽 grain germs yōga

葉芽 leaf bud yōga

木の芽 bud, sprout kinome

芽生え sprout, shoot, awakening mebae

芽出度い happy, celebrative medetai

植lant, 783

畑lantation, 482

稲ice plant, 893

藻ater plants, 852

栽aplings, 803

苗aplings, 270

草rass, 373

苦nguish, 477


芽prouts for vaudeville, no 雅race no 邪vil...

隹 (long-tailed birds)

1456 雅 13

Facing: 4.0. ☜☞ Apart



GA, miyabi 1456 雅

graceful, elegant

風雅 elegant, refined, graceful fūga

雅文 elegant prose gabun

雅致 elegance, sophisticated gachi

雅談 graceful conversations gadan

雅楽 imperial court music gagaku

雅言 elegant expression gagen

雅語 graceful-, elegant words gago

雅号 pen name, pseudonym gagō

雅人 person with exquisite taste gajin

雅歌 graceful-, elegant words gaka

雅壊 aesthetic mood gakai

雅客 sophisticate, writer gakaku

雅兄 honorific for writing a friend gakei

雅名 pen name, pseudonym gamei

雅味 sophisticated taste gami

雅量 generosity, magnanimity garyō

雅称 pen name, pseudonym gashō

雅趣 elegance, good taste gashu

雅俗 refined-or-unrefined style gazoku

博雅 erudition, broad knowledge hakuga

閑雅 grace, elegance kanga

古雅 classical grace koga

高雅 elegant, refined, graceful kōga

温雅 refined, mild-mannered onga

典雅 elegant, graceful woman tenga

都雅 urbane-, socialite taste toga

優雅 elegant, graceful, exquisite yūga

雅か graceful, exquisite miyabika

淑raceful, 510

韻raceful, 315

雌emale-animal, 929

雄ourage, 775


芽prouts for vaudeville, no 雅race no 邪vil...

阝⇔阜 (village), (right)

Facing: 4.0. ☜☞ Apart



yokoshi(ma), JA, ZE 1457 邪

evil, bad

破邪 defeating evil haja

邪悪 wicked, evil, malicious jaaku

邪道 wicked ways, evil ways jadō

邪飛 baseball foul fly jahi

邪淫 wicked lustfulness jain

邪見 wrong view jaken

邪険 harsh, cruel jaken

邪気 malice, evil intent, ill will jaki

⇒無邪気 innocence, simplicity mujaki

邪教 blasphemy, heresy, sacreligious jakyō

邪教徒 heretic, infidel jakyōto

邪魔 hindrance, bothersome jama

邪魔っ気 troublesome, bothersome jamakke

邪魔者 nuisance, irksome, annoyance jamamono

邪念 evil thoughts, malice, ill will janen

邪恋 illicit love, forbidden love jaren

邪論 heteroxy, iconoclastic jaron

邪正 right & wrong jasei

邪説 heresy, heretical doctrine jasetsu

邪心 evil mind, evil heart jashin

邪神 devil, evil gods jashin

邪宗 heretical sect jashū

邪推 baseless suspicion jasui

邪欲 lust, lewd desire jayoku

風邪 cold in the nose, ~head kaze

⇒鼻風邪 cold in the nose, ~head hanakaze

⇒夏風邪 summer cold, summer chill natsukaze

風邪声 hoarse, nasal voice kazegoe

正邪 right-or-wrong, propriety seija

天の邪鬼 pervert, lewd, gross ama no jaku

悪vil, 389

凶vil, 80

鬼evil, 935

魔evil, 332

雅raceful, 58

芽prout, 57


勇ourage 通asses 通hrough 痛ainful 痛njury...

力 (strength, force)

1386 勇 9

FLIP: 8.0.a. Inner (flat)

Facing: 3.0. ☞☜ Across



isa(mu), isa(mushii), isa(mashii), YŪ 1386 勇

courage, bravery, embolden, valour

蛮勇 reckless valour banyū

武勇 fearless warrior, ~soldier buyū

沈勇 calm courage chinyū

知勇 wisdom & courage chiyū

忠勇 loyalty & courage chūyū

義勇 loyalty & courage giyū

剛勇 brave, valiant, intrepid gōyū

豪勇 courage, valour, daring gōyū

真勇 genuine courage shinyū

大勇 courage, valour, daring taiyū

勇断 firm-, resolute decision yūdan

勇敢 bravery, courage, valour yūkan

勇健 stout-hearted, strong-willed yūken

勇気 courage, valour, daring yūki

勇侠 chivalrous, gallant yūkyō

勇名 fame, celebrity, famous yūmei

勇猛 bold, valiant yūmō

勇猛心 dauntless, daring, bold yūmōshin

勇猛果敢 dauntless, daring yūmō kakan

勇烈 brave, valiant, intrepid yūretsu

勇者 brave, courageous person yūsha

勇戦 courageous-, desperate battle yūsen

勇士 brave man, hero yūshi

勇姿 valiant person yūshi

勇将 valiant general yūshō

勇壮 courage, valour, daring yūsō

勇退 voluntary resignation yūtai

勇躍 high spirits yūyaku

勇み足 overeagerness isamiashi

勇み立つ strong, brave isamitatsu

勇み肌 strong-skinned isamihada

喜び勇む high spirits yorokobi isamu

敢ourage, 449

胆ourage, 740

冒ourage, 401

雄ourage, 775

男asculine, 597

虜aptive, 70


勇ourage 通asses 通hrough 痛ainful 痛njury...

辶 (transport)

Facing: 1.1. ☜ West (H)



too(ru), too(su), ka(you), too(shi), doo(shi), TSŪ, TSU 150 通

passing, through; communicate

便通 bowel movement bentsū

直通 direct line (telephone) chokutsū

普通 usually, common, normally, regularly futsū

貫通 penetration, piercing kantsū

交通 traffic, transportation kōtsū

通学 attending school, way to school tsūgaku

通貨 currency, denomination tsūka

通過 passage, crossing tsūka

通勤 commuting to work tsūkin

通行 passage, traffic tsūkō

通路 pathway, alley, aisle tsūro

面通し line up mendooshi

通り雨 passing thru rainfall tooriame

裏通り back street, alley uradoori

歩き通す walk thru arukitoosu

走り通す run thru hashiritoosu

一方通行 one-way traffic ippō tsūkō

交通安全 safe driving kōtsū anzen

最後通牒 ultimatum saigo tsūchō

その通り "just like that..." sono toori

透き通る become transparent sukitooru

疎通 understanding, comprehension sotsū

通知 notice, notification tsūchi

通帳 notebook, bankbook tsūchō

通信 correspondence, communication tsūshin

通訳 translation, interpretation tsūyaku

通告 notification, announcement tsūkoku

隠し通す prevent from leakage kakushitoosu

路oad, 405

交rossing, 467

行rip, 79

来oming, 871

出eave, 173

道ath, 312

往ome & go, 749

径ath, 888

旅ravel, 650

角orner, 400

進dvance, 51


勇ourage 通asses 通hrough 痛ainful 痛njury...

疒 (sickness)

FLIP: 7.0.b2. Right (stem)

Facing: 3.0. ☞☜ Across



ita(mu); ita(meru); ita(i), TSŪ 1320 痛

painful, injury, agonizing, hurting, harm

苦痛 ache, pain kutsū

劇痛 acute pain, severe pain gekitsū

激痛 acute pain, severe pain gekitsū

心痛 anguish, anxiety, distress shintsū

痛言 brutal criticism tsūgen

胸痛 chest pains kyōtsū

陣痛 childbirth-, labour pains jintsū

産痛 childbirth-, labour pains santsū

痛恨 deep regret, deep remorse tsūkon

鈍痛 dull pain dontsū

沈痛 grave-, acute-, sharp pain chintsū

痛飲 heavy drinking tsūin

腰痛 lower back pain yōtsū

頭痛 migraine, headache zutsū

痛痒 pain & itch tsūyō

痛撃 painful blow tsūgeki

痛感 painful realization, "baptism of fire..." tsūkan

痛点 painful spot tsūten

痛手 painful wound itade

無痛 painless, harmless mutsū

悲痛 sadness, grief, sorrow hitsū

痛覚 sense of pain tsūkaku

腹痛 stomach ache, colic fukutsū

胃痛 stomach pain, ~pain itsū

痛憤 strong indignation, resentment tsūfun

歯痛 toothache shitsū

鎮痛剤 anodyne, lenitive, analgesic chintsūzai

偏頭痛 migraine, headache henzutsū

筋肉痛 muscle pains kinnikutsū

神経痛 neuralgia, nerve pains shinkeitsū

害njury, 904

傷njury, 933

障njury, 325

損njury, 410

番umber, 338

雷hunder, 136


Her baby 振winging, 娠regnant mother 震rembling...

手⇔扌 (hand, manual)

954 振 10

Facing: 4.0. ☜☞ Apart



fu(ruu), fu(ru), SHIN 954 振

swing, shake, tremble, vibrate

防振 anti-vibration, vibration resistance bōshin

振替 transfer furikae

不振 dullness, depression, slack fushin

⇒営業不振 business slack eigyō fushin

発振 oscillation, fluctuation hasshin

共振 resonance, reverberation kyōshin

強振 forceful swing kyōshin

三振 strike out sanshin

振動 vibration, quiver, shake shindō

振興 promotion, rousing shinkō

振幅 vibration amplitude shinpuku

羽振り influential & powerful haburi

空振り swing & miss karaburi

身振り gesture, body language miburi

女振り pretty woman onnaburi

男振り male reputation otokoburi

素振り behaviour, demeanour, manner suburi

手振り hand gesture, hand mannerism teburi

振り子 pendulum furiko

振り込み payment by wire transfer furikomi

振り回す abuse, show off, brandish furimawasu

振り向く turn around, about-face furimuku

振り絞る exert, make efforts furishiboru

振り出し starting point, drawing out furidashi

振り出す draw, shake out furidasu

振り仮名 kana reading, ~pronunciation furigana

割り振り allotment, allocation warifuri

揺さ振る shake, quiver yusaburu

久し振り "long time, no see..." hisashiburi

振る舞う behave, act; entertain, treat furumau

揺remble, 811

震remble, 61

握rasp, 427

掲oist (flag), 810


Her baby 振winging, 娠regnant mother 震rembling...

女 (woman)

Facing: 2.2. East ☞ (V)



SHIN 956 娠

pregnancy, conception, child bearing

妊娠 pregnancy, conceiving a child ninshin

⇒想像妊娠 imagined pregnancy sōzō ninshin

妊娠中毒 illness during pregnancy (vomitting...) ninshin chūdoku

妊娠中絶 artificial abortion, pregnancy termination ninshin chūzetsu

妊regnancy, 709

女emale, 350

児hildren, 464

稚hildren, 776

子hildren, 456

生ife, 474

命ife, 362

童hildren, 564

誕hildbirth, 515

産hildbirth, 883

嬢aughter, 854

妊regnancy, 709


Her baby 振winging, 娠regnant mother 震rembling...

雨 (weather)

953 震 15

FLIP: 3.0.b. Top (stem)



furu(eru), furu(u), SHIN 953 震

tremble, earthquake, tremors, jitters, seismic

微震 slight earthquake, ~tremors bishin

中震 mild earthquake chūshin

激震 severe earthquake, ~shock gekishin

弱震 slight earthquake shock jakushin

地震 earthquake jishin

軽震 light earthquake, tremor keishin

強震 violent-, severe earthquake kyōshin

烈震 violent-, severe earthquake resshin

震度 seismic intensity, ~magnitude shindo

震動 shock, quake, tremor shindō

震駭 terror, horror, shock shingai

震害 earthquake damage shingai

震撼 shaking, reverberating shinkan

震央 epicentre, ground zero shin'ō

震幅 seismic intensity, ~magnitude shinpuku

震災 earthquake calamity shinsai

震盪 cerebral concussion shintō

耐震 earthquake resistance taishin

耐震ビル earthquake-resistant building taishin biru

耐震性 resistance to earthquake taishinsei

余震 earthquake aftershocks yoshin

予震 earthquake foreshocks yoshin

前震 foreshocks zenshin

震え声 trembling voice furuegoe

震え上がる swing, shudder, tremble furueagaru

身震い shiver, shaking, shudder miburui

脳震盪 brain concussion nōshintō

震源地 epicentre, ground zero shingenchi

震天動地 "heaven & earth trembling..." shinten dōchi

震るい付く affectionate embrace furuitsuku

揺remble, 811

振winging, 60

霊pirit, 444

霜rost, 615

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