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We wish to thank the many individuals who supported the thinking and work behind this book. First, we greatly appreciate the support of our wonderful book editor, Helen Salmon, and the capable SAGE editorial and production staff, especially Chelsea Neve, Megan O’Heffernan, and Kelsey Barkis, for their expert assistance through all phases of the production of this book, and Melinda Masson, for her expert copyediting.

We thank the following reviewers for their critical feedback that certainly helped to expand our thinking and ultimately improved the contents of this book:

 Gretchen Arnold, St. Louis University

 Stephanie Bondi, University of Nebraska–Lincoln

 Robyn Cooper, Drake University

 Debra J. Dirksen, Western New Mexico University

 Marcus-Antonio Galeste, Arizona State University

 Sebastian Galindo-Gonzalez, University of Florida

 Brenda Gerhardt, University of Dayton

 Sandra Handwerk, Albany State University

 Noriko Ishibashi Martinez, Loyola University Chicago

 Chad Murphy, Mississippi University for Women

 Vanaja Nethi, Nova Southeastern University

 John Ridings, The Institute for Clinical Social Work

 Marlys Staudt, University of Tennessee

 John David Tiller, Tennessee State University

 Karen Tinsley, Guilford College

 Kasahun Woldemariam, Spelman College

 Wenfan Yan, University of Massachusetts Boston

We both are so very grateful to the many evaluation colleagues, stakeholders, and users, far too numerous to name, who have enriched our thinking and practice, particularly as they relate to cultural competence, social justice, diversity, and inclusion.

I (Veronica) want to thank the (current and former) faculty members, graduate students, and administrators at Howard University who inspired and assisted me in multiple ways, including Peggy C. Carr, Constance Ellison, Lawrence Gary, Brooke McKie, Faun Rockcliffe, Diana Edwards, Kimberly Edelin Freeman, and Dawn Williams. A special thanks to Jennifer C. Greene (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) and Valerie Caracelli (U.S. Government Accountability Office) for their wisdom and for supporting my scholarship and encouraging me to take it to the next level. I thank my family for their support every day, every month of every year. And last, but certainly not least, I wish to extend my heartfelt thanks to Alvin E. Courtney Jr. for his love, motivation, inspiration, and relentless pursuit of excellence.

I (Pat) don’t even know where to begin to thank people for their inspiration and support. I am so fearful that I will miss folks. Toni, Eric, Melvin, Lois-ellin, and Lynn and Kathryn, Mort, Pamela, Ann, Seth, Jesse, and—adhering to a tradition started many years ago, in my dissertation—Tonya and Houdini the cats, thank you. And at the beginning and the end, as always, there is Tom. Thank you, my love.


Evaluation’s ultimate goal is to provide credible evidence that fosters greater understanding and improves decision making, all aimed at improving social conditions and promoting healthy, just, and equitable communities.

Evaluation in Today’s World

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