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What we are looking for?


The most important are our correct judgment and clarity in the search. We need to know our requirements exactly. To know what we want in relationship. To start we need to understand ourselves.

– Am I looking for a serious relation?

– Something temporary to not be alone?

– Maybe something for once? – That’s the three initial questions us which need we start. After responded on them we can act in the right direction. These three types of links are different routes in which we can go in any time. Answers lead us to different partners. I will mention again that for less an hour we can know what wants the other and whether we are suitable for each other. Often answer to the previous questions is:

– I don’t know – It sounds so hesitant but at the same time used frequently. In many times we wonder what we really want. We are fluctuating and wait. We lose time which can use better for find a perfect partner. It’s the time for the truth.The more questions who we ask ourselves help us to know better who we are. What is our purpose, desires and what we are looking for. To know yourself is hard but it gives you the advantage to be better in decision-making. We make choices in all of time. Constantly making decisions:

– How I go to the work? – By metro or by bus.

– Do I get out with sport shoes or elegante boots who I bought yesterday? – Often we choose in the store:

– What cheese we take? – Yellow, white, cheap, expensive, small piece or big piece. We make many choices that we don’t see because they are part of our daily routine. The choice with who to have we a relationship is more serious and requires more attention. For that we need to make it easier with the exact and specific requirements. To do not wander aimlessly and complaining about failed relations need to decide what we looking for. Accordingly we are looking for a washing machine we will not go into a grocery store. Our action way needs to change. If looking for athlete you will go to different sports events. If you prefer elegant, peaceful person will not rush to the first disco and you’ll be visiting theater or gallery. Often the links that we create are with people similar to us. We meet them in the workplace, in the urban transport, in the park. The complicated in relationships is our own behavior. We don’t know what we are looking for and throwing into something we aren’t satisfied. After the unsuccessful experience we say:

– I don’t want this – Yes, but real: -What do I want? – The solution is front of us. Beginning to reject different types of connections we need of much time to feel what we are looking for. The easiest way is to answer the questions:

– What do I need?

– What kind of relation will make me happy?

– Do I want to be a happy?

– Do I should hurt myself with inappropriate partners? – It’s time for the first step in finding the right direction. The first step is to know who you are. Asking yourself what you like to do:

– Do I love to do sports? Do I like to read books? Do I like to go to a picnic? Do I like to swimming? What is my favorite dish? – There are many questions to help you with self-awareness. This is look like to the “lexicons” in who we wrote memories and answered interesting questions in past. On this way we get to know the essence us and can analyze ourselves. But except this group there are other queries that help us to realize our qualities:

– Am I speak too much? Do I like to dominate amid others? Am I a scandal person? Would I help of a beggar? – This group of questions is also important. Qualities linked with her are sarcasm, loyalty, kindness, compassion, leadership. There is countless qualities in a person and it is important to know them. It’s necessary to recognize front us what we really are. The truth- what our qualities are without divvy them on bad or good. Because in different situation good qualities can be bad and bad can be good. Similarly if we know ourselves it will be easier for us to find our soul mate. Bringing the links between people to our daily problems want to show you that everything is connected. We know how to act in a daily situation but in relationship we don’t handle. Now is the time to see that’s not complicate. Rephrase to things often helps us to deal with difficult situations. Connections need of such a strategy. After knowing ourself we are ready to start with choice of a partner. To we understand what kind of guy we’re looking for again need to answer of some questions:

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The perfect

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