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the minimalist woodworker . . .



Most of us can relate to that part, but minimalist?

Let’s break it down to the bare essentials;

bring it back to the core.

Here’s what the dictionary says:



Of a minimum amount, quantity, or degree

In art it’s characterized by the use of simple forms or structures

In music, it’s characterized by the repetition and gradual

alteration of short phrases

Here’s my interpretation . . .


That’s where we all begin—

naked and screaming.

I think it’s a good place to start, don’t you?

Can you stay that way when you grow up?

Probably not the best idea.

Can you live and work with a minimal mind set and practice?

Of course you can—

but it may be a little more difficult than you think.

Thankfully, Vic just made the workshop waters a little easier to navigate.

You’d think it would be easy, this whole minimal thing,

getting rid of the waste and the distractions.

But the hard truth is this:

we’ve gotten used to having more.

Having plenty . . .

having too much!

Not always physically, on the shelf and on the floor,

but in the dust bin between your ears—

that’s where it begins.

The Minimalist Woodworker

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