Читать книгу Moving Beyond Betrayal - Vicki Tidwell Palmer - Страница 10



No creative endeavor is born from the efforts of its creator alone. There are innumerable events and encounters that form the foundation and impulse to bring a book into being, and Moving Beyond Betrayal is no exception.

I owe a deep debt of gratitude to Pia Mellody for her practical yet profound teaching on boundaries. Her work has significantly informed my understanding of how boundaries operate in relationships. Pia’s persistent appeal to her students to be part of the solution, rather than the problem, has been a guiding principle in my life—both personally and professionally.

I am grateful to have had the opportunity to study and train with many experts in the field of sex addiction treatment including Patrick Carnes, Ken Adams, Stefanie Carnes, Alex Katehakis, and Rob Weiss. And to Kelly McDaniel, for her words of wisdom and encouragement at a chance meeting just a month before the manuscript was due.

Having traveled my own path of recovery for the past twenty-eight years, there are many women and men to whom I offer deep thanks for sharing their experience, strength, and hope. I want to especially thank several key individuals who must remain anonymous, yet have contributed so much to my personal growth and the creation of this book. I am eternally grateful to you.

I also want to thank Lynn Grodzki for her practical and clearheaded guidance, as well as Lisa Tener and Bill O’Hanlon for their expert advice that helped me realize my dream of writing a book. Special thanks to the staff of Central Recovery Press and Eliza Tutellier, my editor.

Lastly, I want to thank my clients—partners and addicts alike—who have trusted me at the most vulnerable and critical times of their lives. Witnessing their transformation and the tenacious resilience of the human spirit is a persistent source of hope, joy, and inspiration to me.

Moving Beyond Betrayal

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