Читать книгу In grass, in word, in stone - Victor Gryaznov - Страница 26
2. Treasure – 1
Chapter 12
Near cafe there is a young guy, a strong constitution, in a t-shirt without sleeves, with beefy bicepses, with a tattoo on a forearm. «Belomor» smokes a cigarette
Enok – That the brother you miss?
Valery – Yes it is boring!
Enok – What happened? Problems? We will go on a glass of beer we will drink and life will more cheerfully go.
Valery – And you who such? It is visible not local.
Enok – Geologists, is more faithful than geophysics. We are engaged in search of minerals. Here we will carry out works.
Valery – And what salary at you? And that I have financial problems, transferred to work in depot as the mechanic of the second category…
Enok Shurik – Should listen to his sad story and when reaches standard, to ask on Kolchak’s gold.
Shurik – You give Valery drink beer. Takes a bottle of vodka out of a briefcase and adds to beer.
Valery – History my sad, suffered for humour, for a joke.
And business was so. I worked as the driver of an electric locomotive. We with the assistant conduct structure, we drive up to small station, I speak to the assistant – «Idi Vasili in a compartment, whether check everything as it should be»
When it leaves, I contact on a handheld transceiver the station-master and I speak to it- Hello Ivan Ivanovich. I have a problem. The assistant went crazy, goes on an electric locomotive with a sledge hammer, to himself talks. Cause team of psychiatrists.
– All right Valery, will be enough to tell nonsenses. I know your jokes. You don’t annoy me, and here I will report that on instance. Will put a reprimand that didn’t litter air with any nonsense.
At station stopped. I speak to the assistant – «Go Vasili to the station-master, asks, the help. Take a sledge hammer. The old friend, it is impossible to refuse».
Vasily took a sledge hammer, jumped off from an electric locomotive and went to the wooden two-storeyed building. I walked upstairs on the second floor. Opens a door. Holds a sledge hammer on a shoulder. At a table the elderly gray-haired man in a black railway form that – that writes
– What here you have a father?
At Ivan Ivanovich points slowly rise by a forehead, hair bristled.
– Guard!
Ivan Ivanovich runs about the room, tries to open windows, anything it is impossible. I took three detours. At last – that one frame opens, he jumps out in a window.
Told well – tell Thanks that didn’t prosecute. Sent to depot the second category mechanic with a salary 70 rubles a month. Shame. Houses scandal.
Shurik – We will establish you a salary of 300 rubles a month, plus a dry ration. I agree?
Valery (shouts) – Yes, children, of course!