Читать книгу Deadly Christmas Duty - Virginia Vaughan - Страница 8


Anxiety exploded into full-on panic.

The fear of plunging into the water had forced her to relive that long-ago night of terror. But she’d made it out that night, and it had been seven years with no sign of her husband. And no indication he’d ever made it out of that lake alive.

How could she explain this to Noah? No one could know the truth.

She didn’t hear the roaring sound until headlights bore down on her. She screamed and ran, but the vehicle kept coming, as if calling her name.

I’m coming for you, Melinda. I’m coming for you.

Only when the crowd approached did the car turn and roar down the road.

Noah reached her and she fell into his arms. “I heard you scream. What happened?”

Panic morphed into tears and she clung to him. “He tried to run me down.”


All she knew was that whoever was after her wasn’t giving up. Not until he killed her.

Deadly Christmas Duty

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