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Dear Reader,

Does it ever seem to you that the bad people of the world get a pass and justice is never served? Sometimes it feels that way to me, and this is the very issue Noah is fighting with throughout the story. All he wants is justice for his sister, but it seems to elude him. He’s disillusioned by all the evil and chaos he’s seen and wondering how a good God can allow it.

But as Noah learns, we must have faith. We have a God who is always on His throne. He doesn’t sleep. He’s never absent. And He doesn’t have to wonder whether or not someone is guilty of evil deeds. He doesn’t need to collect evidence or proof. He knows. He sees into the hearts of men and gives justice to those who have been wronged. Sometimes, like Noah, we get to see justice done in our lifetimes, but we must never despair that God is the ultimate judge and His justice will always prevail.

Thank you for joining me for Noah and Melinda’s story. I love hearing from my readers. You can connect with me on my website, virginiavaughanonline.com, or at Facebook.com/ginvaughanbooks.



Deadly Christmas Duty

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