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Western Zhou
ОглавлениеWestern Zhou Civilization existed from the 12th to the 8th century BC. The center of this state was in what is now Shaanxi province. Western Zhou occupied a vast territory. It was divided into regions and principalities, the rulers of which must be during special ceremonies bring gifts to Wang. These ceremonies had a great importance. Abnormal behavior and non-compliance during this ceremony is considered an insult.
As in Shang, in the Western Zhou flourished slavery. Slaves had no rights and often die quickly. Needing in new slaves, Wang made military campaigns and made from prisoners of war the new slaves. Criminals have become slaves. Criminals also became slaves. The legislation had prohibited the use of wine and hunting, marriage between relatives. Everyone was obliged to respect their parents. Five types of penalties were introduced for the 3000 crimes. Mosin – ink stamp on the face for 1000 crimes, yixing – nose cutting for 1000 crimes, feysin – leg amputation for 500 crimes, goonshin – castration for men, for women turning into slaves-hermits for 300 crimes, dapisin – cutting off the head of 200 crimes.
Ancestor worship has continued to develop in religion. Ancestor worship has continued to develop in religion. Deaths representatives of the ruling dynasty worshiped first. The priests and diviners controlled religion. The victims were brought to the memory of the deceased Wangs. Human sacrifice was abolished, replaced by a straw man. Also pets used as victims in small quantities.
A son of the last Shang ruler U Geng has saved lives. U Geng can provisionally to rule in his country. Shang was divided into three parts. The ruler of Zhou sat in every part. U Geng rebelled against Zhou, but he was defeated. U Geng was killed. All Shang aristocracy was in captivity. Two towns built for them far from the Shang. They settled there, as ordinary people.