Читать книгу Soldier And The Society Girl - Vivian Leiber - Страница 3


“If I’m going to do this, you have to play by my rules,” Derek said.

“Rule number one is we use first names. Rule number two is no getting emotional. This is just business. Nothing personal. Rule number three,” he said, sitting down beside Chessey, “I give you thirty days of my life. Not a second longer.”

Chessey drew in a sharp breath. Derek knew what she was thinking and he felt like a heel. She was thinking about their last kiss and whether she meant anything to him. He should explain.

He should tell her that she wasn’t the kind of woman who could have an affair and say goodbye without a whisper of regret. And she certainly wasn’t the kind of woman he could take home to live on a farm. And he wasn’t the kind of man who could kiss a woman and not want more. A lot more.

It was better, far better, not to start.

Soldier And The Society Girl

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