Читать книгу Soldier And The Society Girl - Vivian Leiber - Страница 7


Dear Reader,

Even with magazine and moisturizer labels exhorting me to defy my age or at least turn back the clock, I’ve always felt four hundred years too young. I’m meant for the days when a lady could turn to a knightly hero for protection, poetry...and passion.

But although I haven’t seen any armored knights traipsing through my neighborhood or dragon slayers in my local supermarket, I’m starting to wonder if I’m just the right age for heroes. After all, there are heroes all around us. Like the paramedic who popped the quarter out of my son’s throat, saving his life. Or the fireman who coaxed my elderly neighbor out of her house as its top floor burned. Or even the crossing guard who, day after day, makes sure that every child gets to school safely.

Silhouette is proudly honoring our modern-day American heroes, and I’m thrilled to be part of the celebration! My contribution to HE’S MY HERO! is Lieutenant Derek McKenna, a very traditional hero—he brought back his men alive from a dangerous mission overseas. But he’s not very traditional when he’s taking a gander at Chessey Banks Bailey’s slim showgirl legs or when he’s kissing her within an inch of her life in a Kentucky airfield, a State Department office or the White House!

Maybe I’m not so young. Maybe I could use a little of that moisturizer to defy my age. Maybe I was born at just the right time, the time of heroes in our own neighborhoods, heroes in our hometowns, Silhouette heroes. Open this book and meet Lieutenant Derek McKenna, a real hero. When you’ve finished the final Chapter, walk down the street where you live—you might just meet another!


Soldier And The Society Girl

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