Читать книгу The rich brain. How to help the brain run a wealth program - Vladimir S. Lavrov - Страница 4

Chapter 2. How much money do you lose each day by letting your brains be lazy?


I venture to incur the wrath of a mass of poor, but very proud people, but once again I have to admit: money is the result of the work of your own brains! The more efficient your brains are and the stronger your financial intelligence – the more money will go through you and settle in your wallet. The amount of money in your wallet always clearly indicates the real level of development of your financial intelligence. You can think to yourself that you are infinitely smart, talented, intellectually developed and happy. But do you live the life of your dreams? Are you satisfied with your standard of living? How much can you afford? Do you have enough money for everything?

Your brains are a powerful magnet for money! You can devise and implement millions of ways to make money if you want. But if you do not know how to use your brains, then you will have to constantly miss the opportunity and lose money. Maybe a million rubles a year. Or a billion rubles a day.

What do you think, how much money do you lose every day, letting your brains be lazy?

Poor and poorer people are often offended when they are told that their poverty is the result of the weakness of their own brains, and not the result of an insidious conspiracy of an ungrateful society. Poor and impoverished people prefer to think that someone else is to blame for their poverty. But other people, the state, laws and circumstances in fact do not have any significant impact on your financial situation! These are just excuses for your poor brain!

In fact, only the body that is in your head is responsible for how much money is in your wallet. But since the brains are very lazy and do not want to strain, they made you believe that someone else is to blame for your poverty, but not you. And you are undoubtedly smart! And talented! And most importantly, honest! But very underrated! Because the world is unfair! Especially in relation to you! Because you are smart! And talented! And most importantly – honest!

Listen to what your own brains are whispering to you. Which brain do you have more active: poor or rich?

Once, believing your poor brain, you calmed down, stopped developing your intellect and went to an unloved job in order to earn a living. Right? Exactly. It doesn’t matter if you now agree with this or not. It is important that at any time you have the opportunity to take control of your brains and make them work at full capacity. And if you do not, then at full capacity you will have to work yourself until the end of your life, exchanging your health and time of your life for a minimum wage and social guarantees.

Is such a life bad? Of course no! But is this really what you want? Are you completely satisfied with the level of your present life? And you have enough money for everything? And are you totally happy? If so, then your brains do their job well and do not need training. But if something does not suit you, if you want to live better than now and earn more than now, then it is time to start training your brains.

How it’s done? There are two main ways:

1. Find the 10 best books on finance and financial literacy, as well as the 10 best books with the memories of the richest and most successful people, carefully study them and learn the general patterns that allowed rich people to get rich. After which, on the basis of shredded literature, independently develop a system for developing financial intelligence for yourself and force yourself to regularly train your brains on your own system.

2. Find a mentor who understands money and can develop an individual step-by-step system for developing financial intelligence for you. This will allow you to pump your brains as quickly as possible, and also save you several years of life, which you are guaranteed to spend on an independent search, shoveling, sifting and assimilation of the information you are interested in.

In the first case, you save money, in the second – the time of your life. At the same time, while saving money, do not forget that without a mentor you can drown in annoying mistakes before you reach your cherished goal. And saving time, remember that a financial mentor can be dishonest and use your time and your money to their advantage, enriching yourself at your expense (especially if he is an active entrepreneur or works with a financial institution). Choose your mentor carefully. Do not trust the first financial advisor that has come across. Look for someone who can transform your thinking and teach you how to think like the richest and most successful people think! Or try it yourself! Fortunately, there are all the possibilities for this now.

Of course, nobody wants to train brains. Everyone thinks that they are already rational by nature, and the money themselves must jump into the wallet. But if you can overcome your laziness and force yourself to train your brains regularly, you can achieve amazing results. For example, start earning several times more than now. Or create several sources of passive income, thanks to which you no longer have to work on an unloved job. How do you like these results?

Think about how much you could earn if your brains worked more productively. Calculate how much money you lose every day, letting your brains be lazy! And draw conclusions!

The rich brain. How to help the brain run a wealth program

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