Читать книгу The Remnants - W. P. Osborn - Страница 11

Smith and Company


Smith stood at the bar, his back to the door nursing a pint of dark ale and sharing dirty stories with a pair of drunken teamsters. He’d set his gloves into his tall hat that was plunked carelessly on the corner of the bar in small hope of keeping them away from any spillage and rough housing. It had already been knocked flying twice and he’d become frustrated trying to protect it.

One of the teamsters, a large brutish man was holding court with a pair of his cronies who now surrounded Smith’s place at the bar. “They’d have to pay me a duke’s ransom to wear a bleedin’ ‘at like that,” he spat glaring at Smith directly.

“Now, Charlie, just think how clever you’d look all dolled up like wearing that beautiful tall hat with a big pink ribbon tied under yer chin.” All the men standing at the bar erupted in laughter when Charlie pulled the hat down tight around his ears while Smith struggled vainly to regain his composure. Just at that moment the two couples entered the pub and began to make their way to a small table near the windows.

“Ooo, now what have we ‘ere?” The big man muttered through his beer glass, “There’s a deluxe pair for ya, all dolled up and paraded about by a couple of pimply kids. Lovely… just lovely!”

With his two pals in tow and grinning ear-to-ear Big Charlie started his drunken weave across the floor toward the table. Danny had his back to them but Phil stood up before they reached the table.

“Thanks for the delivery boys. You’ve done a very fine job and now you can run along home,” Charlie snickered. “The rest of this business belongs to us men,” he belched and pulled to a stop behind Danny’s chair. Danny stood up slowly and turned to face him just as Phil stepped forward to confront the big man.

“Funny, I was just thinkin’ you might want to head home in time for your nap there grandpa,” Phil glowered, “while you can still walk.” “You must be lookin’ to die, boy,” Charlie snarled, “I’ll bust you up for fuckin’ kindlin’ if you don’t leave now.”

“Not bloody likely,” Phil retorted, “and you watch yer mouth in front of these ladies or you’ll have to leave.”

Danny took another step sideways and slowly wrapped his hand around two spindles of the back of his chair.

“Well, that’s it then Charlie, we’ve been warned so I guess we’d better leave,” his skinny pal sneered behind his ear.

“Oh, no we ain’t leavin’ but you two are and right now. One way or another!”

“That’s quite alright gentlemen, we were just on our way,” Rose pronounced as she stood and took Danny’s arm. “We have an appointment at the constables’ office. Come along, darling, we mustn’t keep Sergeant Collins waiting.”

“This must be yer lucky day,” the skinny man mumbled, “we was just about to call you an ambulance.”

Danny kept his eyes locked on the big man and turned slowly as Rose began to pull him back toward the door. Phil followed quietly behind with Maggie, pushing the back of his shoulders. She glanced up just in time to see Smith’s boozy scowl.

* * *

The Remnants

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