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The Remnants


W.P. Osborn

This work is offered as a tribute to

the lives of my maternal grandparents

Daniel and Annie Pulbrook

of Hespler, Ontario.

-W.P. Osborn-

Copyright 2016 W. P. Osborn

All rights reserved

Published in eBook format by eBookIt.com


ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-2318-0

Copyright Notification:

Be advised that “The Remnants” is a unique and original work that was entirely conceived, envisioned, developed, authored and written by Paul Osborn. The author explicitly reserves any and all rights and properties that pertain to and flow from this original work in whatever form from any and all media or platforms.

“The Remnants” may not be copied, altered or versioned, transcribed, published, recorded, produced or reproduced in whole or in part in any form without the express written consent of the author is strictly prohibited. Any violation of these rights and properties and will be vigorously pursued in accordance with the law.

Cover art by Alan Chan

“The Remnants” is the story of a time of great change in the world. While the last vestiges of Victorian England began to shudder across the empire, a young couple sought to escape the tyranny of a classed society and fulfill their dreams abroad. Danny and Rose began their great odyssey already scarred by British justice yet remained oblivious to the ordeals ahead of them. Destiny would not be kind to them, offering only a brief interval of quiet bliss followed closely by years of separation, anguish and pain.

Danny is a rebellious young man who became hopelessly snared in an impossible personal conflict. The illegitimate son of a housemaid and minor royal he was raised in an Anglican Church orphanage where his cruel guardians had condemned all such bastards to ‘a life of pre-ordained oblivion’. Troubled and afraid, he openly challenges every vestige of his miserable life, in a search for a path to survival and hope.

Rose is a young housemaid trapped in a family heritage of service in a vice-regal household. She longs to be free from the grinding oppression of her class and pins her dreams on a new life abroad with Danny. When a staggering event intervenes Danny must choose between a bold escape and his commitment to Rose, a spontaneous decision that will define the rest of their lives together.

After a prolonged period of separation their enduring devotion finally affords a harrowing escape to Canada but the devastation of the Great War and Vimy Ridge come to challenge the very core of that fidelity. Theirs is a remarkable story - a chronicle of passion, betrayal and redemption. In the end it leaves them with little more to hold on to than the remnants of their dreams.

The Remnants

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