Читать книгу Elocution Simplified - Walter K. Fobes - Страница 11



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The neck movements are necessary, because many of the disagreeable qualities of the voice are due to inelasticity of the muscles of the neck. The movements are in the same directions as for the body.

1. Bend forward and back.

2. Bend right and left.

3. Turn right and left.

It is not necessary to describe them at length: but, in bending right and left, be careful to keep the head from bending slightly backward or forward at the same time; and, in the turning of head, keep it erect.

Note.—This completes the physical gymnastics. Practise them until the purpose for which they are intended has been accomplished, and afterwards occasionally, to keep what you have gained. Take each exercise two or three times in succession. When thoroughly learned, this will not take more than five minutes. Practise them five minutes at morning and night.

Elocution Simplified

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