Читать книгу The Changing Face of Sex - Wayne P. Anderson PhD - Страница 29

Sex research


For years, masturbation was seen as a practice that would lead to mental illness,physical disabilities and the wasting of precious body fluids.Our coach in the seventh grade had given us what turned out to be the standard lecture on the dangers of this horrible practice, including the message that adultery was a rare occurrence and no decent woman had sex before marriage. Laws still treated both premarital sex and adultery as criminal acts for which you could be arrested.It was some time before these were removed from the law books.

Then came Alfred Kinsey’s books, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male in 1948 and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female in 1953. That put a whole new face on what people really did behind closed doors. Although some of his data was debatable because of whom he chose or had available to interview, the general nature of his results changed attitudes as to what reality was when it came to what people were doing sexually.

Right on the cusp of the change in sexual behavior in 1966 came the Masters and Johnson report on Human Sexual Response. While almost too dull to read, it demonstrated the capacity of women to enjoy sex and opened the door to experimentation on how women could achieve orgasm. This was followed by their 1970 book on Human Sexual Inadequacy that was soon a standard on the desks of all therapists working with sexual problems of their clients.

The Changing Face of Sex

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