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Sexually explicit films


At my training at both the Kinsey Institute and Masters and Johnson workshops I was exposed to sexually explicit films (pornography). At the university we also had some professionally made films to use in our training of physicians. These films were not widely available to the general public although men’s clubs sometimes showed pornographic films.

Over time these films have become readily available in sex shops and more recently over the Internet. Students in both my sex class and a criminal justice course I teach have described the kinds of pornography readily available to anyone over the Internet. These films may have some educational value and allow an outlet for exploration of new sexual behavior. On the other hand, I suspect the films can create self-confidence issues in the viewers, both men and women. They can also lead to unrealistic expectations. These films can also lead to desensitization to some of the more abnormal aspects of sex.The mindset seems to be,“If you aren’t doing it, you’re not really tuned in.”

The Changing Face of Sex

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