Читать книгу The Law of Higher Education - William A. Kaplin - Страница 28
Оглавление1 1 For resources on elementary/secondary education, see Victoria Dodd, Practical Education Law for the Twenty-First Century, (2d ed., Carolina Academic Press, 2010); Ronna Greff Schneider, Education Law: First Amendment, Due Process and Discrimination Litigation (Thomson/West, 2004); and William Valente & Christina Valente, Law in the Schools (6th ed., Prentice-Hall, 2004).
2 2 Faculty members also have legal relationships with other faculty members, as students do with other students, and as officers, administrators, and staff members do with other officers, administrators, and staff. These additional secondary relationships are not depicted in Figure I.3. For an illustrative discussion of student-to-student relationships, see Section 7.1.5 of this book.