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Mark 2:21–2

No one sews a patch of new cloth on to an old garment. If he does the bit that was meant to fill in the hole tears it apart – the new from the old – and the tear is made worse. No one puts new wine into old wine skins. If he does the wine will burst the wine skins, and the wine will be lost as well as the wine skins. New skins for new wine!

JESUS knew quite well that he was coming with a message which was startlingly new; and he also knew that his way of life was shatteringly different from that of the orthodox Rabbinic teacher. He also knew how difficult it is for human minds to accept and to entertain new truth; and here he uses two illustrations to show how necessary it is to have an adventurous mind.

No one ever had such a gift as Jesus for the discovery and the use of homely illustrations. Over and over again he finds in the simple things pathways and pointers to God. No one was ever such an expert in getting from the ‘here and now’ to the ‘there and then’. For Jesus, ‘earth was crammed with heaven’. He lived so close to God that everything spoke to him of God. Someone tells how, on Saturday afternoons, he used to go for country walks with one of the most famous of Scottish preachers. They used to have long talks together. Telling of it afterwards he said, ‘Wherever the conversation started, he had a way of cutting straight across country to God.’ Wherever Jesus’ gaze fell, it had a way of flashing straight on to God.

(1) He speaks of the danger of sewing a new patch on an old garment. The word used means that the new cloth was still undressed; it had never been shrunk; so when the garment got wet in the rain the new patch shrank, and being much stronger than the old, it tore the old apart. There comes a time when the day of patching is over, and re-creating must begin. In the time of Martin Luther, it was not possible to patch up the abuses of the Roman Catholic Church; the time for reformation had come. In the time of John Wesley, for Wesley at least, the time for patching the Church of England was done. He did not want to leave it, but in the end he had to, for only a new fellowship would suffice. It may well be that there are times when we try to patch, when what is wanted is the complete abandonment of the old and the acceptance of something new.

(2) Wine was kept in wine skins. There was no such thing as a bottle in our sense of the term. When these skins were new they had a certain elasticity; as they grew old they became hard and unyielding. New wine is still fermenting; it gives off gases; these gases cause pressure; if the skin is new it will yield to the pressure, but if it is old and hard and dry it will explode, and wine and skin alike will be lost. Jesus is pleading for a certain elasticity in our minds. It is fatally easy to become set in our ways. J. A. Findlay, the Principal of Didsbury Methodist College in Manchester, quotes a saying of one of his friends – ‘When you reach a conclusion you’re dead.’ What he meant was that when our minds become fixed and settled in their ways, when they are quite unable to accept new truth and to contemplate new ways, we may be physically alive but we are mentally dead.

As they grow older almost everyone develops a constitutional dislike of that which is new and unfamiliar. We grow very unwilling to make any adjustments in our habits and ways of life. Lesslie Newbigin, who was involved in the discussions about the formation of the United Church of South India, tells how one of the things that most often held things up was that people kept asking, ‘Now, if we do that, just where are we going?’ In the end someone had to say bluntly, ‘Christians have no right to ask where they are going.’ Abraham went out not knowing whither he went (Hebrews 11:8). There is a great verse in that same chapter of Hebrews: ‘By faith Jacob, when dying, blessed each of the sons of Joseph “bowing in worship over the top of his staff” ’ (Hebrews 11:21). With the very breath of death upon him, the old traveller still had his pilgrim staff in his hand. To the end of the day, with the evening now upon him, he was still ready for the road. If we are really to rise to the height of the Christian challenge, we must retain the adventurous mind. I received a letter once which ended, ‘Yours aged 83 and still growing’ – and with the inexhaustible riches of Christ before us, why not?

New Daily Study Bible: The Gospel of Mark

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