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Table of Contents

P. 23, Reference, for Appendix I. No I. read No II.
24, for Appendix I. No II. read No III.
30, for Rogii read Kogii.
46, for Riksa read Kiska.
96, for Korovin read Korelin.
186, Note—for Tobob read Tobol.
154, Note—Line 2, after handpauken omitted von verschiedenen Klang.
119, for Saktunk read Saktunak.
134, Line 6, for were read was.
188, l. 16. for pretection read protection.
190, l. 5. for nor read not.
195, for Sungur read Sirgut.
225, l. 13. read other has an.
226, for harlbadeers read halberdiers.
234, Note—line 3, dele See hereafter, p. 242.
246, for Marym read Narym.
256, Note—for called by Linnæus Lutra Marina read Lutra Marina, called by Linnæus Mustela Lutris, &c.
257, Line 5, for made of the bone, &c. read made of bone, or the stalk, &c.
278, Note 2—line 2, for Corbus read Corvus.
324, Note—line 4, dele was.
313, Note—line 3, dele that.
Ibid. Note—line 10, "I should not" &c. is a separate note, and relates to the extract in the text beginning "In 1648," &c.

Omitted in the ERRATA.

P. 242. l. 9. r. 18, 215.
l. 11. r. 1, 383, 621. 35.
Account of the Russian Discoveries between Asia and America

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