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Explanation of some Russian words made use of in the following work.


Table of Contents

Baidar, a small boat. Guba, a bay. Kamen, a rock. Kotche, a vessel. Krepost, a regular fortress. Noss, a cape. Ostrog, a fortress surrounded with palisadoes. Ostroff, an island. Ostrova, islands. Quass, a sort of fermented liquor. Reka, a river.

The Russians, in their proper names of persons, make use of patronymics; these patronymics are formed in some cases by adding Vitch to the christian name of the father; in others Off or Eff: the former termination is applied only to persons of condition; the latter to those of an inferior rank. As, for instance,

Among persons of condition Ivan Ivanovitch, } Ivan the son of Ivan.
of inferior rank, Ivan Ivanoff
Michael Alexievitch, } Michael the son of Alexèy.
Michael Alexeeff,
Sometimes a surname is added, Ivan Ivanovitch Romanoff.
Account of the Russian Discoveries between Asia and America

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