1 | S. Justin, Martyr. |
2 | SS. Marcellinus and Peter, MM. |
3 | S. Comegen, Bishop of Glendaloch. S. Cecilius, Conf. |
4 | S. Petrocus, Confessor. SS. Breaca, &c. Virgs. S. Francis Caracciolo, Confessor. |
5 | S. Boniface, B. and M. |
6 | † S. Norbert, B. and C. S. Coca, Virgin. |
7 | S. Colman, Bishop of Dromore, Conf. |
8 | S. Syra, V. S. Bronius, Bishop, Cuil-ira. S. Medard, Bp. and C. |
9 | S. Columba, Ab. SS. Primus and Felican, Martyrs. |
10 | S. Margaret, Queen of Scotland, Widow. |
11 | S. Barnabas, Apostle. S. Mectalus, Bishop, |
12 | S. John of Sahagun, C. and SS. Basilides, Cyras, &c. MM. |
13 | S. Anthony of Padua, C. S. Macnisius, Ab. |
14 | S. Basil the Great, Bp. and Conf. |
15 | SS. Vitus, Crescentia, and Modestus, MM. |
16 | S. John Francis Regis, Confessor. |
17 | SS. Nicander, &c. MM. |
18 | SS. Marcus and Marcellinus, MM. |
19 | † S. Juliana Falconieri, Virgin. SS. Gervasius and Protasius, MM. |
20 | S. Silverius, Pope and M. S. Gobain, Virgin. |
21 | S. Aloysius Gonzaga, C. |
22 | S. Paulinus, Bp. and C. |
23 | S. Etheldreda, V. and M. Vigil. |
24 | Nativity of S. John Baptist, with an Oct. |
25 | † S. William, Ab. |
26 | SS. John and Paul, Martyrs. |
27 | S. Ladislas, King and C. |
28 | S. Leo II. Pope and C. Vigil. Fast. |
29 | SS. Peter and Paul, Apostles, with an Oct. |
30 | Commemoration of S. Paul, Ap. |