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Visit, we beseech thee, O Lord, this habitation, and drive away from it all the snares of the enemy; let thy holy angels dwell therein to preserve us in peace; and may thy blessing be upon us for ever; through Christ our Lord. Amen.

May the divine assistance remain always with us. Amen.

Before you go to bed, read a chapter in some spiritual book. Resolve within yourself on the subject of the next morning's meditation, which may be found amongst the "Pious Reflections for every Day in the Month," and think upon it while you are undressing. When you compose yourself in bed, think on your grave, and how soon death, of which sleep is an image, will be with you; and what your sentiments will then be of all worldly vanities. Offer up your sleep to God, submitting it with a pure intention to his holy will; that by this repose of nature you may recover new vigour of mind and body to serve him. Wish that every breath you are to draw this night, may be so many acts of praise and love of the divine Majesty, like the happy breathings of the angels and saints, who never sleep; and so compose yourself to rest in the arms of your Saviour.

If you awake in the night, renew the offering of yourself to God, saying:

"My soul hath desired thee in the night."

Isaiah, xxvi. 9.

Into thy hands, O Lord, I recommend my spirit: Lord Jesus, receive my soul, &c.

The Complete Manual of Catholic Piety

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