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On The Mass.
ОглавлениеOf all the duties prescribed by our holy religion, the Sacrifice of the Mass is that which is most pleasing to God, and most salutary to man. Here it is that Jesus Christ renews the great mystery of our redemption; here doth he make himself our victim in a real, though unbloody sacrifice, and in person applieth to each of us the merits of that blood, which, hanging on a cross, he was pleased to shed for mankind. This should give us the most sublime idea of the Mass, and make us desire to hear it with the utmost reverence and devotion; for to assist at it irreverently, or without putting a proper restraint on our eyes and our whole exterior, is to dishonour religion, and renew, as far as in us lies, the insults he received on Mount Calvary. To avoid then so great an evil, let us always come to this august sacrifice with the most earnest devotion; let us enter into the spirit of Christ; let us offer ourselves up with him, and as he does; let the church, as we enter it, strike us with awe; let our modesty and recollection be uninterrupted from the beginning to the end thereof; let our hearts, thoughts, and imaginations be, as it were, buried in God, and the interests of our souls.
The Practical Reflections (in small letter) at the head of each prayer, may help to excite our attention.
The Acts of Faith, Hope, and Charity, usually read on Sundays and Holidays, before Mass, may be found in page 30.
O merciful Father, who didst so love the world as to give up thy only Son to death, even the death of the cross, for our redemption; vouchsafe, through his infinite merits, to accept in our behalf the most holy Sacrifice of the Mass, in the offering of which we are about to participate. We approach thy throne, O Lord, with humble but firm hope, when we remember that we have the price of the world's redemption to lay before thee. That price has been paid by the death of thy ever blessed Son; and among the wondrous means which he has provided for applying the fruits thereof to our souls, we contemplate, with especial gratitude, that enduring memorial of his love, which he instituted at his last supper, whereby he enables us not only to possess within us; in the divine Communion, the very Author of grace, the Victim of propitiation, who died for us on the cross, but also to present him anew to thy acceptance, really present on our altar, as our Advocate and Mediator, through the ministry of his Priests, in the adorable Sacrifice of the Mass.
At this adorable Sacrifice we are now assembled to assist. O Lord, look upon the face of thy Christ; and grant, that while we unite with thy holy Church and its Minister, in offering him before the throne of thy mercy, for all the purposes for which he once shed his most precious blood, we may be made partakers of the one all-atoning sacrifice which he consummated on Calvary.
Bowing down, therefore, in humble adoration, before thy sovereign Majesty, we now offer the most holy Sacrifice of the Mass to thy honour and glory, to acknowledge thy infinite perfections, thy supreme dominion over all thy creatures, our entire subjection to thee, and our total dependance on thy gracious providence.
We offer it to thee in thanksgiving for having created us to thine own image, and destined us for eternal glory; for having redeemed us from the slavery of Satan by the precious blood of thy divine Son; for having called us to the true faith; assisted us by thy graces; borne with our ingratitude; watched over us by thy special providence; blessed us, notwithstanding our utter unworthiness, with the continuance of thy gracious protection; and for all the other innumerable favours which we owe to thy undeserved bounty.
We offer it to move thee to compassion for our spiritual miseries, that thou mayest grant us the gift of compunction and the pardon of our sins.
We offer it for the propagation of the Catholic Faith, that all may be brought into the one fold under the one shepherd; for our most holy Father the Pope, that the spirit of wisdom, and fortitude, and piety, may rest upon him; for our Prelate, and for all the Pastors and Clergy of thy holy Church, that they may direct the faithful in the way of salvation; for the Queen, and for all who are in high station, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life; for concord and good will among all states and people; for the necessities of mankind; for the inhabitants of this parish, particularly for the congregation here present; and to obtain all the blessings that we stand in need of in this life, the happiness of heaven in the next, and eternal rest to the faithful departed.
And as Jesus Christ so ordained, when he instituted at his last supper this wonderful mystery of his power, wisdom, and goodness, we offer the Mass in grateful remembrance of all that he has done and suffered for the love of us, making special commemoration of his bitter passion and death, and of his glorious resurrection and ascension into heaven. Vouchsafe, O almighty and eternal God, to whom alone the supreme worship of sacrifice is due, graciously to accept it for these and all other purposes agreeable to thy holy will. We offer it, not confiding in any merits of our own— we offer it through the merits of the same Jesus Christ, thy beloved Son, our High Priest and Victim, and in the name of the most holy Trinity, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost; to whom be honour, praise, and glory, for ever and ever.
O all ye Angels and Saints who stand before the throne of God, vouchsafe to join in our humble supplications; and thou, above all, O ever blessed Virgin, immaculate mother of God our Saviour, assist us with thy prayers. We know that thou art near to that most loving Son, through whom only we can find access to the throne of grace, and who will refuse thee nothing, that through his infinite merits thou wilt deign to solicit for us. At thy suggestion he wrought the stupendous miracle of changing water into wine. Oh then, beseech him, by all that he has suffered for our salvation, that the still more wondrous prodigy which he is about to perform on our altar, may not, through our unworthiness, be unprofitable to us; that he may move us to assist at it with the deepest awe, the firmest confidence, and the most ardent love; that it may thus ascend in the odour of sweetness to the throne of mercy in our behalf, to be to us an unfailing source of grace here, and a pledge of eternal life hereafter. Amen.