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As A Sacrifice Of Thanksgiving.


Vouchsafe, O most bountiful Lord God, to receive this precious victim in thanksgiving for all thy benefits. Thou hast created me to thine own image and likeness, and if thy all-powerful hand had not continued to preserve the slender thread of my life, I must ere now have fallen back into my original nothing. For my sake thou didst abandon thy beloved Son to the cruelty of the Jews, and to an ignominious death; nor doth a single moment of my existence pass away without fresh proofs of thy bounty. O that I could, in some degree, acknowledge those thy innumerable favours, even at the price of my blood; but the offering I here make thee is infinitely more acceptable; it is nothing less than thy beloved Son, equal to thee in all things, the very figure of thy substance, and splendour of thy glory.

The Complete Manual of Catholic Piety

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