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As A Sacrifice Of Impetration.


O God of infinite bounty, be pleased now to crown all the favours thou hast hitherto conferred on me, by the gifts of a lively faith, a firm hope, and an ardent charity. Bless all my labours and undertakings. Give me an intuitive knowledge of thy holy will, and an unshaken resolution to put it into execution. Grant me perseverance in thy grace to the end of my life. Have mercy on the souls of the faithful departed, particularly on those for whom I am in a more especial manner bound to pray. [Name them.] Deliver them, O Lord, from all their sufferings, and admit them into the mansions of everlasting bliss: through the infinite merits of Christ Jesus, thy only Son, who liveth, &c. Amen.

The Complete Manual of Catholic Piety

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