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Thirty years ago I was toiling in one of the large cities of Wisconsin, U.S.A., second in command of a road building company.

My chief was a young man of my own age, as fat as a match and measuring six feet two inches in his nightie (in those days pyjamas were not standard equipment for roadbuilders). This young man was a down east Yankee of, I think, the Mayflower extraction, with a strong belief and hope that the U.S.A. would finally float the Stars and Stripes from the North Pole to Panama. Now, while I respected him muchly for his many charming qualities of head and heart, we, nevertheless, used to split hard and fast on the Yankee flag proposition ever floating over Canada, for, be it known, I was a "Canuck" born of Scotch and English parents: on my mother's side descended from those fighting warrior Normans whom William the Conqueror led into Britain, and on my father's, from the lowland Scotch who always were bonnie fighters, wherever the cause was good—or where they thought it was, which was the same thing to them.

I had a strong working belief—namely, that the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic people, headed by John Bull and Brother Jonathan, were God's chosen people Israel, with whom He was going to subdue the heathen and whom He was using as His battle-axe and as His weapons of war to bring about His Kingdom on earth, according to Jeremiah li. 20:

Thou [Israel] art my battle axe and weapons of war: for with thee will I break in pieces the nations, and with thee will I destroy kingdoms [in and through Israel should His Kingdom be manifest on earth].

These peoples were to be invincible in war. Their mission was to free the slaves and the oppressed, to bind up the broken, to break every yoke, to keep God's laws, to carry the Gospel to the heathen, to settle the waste places of the earth, etc., and in this way make manifest God's Kingdom right in Britain, the U.S.A., and the other Anglo-Saxon nations.

Ferrar Fenton's Version in modern English of Isaiah lviii. 6 and 7 reads:

Is not this the Fast I approve?—

To free those who are wrongfully bound?

And to loosen your slaves from their yoke?

And to seek out and free the oppressed?

And that you should remove every wrong?

And to give to the famishing food?

And poor wanderers to bring to your home?

And those whom you see naked to clothe?

And to hide not yourself from your kind?

I had been inoculated with this belief in 1882 and it had what the doctors would call a good take; but, unlike the measles, flu and a few other odds and ends that have come my way before and since and left me none the worse for their visits, this Anglo-Saxon-Celtic invasion of microbes in my system has grown until now I believe if I was scratched anywhere, I would ooze Bible prophecies concerning Israel and her future.

When my slim chief talked about God's country (the U.S.A.), I agreed that it really was God's country and belaboured him with what the prophets said about the U.S.A. I furthermore gave him books on the subject printed in 1879, which, by the way, predicted the taking of Egypt;—as was accomplished in 1882—also the taking of Palestine, by Ephraim Israel (England) "doing in" Edom (Turkey); the absolute break-up of Russia; and many other things that were based on the Saxon-Celtic people fitting into the scheme as God's chosen people Israel—Israel later being divided into two separate Hebrew nations: Judah with Benjamin, and Levi and the other ten tribes forming the nation Israel, which was lost to most historians.

Times change; and men with them. My early chief drifted to that big city of skyscrapers—New York—and became the father of a lovely family of boys and girls, covered his bones with numerous layers of surplus tissue until a two hundred pound scale would not scale him, and the war found him general manager of one of the big American trusts, turning out munitions at a rate to surfeit his shareholders with British and French gold taken in exchange for materials for the stuffing of high explosive shells, etc.

One day in the spring of 1918, in a war-ridden section of France, my batman brought to my billet a letter that I at once recognized as the handwriting of my boss of about thirty years before. Congratulating me on my work, he wound up his epistle by asking how the war fitted into the ideas that I used to bethump him with in the early 'nineties. What did I think would be the outcome of the war? In replying, I pointed out that when we had been duly punished for our national sins, we were as certain to win through as the sun was to rise. Israel was told that when they obeyed not God's commandments and God's laws they would be punished. And how would they be punished? With the stripes of men. By the Assyrian coming down on them like a wolf on the fold. The Assyrians took Israel captive starting in the year 741 B.C. and finishing in the year 676 B.C., thereby fulfilling what the prophet Isaiah had predicted—that in seventy-five years Ephraim should be broken and not a people. They were scattered among the Assyrians across the Euphrates. At that time the Assyrians cut down Israel's vines and fruit trees, a thing forbidden in the Bible. Prussia is modern Assyria, and when the Huns retired to the Hindenburg line in the spring of 1917, they ran true to type. In the Bapaume sector they cut down every vine and fruit tree in every French garden for fifty miles, and many of these trees came out in bloom weeks later as they lay murdered on the ground. It was a pitiful sight. Wilfully to saw down fruit trees that were of no use to them or to us was fouling the usages of war. But Germany was out to maim France for life, and their poisoning wells and murdering fruit trees was a small item in the long list of barbarities and wilful premeditated destructions.

Though at the time of writing to my friend we had been driven back on Amiens and "had our backs to the wall," I wrote that when we had received our due punishment for our neglect to clean up Turkey for their slaughtering of the Armenians in Gladstone's time! for our neglect to fulfil our word to help Denmark when Germany stole Schleswig-Holstein from her; for our neglect to help France in 1870; for our other national sins; and for our neglect of God; then we would win through because we are the everlasting kingdom, the Kingdom of Israel, spoken of by Jeremiah the prophet.

For I am with thee [Israel], saith the Lord, to save thee: though I make a full end of all nations whither I have scattered thee, yet will I not make a full end of thee: but I will correct thee in measure, and will not leave thee altogether unpunished. (Jer. xxx. 11, also by the Prophet Daniel, chapter ii.).

I had promised my wife in June, 1918, to eat Christmas dinner, 1918, with her and the kiddies in Canada with the war all over, and I ventured the opinion to my friend that we would be likely to have Germany licked by August, 1918.

The newspapers of my home town published this opinion in June of 1918, because the real soldiers on the British staffs then said we were in for two more years of war.

The mills of God grind slowly, but they grind exceeding sure. Doubtless Britain thought she was saving lives by not cleaning up the "Sick Man of Europe" when all Christendom cried out at the Armenian murders of that day. But what was the direct result of saving the Turks? The hundreds of thousands of British and their Allies killed and wounded at Kut, Gallipoli, etc., by Turkey. If Britain had performed her national duty then, there would have been no Vigorous Turkey to assist Germany in 1914. What did it cost Britain for this national political weakness in wounded, in lives lost, and treasure spent during those five awful years of carnage in Europe's cockpit—Flanders and Northern France? If Germany had not been allowed to take Schleswig-Holstein and had not been given Heligoland (given to Britain by the Creator as a waste place); there would have been no Kiel Canal; and if, in addition, Germany had not been allowed to overrun France in 1870, this last war would have been finished in perhaps six months or a year. I believe it pays nations as well as business men to do the right thing at the right time.

God gave Israel a world commission down through the ages, to break every yoke and lift every burden. But the United States section of Israel broke this law of God by placing yokes on negro men and women and making them slaves? With what result? Did they get away with it? For a time, just as Britain did with saving Turkey; but the mills of God were grinding out His judgment on this section of His chosen people, and that wrong had to be righted. How? Again by the stripes of men, South against North, and your President Lincoln finally said: "Slavery must be and will be abolished and these United States will not be divided in twain, half enslaved and half free."

When the tribe of Manasseh, U.S.A., were in Canaan, they were in two parts, as divided by Joshua: east of the Jordan and west of the Jordan. It is coincident that, when they were in America, 2,500 years later, the Dixie line divided them again into two parts, North and South.

God raised up Moses to unite and lead the united states or tribes of Israel out of bondage in Egypt. So, I believe, did He raise up Abraham Lincoln, Man of God, born of Puritan stock from Britain, the great leader of Manasseh, the United States of America—that "great people" the prophets had predicted they were to become. With what wise and far-seeing judgment did Lincoln work towards unity, to win the war and establish peace!

Read John Wesley Hill's Abraham Lincoln, Man of God, if you desire to know how like Moses he was in leading the American children of Israel through their trials and tribulations toward peace and unity.

Lincoln quotations herein are all taken from Mr. Hill's book. If ever a man placed reliance on God for actual everyday performance right on American soil, in answer to prayer, that man was your martyred President, Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln believed that God answered prayer for the United States; and after the bitter disappointments and agonies of the dark days of 1863, after Fredericksburg had fallen, when treason stalked through the land, he issued the following proclamation, March 30th, 1863:

Whereas, the Senate of the United States, devoutly recognizing the supreme authority and just government of Almighty God in all the affairs of men and nations, has by a resolution requested the President to designate and set apart a day for National prayer and humiliation, and whereas, it is the duty of Nations as well as of men to own their dependence upon the overruling power of God, to confess their sins and transgression in humble sorrow, yet with assured hope that genuine repentance will lead to mercy and pardon, and to recognize the sublime truth announced in the Holy Scriptures and proven by all history. "That those Nations only are blessed whose God is the Lord."

And, inasmuch as we know that by His divine law nations, like individuals, are subjected to punishments and chastisements in this world, may we not justly fear that the awful calamity of civil war which now desolates the land may be but a punishment inflicted upon us for our presumptuous sins to the needful end of our National reformation as a whole people!

We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of heaven; we have been preserved these many years in peace and prosperity; we have grown in number, wealth and power as no other Nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God.

We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us, and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God Who made us. It behoves us, then, to humble ourselves before the offended power, to confess our National sins, and to pray for clemency and forgiveness.

Now, therefore, in compliance with the request, and fully concurring in the views of the Senate, I do by this my proclamation designate and set apart Thursday, the 30th day of April, 1863, as a day of National humiliation, to abstain on that day from their ordinary secular pursuits, and to unite in their several places of public worship and devoted to the humble discharge of the religious duties proper to that solemn occasion.

All this being done in sincerity and truth, let us then rest humbly in the hope authorized by the divine teachings, that the united cry of the Nation will be heard on high and answered with blessings no less than the pardon of our National sins and the restoration of our now divided and suffering country to its former happy condition of unity and peace.

These prayers of a nation and of its President were answered. And Lincoln took many, many occasions to unite the nation in thanksgiving to the Almighty for the success brought to their arms.

May 9th, 1864, when General Grant was pounding Lee's army with artillery and infantry attacks and following the bloody battles of the Wilderness, Lincoln issued the following:

To the friends of Union and Liberty: Enough is known of army operations within the last five days, to claim a special gratitude to God, while what remains undone demands our most sincere prayer to and reliance upon Him, without Whom all our efforts are in vain. I recommend that all patriots at their homes, in their place of public worship, and wherever they may be, unite in common thanksgiving and prayer to Almighty God.

Lincoln fully believed that the Creator was keeping watch over the Republic, and Lincoln was right; God had promised His people Israel that He would be with them wherever they went, and when they sought Him, they would surely find Him. "Yielding and accommodating in non-essentials, Lincoln was inflexibly firm on a principle or position deliberately taken."

"Let us have faith that Right makes Might," he said, "and in that faith let us to the end dare to do our duty as we understand it."

Lincoln was called to see that God's law was carried out in the country selected by the Creator for the thirteenth tribe of Israel (Manasseh) to inhabit. He strove for unity and God's law, and that His command to break every yoke and lift every burden should become the law of the United States from the northernmost point in the North to the southern end of the South.

What did it cost the U.S.A. for not knowing their identity and God's plan for running this new world, of which we are the heirs? The Encyclopædia Britannica puts the Union losses in killed at 359,528 men, the losses of the South as many, and in addition over 280,000 in the North and South died in a few years as a result of wounds, hardships, etc. That is, roughly, one million of your finest men killed, and by 1879, it had cost your Government in cash, including pensions, $6,190,000,000. "Who is blind, but my servant [Israel]?"

Where is the financier to-day who would think that investment in slaves turned out to be a paying proposition? Yet, Americans to-day are making similar investments that will all have to be paid for by the lives of your choicest men and by billions of money, because you are blind to your identity, and to the Creator's plan for your national guidance; and, as a nation, your elected representatives are breaking God's divine commands, and your children and mine will pay in full measure for your neglect and my neglect for not seeing that our representatives carry out the Creator's commission, given to His people Israel, for we Celto-Saxons are Israel plus all believers who accept Christ and so are grafted into Israel's vine.

When I see some of our enthusiastic people who so firmly believe in the League of Nations as a guarantee against war, I turn me to the greatest history (His-story, God's story) of the greatest people the world has ever possessed, Israel, and I find "Armageddon" is yet to be fought; and ere it is fought, comes a time of trouble, such a time of trouble as the world has never seen before, nor ever will see, "the time of Jacob's trouble"—and we British and Yanks are all of Jacob's seed. But at the end we shall finally be saved out of it.

The allwise Creator laid down His plan through the mouths of His prophets and later through His Son, our Lord, for the handling of all world problems by His executive nation Israel, whom Christ came to redeem and of which the Church was a part. "Thou, Israel, art my servant." "With thee will I break in pieces the nations." Did the Church ever smash nations? Yet ministers claim the Church is Israel! "He cast out the heathen also before them." "I will subdue thine enemies." "They that strive with thee shall perish." Also, "Be ye not unequally yoked together."

Then after we won the war, along comes our politicians and yours at Versailles; and instead of taking the allwise Creator's plan for peace and world progress as their basis, without publicly, at any rate, asking guidance of God through prayer, such as George Washington and Abraham Lincoln always asked for and received, these men start in without any public recognition of the Almighty Creator, Ruler, and Upholder of this universe of His and presume to lay down laws and rules to guide God's world to peace and prosperity—and look at the results to-day! Many of the best people among all nations approve: but, gentlemen, it is foredoomed to failure. "Be ye not unequally yoked together" is as applicable to-day as the first day that it was spoken. "Say ye not, A confederacy, to all them to whom this people shall say, A confederacy; neither fear ye their fear, nor be afraid. Sanctify the Lord of hosts Himself; and let Him be your fear." (Isa. viii. 12, 13.)

The men who think that they can yoke together forty—or is it forty-five divergent outfits?—with ideals as opposite as the North Pole is from the South, and that this aggregation can work justly and bring in peace and righteousness when the workers of iniquity get among them, have got another think or two coming their way ere they see daylight and peace.

The allwise Creator, who saw the end from the beginning, laid down an entirely different plan, which, when acknowledged and accepted by the British, Americans, and their offspring, will cause a league of the Anglo-Saxon-Celt nations the world over, and they, having the same language, ideas, and ideals of justice and truth, and being God's chosen company or commonwealth of nations, will bring about what the Creator has ordained from the beginning—righteous peace. But first, Armageddon will have to be fought and won, and the U.S.A. will in that day fight side by side with their brother, Ephraim of the Isles, John Bull, and the other Anglo-Saxon nations from the uttermost parts of the earth. India, Arabia, and Japan will be with us and again we will win, as we won the last war, through Divine help. Then, and not till then, can the Armstrongs, the Vickers Co., the Krupps, the United States Steel Corporation, and all the other armament makers the world over, scrap their armament departments, because war will be over and done with for a thousand years and, in the ordinary course of events, if my reckoning is correct, Charles M. Schwab may be on hand to do his scrapping for his company. Perhaps he may take advantage of this advance information and get his plans matured and ready for the coming change. Stranger things have happened.

When the world is in the melting pot, what is it worth in dollars and cents, and even in the depreciated pounds, shillings and pence, to know what is on the cards for our future.

Well, it is all to be had in the cheapest book published in the world, our Bible, and this screed is written for the purpose of giving you a key to "God's living Word," which has become almost a dead word to the nominal Christian of to-day, because unenlightened ministers of the Gospel have switched us on to a siding with a dead end, though our ticket calls for a Pullman on the fastest train operating on the main lines of the continental through express.

We think highly of a stockbroker who can foresee the turn of the market a few days or weeks ahead, in time to let us in or out, as we happen to want. What should we think of One who over 4,000 years ago foretold that Ephraim, Israel (the English), would "do in" Turkey, or Edom, as she did in 1917 just at the end of the predicted 1,335 lunar years of the Turkish calendar (and so help end the desolation standing in the Holy Places—see Dan. xii.); Who foretold that Israel would again possess the land which extends from the river Nile to the Euphrates; Who foretold the earlier taking of the Ten Lost Tribes captive by the Assyrians; and later, the scattering and sifting of them among all the nations, yet not a grain of the seed should be lost. Ezekiel said:

Thus said the Lord God; Although I have cast them [Israel] far off among the heathen, and although I have scattered them among the countries, yet will I be to them as a little sanctuary in the countries where they shall come. (Ezek. xi. 16.)

This statement could not refer to the Kingdom of Judah or the broken-off branch of Judah, i.e., the Jews. They were not carried captive by Nebuchadnezzar, nor was Jerusalem destroyed until seven years after this prediction was made, so that it must refer to the northern kingdom of Israel, the Ten Tribes that had been carried captive by Assyria 123 years previously.

God has been "as a sanctuary" to all peoples who have gathered into the British Isles from 1600 B.C. From this gathering together in the "isles of the west" one branch was to break away (U.S.A.), because the way was too strait and they must have more freedom to practise their religion in the way they desired, and breaking away, they were to become a great people who, with Mother Britain, were to be a blessing to all nations of the earth.

"The children which thou [Israel] shalt have, after thou hast lost the other [the U.S.A. breaking away], shall say in thine ears, The place is too strait [too small] for me: give place to me that I may dwell." (Isa. xlix. 20.) And from Mother Britain then started those people who built up these wonderful young nations, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Newfoundland, South Africa, etc.

The time of treading down the Holy Places in Palestine by the Turk having ceased in 1917, the time of the Gentiles is finished; and we can tell just how far along we are and can estimate when, according to the prophets, the other trials are due, and when that awful day of God Almighty, "Armageddon," is to come wherein Israel is specifically warned: "Prepare ye for battle." As yet, our politicians and leaders and, I am sorry to say, our pastors, are blind as bats towards this most essential leadership of the prophetic teachings; confirmed by our Lord for our guidance when He was on earth.

Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles [how long?], until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. (Luke xxi. 24.)

Blindness in part is happened to Israel [for how long?], until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in. (Rom. xi. 25.)

Well, Jerusalem having ceased to be trodden down by the Turk (Gentiles), the time is now ripe for the Anglo-Saxons to cease their blindness towards this most essential question for national guidance. In other words, get on to our job! See who we are, and act according to God's plans and specifications.

Most religious teachers are strong on data for the next world, quite overlooking the fact that two-thirds of the Old Testament and much of the New deals with prophecies and instructions for Israel, to be used and fulfilled in this everyday old world of ours here and now, where God's Kingdom is, and has been during the last three thousand years. When Jesus was on earth, he said, "I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel." (Matt. xv. 24.) If the Father of all sent Christ "but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel," as our Lord told the people He did, it would seem rather important that our spiritual leaders and parsons should get a hump on and hasten to find these select, but to them, lost people, because no man, I care not how high he be in Church or State, can properly interpret the Bible unless he can locate the nation Israel (as distinct from Judah), with which two-thirds of the Bible deals; and don't forget that Israel, God's chosen Hebrew people, are mentioned in prophetic despatches some 2,543 times, so can readily be traced and found. Jesus said (Matt. v. 17): "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil."

Now, here are all those prophecies concerning the nation Israel with David's seed ruling during the "Latter Days," when Jerusalem should cease to be trodden down by the Gentiles and be captured and restored by Israel. To whom Judah was to be joined under one King and one Flag. What have our blind teachers of God's Word to say that will help us find the way laid down for both the United States and the British sections of Israel to follow in these troublous times?

Our Lord in Luke xix., when questioned by His followers whether the Kingdom of God should immediately appear, referring to His own mission on earth at that date said: "A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return. And he called his ten servants [note the number] and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy [my kingdom] until I come. But his citizens [the Jews] hated him, and sent a message after him, saying: 'We will not have this man to reign over us.'" You will see in verse 27 what becomes of these Jews who refuse to have Him reign over them.

In Isaiah, Chapter xli., verse 8, Israel is specifically branded as "my servant." "But thou, Israel, art my servant.... Thou whom I have taken from the ends of the earth, and called thee from the chief men thereof, and said unto thee, Thou art my servant; I have chosen thee."

You will note that Jesus did not hand His "kingdom" over to the churches, as the churches' number throughout both Old and New Testaments is seven. Neither did He hand it to the disciples, because they were twelve in number. But He did hand it over to the ten-tribed House of Israel, His ten servants. His chosen people, and commissioned them to occupy His kingdom, over which the enduring throne of the House of David was to rule until He should again come whose right it is as King of Kings and ruler of Israel.

When Jesus was arranging for the future, what commission did He give to His disciples? "Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not: but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel," He said. One is safe in saying that our Lord knew the Hebrew Bible inside out and God's plan for Israel down through the ages; hence He sent his chosen workmen, His disciples, to preach to those "lost sheep" first, that, having converted them, they would be His instruments for bringing God's light, law, and justice to the whole world, as was predicted in the prophecies, which He said He came to fulfil.

Ask your parson to-day: Where is Israel, God's chosen people, who were to be not the least, but the chiefest of nations on earth? And the chances are 990 to 1,000 that you'll have him up a tree. He'll likely say they are the Jews, though they are as much Jews as a Scotchman is an Englishman; an Englishman an Irishman; or as an American is an Icelander, and no more, as I will prove to you further on.

Ezekiel, after condemning the shepherds, preachers and leaders of Israel (the Anglo-Saxon nations) says:

I will require my flock at their hands, and cause them [the shepherds] to cease from feeding the flock ... For thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I, even I, will both search my sheep and seek them out..... And ye my flock, the flock of my pasture, are men, and I am your God, saith the Lord God. (Ezek. xxxiv. 10, 11, 31.)

What an indictment against the ministers of the Empire and the U.S.A. for their failure to seek God's chosen nation, Israel, His ten chosen servants, the Ten Lost Tribes, God's "lost sheep," His "flock"!—and "the flock" of His "pasture." The remnant of Judah (the Jews) has never been lost as the world well knows "because the show of their countenance doth witness against them" down through the ages, just as foretold (Isa. iii. 9). Our negligent parsons will pay the price for their neglect to search the Scriptures on this point as commanded by God; and the Almighty will take over their job of finding and making Israel known to all the world without the aid of the shepherds.

If there is any doubt that the laws, commands and prophecies for national Israel, wherever they are, are still in force, look at the last chapter in the Old Testament, Malachi iv. 4, wherein we are specifically ordered to remember "the law of Moses, my servant, which I commanded unto him at Horeb [for whom?] for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments."

Well, what is the use of the command, the last commandment in the Old Testament, if our neglectful ministers fail to locate where "all Israel" are to-day, to whom this applies?

And he [Elijah] shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse. (Mal. iv. 6.)

What does this last statement in the Old Testament mean? If we are Israel—and we are—then Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were our fathers, and we are their children, and our hearts are to be turned towards them so that we may see and believe it, lest we be smitten with a curse; for neglecting to find God's Israel. His executive nations with His enduring, ruling dynasty promised in 2 Samuel and in Psalm lxxxix., now on the throne of Great Britain.

The Destiny of the British Empire and the U.S.A

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