Читать книгу The Destiny of the British Empire and the U.S.A - William Gordon Mackendrick - Страница 8
ОглавлениеThe Children of Israel, including the tribe of Manasseh (U.S.A.), were instructed in many things by the prophet Jeremiah who, according to Jeremiah i. 10, Ferrar Fenton's version, says:
See! I have appointed you to-day over nations, and kingdoms; to pull up, and to break down, and to destroy, and to erase; as well as to build, and to plant.
Jeremiah was born 675 B.C., so he witnessed the pulling up, breaking down, and erasing of the kingdom of Judah, the murder of the king's sons, and taking prisoners of the remnant of the nation. About 581 B.C. Jeremiah started on the latter part of his divine commission of building and planting. Accompanied by the royal seed, Zedekiah's daughter, Tamar Tephi, and Baruch, his scribe, he started for Ireland. Ten different Irish histories record the fact that at this time a wonderful Hebrew prophet arrived in Ireland who caused Baal worship to cease, married his ward (Zedekiah's daughter) to the then ruling king of Ulster, who also was of the seed of David through the Zarah-Judah branch (of Judah was the Iberian colony, who landed in Ireland about 1700 B.C. from Spain, the Iberian peninsula), on condition that the king should found a school at Tara, and for five hundred years the educated men of Europe came to Ireland to absorb wisdom and learning at this school founded by Jeremiah; and to-day, in the Court of Justice in Dublin, in the position of honour, is the medallion of Jeremiah, cut in enduring stone, as a waymark of his former presence there.[1]
Read Jeremiah xxxi. 21 where Israel was instructed to set up waymarks:
Set thee up waymarks, make thee high heaps: set thine heart toward the highway, even the way which thou wentest.
You will naturally wonder whether Israel carried out these instructions, and for your information, I can advise that they did. So, Israel's wanderings can be traced, from the very place where they were taken as captives by the Assyrian king, Shalmaneser, that is, to the south-west of the Caspian Sea.
Diodorus writes: The Sacae sprung from a people in Media.
Ptolemy found the Saxons in a race of Scythians called Sakai, who came from Media.
Pliny says: The Sakai were among the most distinguished people of Scythia, who settled in Armenia and were called Sacae-Sani.
Albinus says: "The Saxons were descended from the ancient Sacae in Asia."
Prideaux finds that the Cimbrians (Kumrii) came from between the Black and Caspian seas, and with them came the Angli.
Plutarch, Tacitus, and Ptolemy show clearly that the Anglo-Saxons, the Sacae and the Scythians and the Getae were the same people.[2]
While this place became the national grave of rebellious Israel, wonderful as it may seem, it is no less the cradle of the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic race, as traced by the historian, Sharon Turner, 120 years ago, and more recently by Major B. de W. Weldon in The Evolution of Israel, and also in his later work, The Origin of the English.
The Rev. L. G. A. ROBERTS, Commander R.N.
secretary of the Imperial British-Israel Association
Map of the Peregrinations of the British Race from Palestine into Britain. Tracing ethnographically Dan, Cymry, Celt, Saxon, Briton, Picts, Iberian, Scot and Gael. These names in their several localities found on very ancient maps can be verified in the British Museum. There was a Phœnician element also with the Hebrew in all their colonization.
These people, having been separated from God on account of their sins, were not to be known or recognized as God's people until they should repent of their sins and accept Christ's message to the lost sheep of Israel; but it was foretold in Genesis xxi. 12, "in Isaac shall thy seed be called." The tribes broke up into sections, and wandered under various names, as Scythians, Goths, Getae, the largest mass or body of Getae being called "Massagatae," and under the divine impulse to push westward, they trekked north of the Black Sea into the Crimea. They started out calling themselves Saac-sons; and there are many tombstones in the Crimea bearing names and dates stating that the dead are Saac-sons and children of captivity, and giving the very period of their captivity and the commencement of the nation—when Israel came out of Egypt under Moses. There were no vowels in ancient Hebrew, so the I was not pronounced, and the Isaac-sons were called S'k-s'ns and on their tombstones it is so written, and it is now spelled Saxons. Engle in Hebrew is "bull" and the bull tribe of S'k-sons were called Engle or Anglo-Saxons, as the centuries rolled on. Everywhere these S'k-sons went, they left waymarks,[3] until they took up their abode in the isles of the sea, north and west from Palestine, the British or Covenant Isles, where the prophets foretold God would appoint a place for them, where they would be moved no more; where their enemies would not be able to afflict them, as in former times, so that they could grow strong and become "a great nation," as prophesied in Genesis xii. 2, 3:
And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: and I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
No other nation than British has the word "great" as part of their national name. Why? This could not apply to the Jews, because they have never been a blessing, but a curse, wherever they went; and they never will be a blessing until they realize that the Anglo-Saxons are Israel and that all the blessings for Jews can only come through Israel.
Israel was finally to become a company or "multitude of nations." (Gen. xlviii. 19) Great Britain certainly has become "a multitude [or commonwealth] of nations" with her Anglo-Saxon offspring, forming nations and colonies the world over, the first of her offspring being the United States of America. The Jews have not been a nation since their expulsion from Jerusalem and never will be one.
See Genesis xlix. 22 to get a line on the inheritance surely belonging to Great Britain (Great Covenant Land) and the United States:
Joseph is a fruitful bough, even a fruitful bough by a well [or water]; whose branches run over the wall.
The United States branch ran over the wall when the Pilgrim Fathers, all Englishmen, beat it for America. The Australian branch beat it for the antipodes. The Canadian branch ran over the wall from Britain and also from the U.S.A., because when the latter decided to do without the king as the head of their organization, many loyal British of English, Scotch, and Irish brands left everything they possessed in the U.S.A. and took up their abode in the wooded wilderness of Canada, rather than be disloyal to their King and Governor, who, imperfect though he proved to be, was still the instrument of God.
They (the United Empire Loyalists who left the U.S.A.) were not of the Manasseh seed who were to become a great people, so they pulled out, and have been the backbone of Canadianism ever since.
Other branches ran over the wall all over the world; and a right husky lot of branches or lion's cubs they proved themselves to be in France and Belgium, in Italy, in Gallipoli, in Mesopotamia, and in Egypt, fighting and holding the Hun while brother Jonathan was making ready his millions to send over to help win the war.
To-day, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Newfoundland, India, and the dozens of Colonies and possessions, all are ruled by the offspring of British stock; all proudly hail George V as their King and Governor, and he is as clearly descended from King David, King of Israel, as you are from your grandfather, as is proven by W. H. H. Milner's book, The Royal House of Britain an Enduring Dynasty.
Gen. xlix. 23: The archers [or warriors] have sorely grieved him, and shot at him, and hated him [Joseph]:
24: But his bow abode in strength, and the arms of his [Joseph's] hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob (from thence is the shepherd, the stone of Israel).
In Ferrar Fenton's version this last clause reads: "From Whom is Israel's guardian stone"—that "guardian stone," which rests in Westminster Abbey, and upon which the kings and queens of Ireland, Scotland and England of the seed of David have been crowned since the prophet Jeremiah took it to Ireland about 597 B.C.
Ferrar Fenton, in his splendid translation of the Bible into modern English, says (Jer. xxxi. 21):
Set up your Beacons—your Landmarks set up!
Fix your hearts on the mounds by the way that you marched.
Return, Israel's daughter, return to your City.
"The tribe of Dan, whose homeland was Jordan (Jor-dan) and who stayed in their ships, were bold and enterprising. Their first camping ground they named Mahaneh-Dan, and along their lines of travel we find the names they left behind them in the Dan-ube, the Dan-iester, the Dan-au, the Dan-an, the Dan-inn, Dan-tzig, Dan-etz, the Dan-aster, the Dan-dari, the Dan-ez, the Don, the Dacia, the Sea of Moses and the Country of Moses or Morcia, the Dan-ric Alps, the Danish archipelago, etc. In Ptolemy's map of Ireland we find Dans-lough, Dan-Sower, Dan Sobairse, Dan's resting-place and Dan's habitation and Dan-gan Castle (the birthplace of the Duke of Wellington), and last but not least London!
"Early inhabitants of Ireland were called Danonians, and it is well known that among the ancient kings of Ireland there were several Davids, three Solomons and a Daniel and Jeremiah in every house down to Daniel O'Connell and beyant."[4]
When Joseph, our first food controller, was keeping the Egyptians from starving during the seven lean years, 1700 B.C. to 1693 B.C. (as the U.S.A. through its servant and food controller, Herbert Hoover, helped the Belgians), his two sons—Manasseh, born 1712 B.C., and Ephraim, born 1711 B.C.—were doubtless playing around the public square and Temple of On in that large Egyptian city of Memphis, a few miles from where Cairo now stands, and in full view of that greatest wonder of the world, the Great Pyramid of Gizeh, built about 2170 B.C. In that public square, in front of the temple in Memphis, stood two obelisks—and there are no other two in the world just like them. Where are those obelisks to-day? Does it seem strange that one of these obelisks, several thousand years later, should find its way from Egypt to the States and should be set up in the largest city? This Egyptian obelisk, popularly called Cleopatra's Needle, is of rose-red Syene granite and was actually presented to the City of New York by Ismael, Khedive of Egypt, in 1877. I wonder why of all the nations on this round earth he happened to select the American nation—what is your guess?
It was brought to New York in 1880 at the expense of $100,000 by Mr. W. H. Vanderbilt, and was erected in Central Park in 1881, where it stands to-day, proudly rearing its pointed apex skyward as a waymark to the American people of the place of origin of their forefather Manasseh, and the starting place of their world-wide wanderings since they left Egypt under Moses.
The children of Israel marched out of Egypt under Moses about 1492 B.C., and, if the U.S.A. section of Israel is representatively to "return to your city," it is rather important that you know the city that your progenitor comes from, is it not? Well, your largest city has your waymark waiting since 1881 for Americans, both Jew and Israelite, to realize their identity; and waiting for them to take their full part in the world inheritance given to their forefathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Joseph and Manasseh. See Genesis xlviii. 4: "Behold, I will ... give this land to thy seed after thee for an everlasting possession," and it has been in the possession of Abraham's seed ever since, as the Turk is descended from Esau, Jacob's brother.
The souls of most men and women, who have given them a reasonable chance for expression and growth, by following the wee, small voice of Conscience or Spirit, as it moves us, know more than the same men and women can adequately voice or explain to outsiders. Likewise, the American Soul knows more than its politicians, who have been led by a way they know not, to do the things God has laid out for the American section of Israel to bring about.
You will remember, that the Holy Land, from the River Nile to the Euphrates in Mesopotamia, was promised to Israel for an inheritance.
In this area lies the Suez Canal, built for the Khedive by that far-seeing, enterprising French engineer, de Lesseps, with French men, money and brains. But it was not for France to hold. You may remember that that far-seeing son of Judah, Benjamin D'Israeli (or Benjamin of Israel), then Prime Minister of Great Britain, when the Khedive was hard up, bought a controlling interest in the canal for the Covenant Land (Brith-ain), for about £4,000,000, which had originally cost about £30,000,000; and so it passed into British ownership and control forever.
The Panama Canal, started by the same engineer, with French men, money, and machinery failed. But Israel was promised the waste places of the earth and the control of the sea, and the rivers afar, and the gates. So, after millions had been spent on it, the machinery rotted until the Manasseh tribe of Israel took it over; and then the gigantic task went digging to completion. So the two brother nations have not only a Cleopatra's Needle apiece to mark their origin—here I am ahead of my story—but they each own a canal started by another nation's cash. These canals connecting the seas are ours, because Joseph Israel was given command of the sea and their right hand was to be in the rivers afar—and it is and will so continue. "God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform!"
The Promised Land will be the most fertile land in the world. When irrigated, it will grow four crops per year, and strange to say, this section of land, I am told, has never been sold or deeded to anyone since it was promised to Israel, who, not obeying God's laws, were as a consequence scattered among the Gentiles. You can buy land in England, Canada, United States, anywhere and get title to it. Years ago several colonization schemes were proposed for Palestine, but the Sultans of Turkey, when it came to a showdown, would never sell this land or give a deed; it was to be held for Judah and Israel—God's chosen people—to return to. If you wish to locate your section of it, read the last half-dozen chapters of Ezekiel, where the survey is laid down in thirteen longitudinal strips, almost like an American flag—and don't overlook Chapter xlvii., verse 13, where it says, "Joseph shall have two portions"; one for Manasseh, the representative of the great people (U.S.A.), and the other for Ephraim, the nation and company of nations (the British Empire). The brotherhood of Britain and the United States is ordained down through the ages, despite the machinations of the Land Leaguers, Bolsheviks, Clan Na Gael, Sinn Fein, Pro-German and other more secret and insiduous foes, who have been working nights and Sundays to ditch old Britain, that Mother of Free Parliaments and breeder of free peoples.
The year 1882 was foretold in the Bible as a wonderful year for Israel, also by Piazzi Smyth, F.R.S.E., F.R.A.S., Astronomer Royal for Scotland, in his work, Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid of Egypt, published in 1865, the third edition in 1877, a copy of which lies before me. The same was also foretold by H. Grattan Guinness, D.D., in 1878, in his illuminating work, The Approaching End of the Age (a book that ran through thirteen editions), and by many other authors. As Manasseh (the U.S.A.) and that other tribe, Ephraim (England), both sons of Joseph, came from Egypt, they will naturally be interested in Egypt's future developments.
Jeremiah xxxiii. 14 says: "Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will perform that good thing which I have promised unto the house of Israel and to the house of Judah." What good thing? That He will restore Israel again, one of a city and two of a family, united in the land that He gave them. But first we have to get that land, haven't we? How are we to get possession of it?
In 1882 Great Britain and France sent their fleets to Alexandria, Egypt, by agreement to bombard and take possession of it. Arrangements were made by both admirals to bombard together; but you will remember that the French admiral, without authority, beat it home to Toulon with his whole fleet, without firing a shot. Why, I wonder? Was it not because that land was for Israel and it was not on the cards that France should have any hand in it, or be mixed up with or have any legitimate claim upon that particular bit of land? According to the Bible, Joseph was to win back Palestine from Turkey; and she did in 1917, just in the year Daniel predicted, the 1335th lunar year dating from the Hegira. See Daniel xii. 12: "Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days"—all prophetic days being as years in the Bible as in Ezekiel iv. 5.
Whom do you suppose landed with the British and helped Brother John to restore law and order in Alexandria after it was bombarded? Well, it was Brother Jonathan who was on the job despite his rulers' many decisions, before and since, not to mix up in European matters. His fleet landed their marines with the British. The British Army and Navy Gazette of February 24th, 1883, says in part, "Admiral Nicholson, U.S.N., rendered this country [England] most valuable service at a critical moment in landing marines at Alexandria after the bombardment to assist Lord Alcester in restoring law and order."
The American vessels of war that were at Alexandria at the time were the following:
Lancaster—First-class Sloop of War—Capt. Bancroft Gherardi.
Galena—Ironclad S.S., Third-rate—Commander O. A. Batcheller.
Nipsic—Gunboat, fourth-class—Commander H. B. Seeley.
Quinnebaug—Gunboat, fourth-class—Commander William Whitehead.
The squadron was in command of Rear-Admiral J. W. A. Nicholson, U.S.A., not a very formidable looking lot, but Providence had them on the spot just when they were surely wanted, as the French admiral got a brain-wave to beat it home, and was cashiered, I am told, for not carrying out his Government's instructions to bombard and take possession with the British. Still, there are people who cannot see God ruling through His chosen instrument Israel, the Anglo-Saxon-Celts!
Well, Gladstone didn't want Egypt, and he said from the floor of the House, "We are only in Egypt to settle this matter and then we shall leave." Man proposes, even a big man, but God disposes; and Gladstone had to break his word, as we didn't get out of Egypt, despite Gladstone's many promises and Lord Salisbury's after him, nor have we gone since, as Providence so far has overruled every attempt to scuttle from Egypt.
Lord Dufferin, one of the most able Governor-Generals Canada has ever had (1872-78), made a speech about that time to the Empire Club in which he said:
I believe the time is too late for England to seek to disinherit herself from that noble destiny which I firmly believe she has been entrusted of Providence. The same hidden hand which planted the tree of Constitutional Liberty within her borders, and which has called upon her to become the Mother of Parliaments, has sent forth her children to possess the waste places of the earth. That her design has been to turn such to a Paradise of plenty, those present can best testify. I believe that great as have been the changes of our day, our children are destined to see still more glorious accomplishments.
Lord Dufferin in the above only said—and almost in Biblical words—what the prophets had foretold three thousand years ago as Israel's future; and she and the United States are fulfilling it every day of the 365 in the year.
Providence was again on the job when Admiral George Dewey took Manila from Spain and the German admiral threatened him. I suppose you remember that, just as Brother Jonathan had happened in Alexandria Harbour when wanted in 1832, John Bull happened with a fleet in Manila Bay at a most opportune time, and the British fleet steamed between the anchored German fleet and the American. The Hun admiral had tried to bluff Admiral Dewey; Brother John heard of it, and, to show Germany that blood was thicker than water, altered his ships so that the first shell fired towards the American fleet would be at the British fleet. 'Twas a real brotherly action and one that was thoroughly appreciated by Admiral Dewey and his officers and by the American nation.
Admiral George Dewey at Manila and Admiral Nicholson, U.S.N., at Alexandria, in 1882, may not have known it, but the Creator of this world gave Israel (both the U.S.A. and British sections) "the gate" of their enemies. (Gen. xxii. 17.) Now there is, and always has been, only one element that is "the gate" to all Israel's enemies, and that is the sea; and by God's grace we have it. In Psalm lxxxix. 25, we read:
"I will set his hand also in the sea, and his right hand in the rivers."
Ferrar Fenton's version has verses 24-26 as follows:
"His assailants I cut from his face,
And all who hate him will defeat.
With him are My Mercy and Truth,
And I lift up his horn by My Power.
So I placed his left hand on the Sea,
And his right to the Rivers afar!"
Well, both sections of Israel have had their assailants cut off; and Britain and the U.S. have always defeated those who hate them and, thank God, always will, as the House of David is the throne of Jehovah on earth which He has sworn He will protect until Christ comes again to Jerusalem, this time to reign over the whole House of Israel, and the whole world as King of Israel.
The Brith-annia or Covenant of the deep, or rule of the sea—for this is its Hebrew meaning—belongs as much to one of Joseph's sons as to the other is a God-given charter for the United States navy as it is for the British. Under Britain the whole world was free to use the sea until Germany started to smash civilization. Not knowing the Creator's plan, President Wilson left your shores with his grip packed with demands and arguments—for what? "The freedom of the seas," this old cry of the German, the Hun and the Turk, as if the world had not had every freedom of the sea until Germany started to smash civilization and we used our God-given rule of it against her. This demand, and that of "no indemnities, no annexation," wrought harm for our friend France. "Germany must not be asked to indemnify her wilful destructions," but France, who bled at every pore, saving the American hide as well as her own, must indemnify the U.S. for the shot and shell she used in saving them! Will the U.S. indemnify France for the million and a half lives lost using the shells that saved the world, not France alone, from destruction?
"The American soul is unsettled!" said Harvey O'Higgins. Thank God it is! or 'twere almost useless to have souls. The British admiral's action at Manila Bay was heartily commended by Americans of both political parties with the exception of the Clan-na-Gael (or was it the Land Leaguers of that time?), our and your inveterate enemies—enemies in Canaan and enemies still. They have run true to form ever since Israel took the Promised Land.
However, 'tis not to worry or be downhearted, because the mills of God are as surely grinding out His judgments for the "behind hedgers" and other murderers in Erin, as when the South placed yokes on the sons and daughters of Ham and expected to get away with it. "By their fruits ye shall know them" is still the divine command: and "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." The crops sown for years past will within a few years be garnered and many people, churchmen and politicians, will be surprised at the overdue portion coming to their sections. The Irish of all classes and creeds will then get their due, justice with ordered liberty and real peace with real Home Rule. Ireland was set apart by Jehovah for Israel (not for the Canaanites, Phœnicians, Fenians or Sinn Feiners), over 1600 years B.C. and has been occupied by Israel ever since—and who are the Sinn Feiners who can claim right and title to what God gave to His covenant people or who can change the Creator's design? They have had many tries for it, but they have always failed and always will. Goodwill and justice can secure what force never can in Brith-ain, even in the Irish section of it. The supremacy of the law, God's law, must come first. Ulster will show them how—to all men of good will.
In Chapter xli. the prophet, speaking to the Brith Colony of Israel, says, "Keep silence before me, O islands" [What islands? Look up any map and see any islands that it could possibly apply to save the British Isles]; "and let the people renew their strength." (ver. 1.) "Thou, Israel, art my servant Jacob, whom I have chosen, the seed of Abraham my friend." (ver. 8.) "I will make thee a new sharp threshing instrument having teeth" (ver. 15) and so on; all through the balance of Isaiah the inspired prophet describes in varying stages, Israel as she has been, is now, or is to be, and Mother Brith-ain fits it clause after clause, and no other nation has or ever will fulfil those prophecies.
"The isles shall wait for his law." "My servant, Israel." Who are the people of the "isles"? There are not many isles to pick from, nor many peoples who wait for "His law." If the British in India, in Egypt, in China, in every heathen nation are not God's servants, what nation is or ever has been? Gentlemen, the Brith-ish (Covenant men—Brith meaning covenant and ish meaning men) are God's "servants," they wait for His law and they are in the islands where God said His servant would be to move no more; they fill every single specification—and Americans are as much Covenant men as are their brothers of the British Isles who did not migrate to America with George Washington's forebears.
As that grand old fighting British admiral, Lord Fisher, who foresaw 1914—and built Britain's 1914 war fleet in anticipation of it, says in his Memories, page 223, "Jerusalem, the Capital of 'The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel,' whom we are without doubt, for how otherwise could ever we have so prospered when we have had such idiots to guide us and rule us as those who gave up Heligoland, Tangier, Curacoa, Corfu, Delagoa Bay, Java, Sumatra, Minorca, etc.? I have been at all the places named, so am able to state from the personal knowledge that only congenital idiots could have been guilty of such inconceivable folly as to surrender them, and again I say, Let Us Thank God That We Are the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel!" John Bull muddles and muddles, but he always muddles through, and goodness knows that any other nation with a like capacity for muddling would have been on the scrap heap ages ago, but for the divine overruling of the Almighty.
Admiral Lord Fisher was a staunch Bible student as are so many leading sailors and soldiers. Just before his death, when about to be operated upon, he asked his closest friend to be with him, and if he saw that he was passing out, to whisper in his ear as he was crossing the bar, the following verse, "O Lord, in Thee have I trusted, let me never be confounded." He confounded many enemies of Britain and spent his days and nights working with might and main to protect God's Kingdom and its enduring throne, upon which sits the seed of David.
I was pleased, indeed, when the pastor of the church I attended in Canada held a memorial service in honour of this great servant in Israel.
What does British history say about "The isles shall wait for his law"? Well, Alfred the Great placed Israel's divine laws given to Moses, the Ten Commandments and much of Deuteronomy, at the head of the laws of Britain in his time; and the laws of Britain, the United States and all the other Anglo-Saxon nations are based upon them, every man being equal before the law—justice to all, rich and poor alike. Is it not strange that we Anglo-Saxons should adopt Hebrew laws for our own if we are not their descendants, national Israel?
The Creator of this world called Israel to be His servant, and God surely has been with Britain and her offspring in all times of trouble; and the Anglo-Saxon-Celts have been a light to the Gentiles, doing His missionary work among the heathen to the ends of the earth, by means of foreign missionary societies and the churches for centuries, and added to recently by that grand Army with its Salvation banner floating among the heathen of all nations.
If Britain and her offspring are filling every item of the thousands of promises God made to and for Israel in the Bible, then, gentlemen, I submit that we Anglo-Saxon-Celts must be Israel. These historical facts cannot be dodged, ducked or ignorantly set aside by business men in the troublous times we are yet to go through. "Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free."
When Anglo-Saxon business men understand the plan laid down for them by the Creator in the Bible (and I defy anyone to read intelligently one-half the Bible unless they can locate the Hebrew nation of Israel, as well as Judah), then will the American and British peoples, and the Jews, the world round, have a compass and a chart by which they can direct their national and business sailings with absolute knowledge that they are working according to the divine plan; and then "God will prosper their undertakings" as the motto on America's Great Seal—Annuit Coeptis—proclaims.
It is interesting to remember that the Creator's chosen people were Hebrews, and their writings were mostly in Hebrew. In the early days they divided peoples into two categories:
Hebrews, or God's people.
Heathen, all who were not Hebrews.[5]
It is also interesting to find the early inhabitants of the British Isles in Ireland, in Wales and in Scotland using the Hebrew language, and 40 per cent. of the English language is based upon the Hebrew. Furthermore, we have used Hebrew weights and measures for 3,000 years, and they check with those found in the Pyramid built about 2170 B.C.—though our yard-stick is the one-thousandth part shorter, perhaps due to wear and tear through the ages!
William Tyndale, who translated the New Testament, says, "The Greek agreed more with the Englyshe than with the Latyne and the properties of the Hebrew tongue agreeth a thousand times more with the Englyshe than with the Latyne."
"My lore has been declared in Hebrew—in the Hebraic Tongue," asserted Taliesin, the king or prince of Druid bards.
Dozens of other authorities could be quoted, but Tyndale settles the matter as far as my judgment is concerned.
The Hebrew word Goyim means nations, though we have been so long taught by those who should know, and do not (see Matt. xv. 14), that it means "Gentiles," that most people accept it without question.
The Archbishop of Canterbury, I am told, in his sermon at the National Prayer Meeting for help during the war stated that Britain was a Gentile nation and he laid stress upon this false rendering.
It would upset the false teachings of many Episcopal Churchmen (with the accent on the men) of Britain if that section of the Church Universal were to see that, though Israel was to be scattered among the "nations," the Gentiles or heathen, it was to be but a temporary dispersion. For the prophets who predicted this scattering, said also that Israel would be "sifted" among the nations, "like as corn is sifted," and that not a "grain" would be lost and "He that scattered Israel would gather them." They were to gather in a place appointed unto them—in the Isles north and west from Palestine where they would move no more, they would be strengthened and would become a nation, a great nation ("and thy name shall be great") and a "company" or "multitude of nations," from which one section was to break away and become a "great people," and they were to be God's people and eventually a nation of priests to God.
I would like to have the Archbishop of Canterbury's rendering of Genesis xvii. 4, which reads, "As for me, behold, my covenant is with thee [Abraham], and thou shalt be a father of many nations [Goyim]." Surely God did not tell Abraham that he was to be a father of many heathen unbelievers or Gentiles, but that He intended him to be the father of many nations who were, as promised to Israel, to inherit the earth—as the Gentiles never will. This time is about ended.
I may be wrong, but it has always seemed to me that it is as necessary to use common sense in dealing with the Bible as it is in the army, which was rarely overloaded with that commodity, so necessary in business.
The Church was to be in Israel, but it could not be Israel, because she in no sense fills the specifications laid down in hundreds of cases in the Bible that describe national, literal Israel, God's Hebrew people, His ten servants, His battle-axe and weapons of war. My Nation Israel.
What is known as horse-sense, with or without overmuch learning, is a great asset to most people, though the German "high lights" showed little of it when they signed that appeal to the world at the beginning of the war; and some of our Oxford variety exhibited a like amount after the war when they hankered to resume old relations before German professors or Germany had shown one single sign of repentance: "There are none so blind as those who will not see"—university professors included!
[1] | See The Jewish Question and Israel, by Merton Smith. |
[2] | God's Covenant Man, by E. Odlum, M.A., B.Sc., etc. |
[3] | See Major B. de W. Weldon's The Evolution of Israel, the Story of the English Race from 721 B.C. to the Present Day. |
[4] | Fifty Reasons Why the Anglo-Saxons are Israelites, by W. H. Poole. |
[5] | See The Kingdom of God, by C. W. Eakeley. |