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List of Authors and Works Consulted and Quoted


Table of Contents

Acworth, W. M. The Railways of England
Adams, C. F., Jr. Railroads, Their Origin and Problems
Adams, H. C. Public Debts
Adams, Henry History of the United States
Atkinson, Edward The Distribution of Products
Bagehot, Walter The English Constitution
Baker, C. W. Monopolies and the People
Beach, Charles F., Jr. On Private Corporations
Blackstone, W. Commentaries on Laws of England
Boisted, C. A. The Interference Theory of Government
Bolles, Albert S. Bankers' Magazine
Bonham, John M. Railway Secrecy and Trusts
Bryce, James The American Commonwealth
Buckle, H. T. History of Civilization of England
Carey, H. C. Principles of Social Science
Carey, H. C. Unity of Law
Cary, M. View of System of Pennsylvania Internal Improvements.
Cloud, D. C. Monopolies and the People
Clews, Henry Twenty-eight Years in Wall Street
Cooley, Thomas M. Constitutional Limitations
Congressional Record.
Compilation of English Laws upon Railways.
Dabney, W. D. The Public Regulation of Railways
Dillon, Sidney North American Review
Dorn, Alexander Aufgaben der Eisenbahnpolitik
Draper, J. W. Intellectual Development of Europe
Encyclopedia, American.
Encyclopedia Britannica.
Encyclopädie (Röll's) des Eisenbahnwesens, 1892.
Findlay, George Working and Management of English Railways
Fink, Albert Cost of Railroad Transportation, etc.
Fisher, G. P. Outlines of Universal History
Fisk, John American Political Ideas
Fish, John Critical Period of American History
Foreign Commerce of American Republics and Colonies.
Graham, Wm. Socialism Old and New
Gibbon, Edward Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Green, John K. History of English People
Gilpin, Wm. The Cosmopolitan Railway
Grinnell, J. B. Men and Events of Forty Years.
Gunton, George Wealath and Progress
Guizot, M. History of Civilization
Habour, Theodor Geschichte des Eisenbahnwesens
Hadley, A. T. Railway Transportation
Hall's Life of Prince Bismarck.
Hudson, J. T. The Railways and the Republic
Jeans, J. S. Railway Problems
Jervis, John B. Railway Property
Jevons, W. S. Methods of Social Reform
Kent, James Commentaries on American Law
Kirkman, M. M. Railway Rates and Government Control and other works
Leckey, W. E. H. England in Eighteenth Century
Lieber, Francis Political Ethics
Lieber, Francis Civil Liberty and Self-Government
Lieber, Francis Miscellaneous Essays
Lodge, H. C. Life of General Washington
Martineau, Harriet History of England
McMaster, J. B. History of People of United States
Macaulay, T. B. History of England
Motley, J. L. The Dutch Republic
Motley, J. L. The United Netherlands
Paine, Charles The Elements of Railroading
Patten, J. H. Natural Resources of the United States
Peffer, W. A. The Farmer's Side
Poor's Railway Manual
Porter, Horace North American Review
Rawlinson, George Seven Great Monarchies
Redfield On Law of Railways
Records of Central Iowa Traffic Association, 1886–1887.
Records of Association of General Freight Agents of the West.
Records of Joint Western Classification Committees.
Reports of State Boards of Commissioners.
Report of Hepburn Committee.
Reports of United States Census.
Report of Windom Committee.
Report of Bankers' Association, 1892.
Report of Cullom Committee.
Roemer, Jean Origin of English People, etc.
Reubeaux, F. Der Weltverkehr und seine Mittel
Richardson, D. N. A Girdle Round the Earth
Rogers, James E. Thorold Economic Interpretation of History
Roscher, Wm. Political Economy
Schreiber Die Preussischen Eisenbahnen
Schurz, Carl Life of Henry Clay
Smith, Adam Wealth of Nations
Spelling, T. Carl On Private Corporations
Spencer, Herbert Synthetic Philosophy
Stern, Simon Constitutional History and Political Development of the United States
Stickney, A. B. The Railroad Problem
Statistiques des Chemins de Fer de l'Europe, 1882.
Taylor, Hannis Origin and Growth of the English Constitution
The American Railway. Published by Charles Scribner's Sons.
Verschoyle, Rev. J. History of Ancient Civilization
Von Weber, M. M. Privat-, Staats- und Reichs-Bahnen
Von Weber, M. M. Nationalität und Eisenbahn Politik
Von der Legen, Alfred Die Nordamerikanischen Eisenbahnen
Walker, Aldace F. The Forum
Weeden, W. B. Economic and Social History of New England

The Railroad Question

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