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1.The Lizzie Borden Sourcebook, David Kent and Robert Flynn, Branden Publishing Co., 1992

2.Lizzie Borden, Did She: Or Didn't She? Historical Briefs Inc., 1992. (This is a compilation of articles that appeared in the New Bedford Evening Standard between August 1892 and June 1893, dealing with the Borden case)

3.Fall River Globe, August 5, 1892

4.Goodbye, Lizzie Borden, Robert Sullivan, The Stephen Greene Press, 1974

5.Forty Whacks, David Kent, Yankee Press, 1992

6.Drawn by the author from a map supplied by Michael Martins, curator, Fall River Historical Society Museum

7.Boston Globe, August 31, 1892

8.Lizzie Borden Quarterly, Maynard Bertolet, Editor

9.Emery scrapbook

10.Lizzie Borden, Arnold Brown, Rutledge Hill Press, 1991

11.Lizzie Borden, the Untold Story, Edward Radin, Simon and Schuster, 1961

12.Fall River Historical Society, (Many of the photographs in references 1, 4, 5 and 8 came originally from this source.)

13.Lizzie Borden, Joyce Williams et al, 1980

14.Forensic Medicine, I Gordon and H. A. Shapiro, 1975

15.Horowitz, Clin. Soc. 67 216 (1984)

16.Los Angeles Times, June 15, 1995

17.Fall River News, June 15, 1893

Lizzie Didn't Do It!

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