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26. THANKSGIVING-DAY, 1859. (notes)

Thanks be to God on this Thanksgiving-Day

For all his wondrous goodness to our Land;

To mine, and me. Ah, who can understand

The myst'ries of his love? To Him I pray,

With millions whom his truth and spirit sway,

That all our people may discern his hand

In their rich blessings and in one great band

Serve Him, whom all the hosts of heav'n obey.—

Yet what is now our pride is but our shame—

"Our Country's Freedom!" 'Tis not known by all,

Though loud we cry, 'tis man's most rightful claim.

Methinks I hear in thunder tones heav'n's call—

"Ye glorying States, that boast of Liberty,

Look on four million Slaves and make them FREE!"

A Book of Christian Sonnets

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